Monday, February 15, 2021


I was reminded again today of how thoughtful everyone is in our family.
Carol came and picked up Rick and took him to get his hair cut.
He is looking much better.
It was worth getting tired.

I have made many new and caring friends when I am walking Spenser.  He likes them too.  Today one of them gave me books to read and a new jacket.  It was an old jacket she thought would be warmer for me.  /she had gotten a new one and was wanting to give this to some one.  

Yes my old jacket was looking very sad and now I have three jackets.  Sandra very thoughtfully picked out for me.  Sad my old one is not even good enough to donate.  It was well worn.

Panteli picked up several cookies from the Wood N Frog for me that I like.  Thank you for being thoughtful too.

Dad picked up hamburgers from Brown's for our supper tonight. Both he and Rick enjoyed them and I had my cowboy salad.  Very thoughtful!

I never know when my day begin how many kind and thoughtful words I will hear or read or kindness I will receive.  

Thoughtful words and deeds mean a lot to me.
I have so much to be thankful for/1



Sandra said...

You never said when you had your roast how it was? It smelt very good.

Randy put the crock pot on yesterday, I worked the full day even though it was a holiday.

Took a bit of a break to watch Simone and Sebastien at the outdoor rink.

Our new mom cat is an ankle biter. I found out that she came from a hoarder situation so she is probably used to being around lots of animals and maybe people all day. She is young and bored and our ankles are taking the brunt of it.

We will have to plan a dinner for dads birthday, maybe for Sunday? See if Carol has appointments scheduled.


beth bennett said...

You get the strangest cats.

The roast was a little overdone,
mainly because I was keeping it warm.

Dad enjoyed it.

Over to see what is happening at the hair dressers.

Love mom

Love mom