Tuesday, February 16, 2021


A busy day for us all.  Dad went shopping and I cleaned up.  Rick talked to a person about his new job.  /they had a long discussion and he appeared to be happy after.  He then cooked a big supper of chicken stir-fry for us.  It was very tasty.  He went to bed early and so did we.

On Heart Beat some one turned all the road signs around and every one was getting lost.

We look for signs to help us find our way.  I have this big urge to unclutter everything.  For me a simple life is best.  It helps me to feel more spiritually grounded.  Prayer helps me to cope and find the strength of mind to take a day at a time, moment by moment.

To-morrow I am getting my hair cut which is good.


Sandra said...

I hope you keep the same basic cut and do not get it layered. It looks very nice and healthy lately.

Was someone at the door to go through everything dad bought, not the best person to send to the store.

Got a couple of walks in yesterday at work, a short one by myself and then a second longer one in the afternoon.

Are you still wanting to move the TV into the living room?


Ken Bennett said...

We have finished our 5-day lockdown. It was a success, no new cases.i have to take Rocky to the vet to see if his ear has healed. Matthew home sick today. little sniffle, but we are afraid the school will send him home if he is slightly unwell.
Hot for another two days then temps down to low 20'S.