Thursday, February 25, 2021


I am trying to adjust to getting older.
My walk is shorter and slower.
I miss some of the old friends
do they miss me?

I have to find new confidence in the way I handle my day.

Today we went shopping at Shoppers.  We usually get the same old things.  We had frozen fish cakes for supper and they were quite good.

I was sure the Canucks were going to win.  I thought they were playing pretty good.

It was cold and windy but we did not get any snow.  I use to love walking in the snow, now I am afraid of alippimg.



Ken Bennett said...

Yes, I agree the Canucks played well at the start but they just couldn't finish the job. Looks like that's all the snow you're gonna get this winter which is good. Jasmine made dinner again pasta with baby tomatoes and feta cheese it's good

Sandra said...

That is funny, I am trying to adjust to getting older too! I am often passed when out walking, but I am walking and figure that is all that matters.

Our snow is all gone and hopefully that is the last of it for this winter.

We went out to the Boathouse for supper tonight, it was nice to get out of the house.


Shandel said...

We are afraid of falling too. We see runners out in the winter and often wonder how do they not slip?! A coworker slipped going through the parking lot this week in am and she broke her ankle. It was nasty, she went for emergency surgery and has pins and plates in it. We got more snow over night and all day today. Sigh....spring is one day closer.