Thursday, November 29, 2012


A cold rainy   early morning.
               I could stop and have a coffee or warm myself at McDonald's outdoor fire place.
                                        Sometimes I see the street people there, very sad to see.
                                                 Dad will make me coffee when I get home.

We enjoyed spending our morning in White Rock.  The news at the doctors was good.  The breakfast at the White Spot was tasty as usual.  Walked through the mall and ended up at Zeller's.  I was looking forward to wearing my nice new warm pj's.

It is tempting to buy presents but we soon tire out, and after a quick stop at Choices we head home.
Time for a nap before going to the nursing home and visiting the residents there.  Yes, I took a milkshake.  If I am trying to do unto others as I would like done to me I will probably enjoy a milkshake too if I am ever in that position.  It is an effort to go, and I am tired out when I get home, but am always glad that I have gone.

Yes : "Christianity After Religion"  is a good book and the author Diana Bass is one of the new popular writers.  She joins Spong and Phyllis Tickle and Ron Bell.  At least they speak high.y of one another.  I hope to read their latest books too.

I think of when we were first married.  Before you are married every date was exciting and fun, although the odd disagreement would crop up.  Then you get married and the car breaks down so dad has to take the bus to work with his shoes full of holes and packed with cardboard.  His job is very stressful and he is worried about me at home told to rest.  No money, no friends, no T.V. on top of no car;  just day after day of rain and fog.  Until I received the good new all was going to be fine.

One day the rain stopped and I could actually see the mountains.
One day we got a car and could drive down to the ocean and discover the Sylvia!
One day dad checked out and became an air-traffic controller!

Busy weekend at the church.  Craft fair on Saturday.  We have a potluck dinner with our group Sat. night and a pancake breakfast on Sunday morning.  Today it is the library and maybe a quick visit to see Robbie.  Dad can visit Chuch he shouldn't take any germs in to see her although he is getting better. 


Early morning.
We had a good discussion at our Bible study yesterday.
Dad has made a quick recovery from his cold and went for a big walk in the rainy woods.
This morning I will go with dad, just in case he needs me to drive after his appointment. lol
Since it is real early we will probably go out for breakfast.
The Bible is a story about human nature and a people searching for God. The creeds which a lot of people do not like have come out of scripture. No one wants to be told what to believe but we can all learn from our own past and the experiences of others. The reality is that we all trust in something and it is good if we have people to look up to. These words (that make up our Christian creed)are not just words about God; these words can teach us that life is about hope and change and deliverance as we all search for human happiness and healing.

"Rowan Williams compares our Christian creed to the three jewels of Buddhism".
I take refuge in the Buddha
I take refuge in the Dharma (teachings)
I take refuge in Sangha (community

The Christian creed reminds us that as believers,
we take refuge in God, the Creator.
we take refuge in the teachings of Jesus (forgiveness, love, mercy and justice and healing.)
we take refuge in community.
-Diana Butler Bass in  "Christianity After Religion".

We come together as  a community of faith to learn to trust that there is wisdom and knowledge that we can gain as we too search for light and truth.  The heart of faith is to answer to  an invitation that invites us deeper into spiritual reality that we can trust.   A vow. A prayer. A living experience.

Seeing the world through the eyes of an ancient people has the power to stir up emotions of thankfulness and devotion to a loving God.

Relationships can be difficult but,   if we trust the other person to want what is best for us,  then it is easier.  We can learn even from the most difficult relationships especially if we try to see it from their point of view.  This then enables us to give advice that we hope is helpful.

Moses took advice from his father-in-law and became a wiser and stronger leader of the people.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


                       "I carried you on eagle's wings and brought you to myself." -  Exodus:19:4

God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches you by means of opposites; so that you will have two wings to fly-not one.   -Rumi

One wing materialism and the other spiritualism.

One wing doubt and one wing faith,

One wing sadness and the other joy!

One peace and the other chaos.

One wing wisdom and the other ignorance.

In life we need to find a balance to help us make it work. not always easy and some things take time.

Monday we went to look at mattresses again and also memory foam. We very funny lying on a bed in the store but I guess you need to try them out. I know Rick has a good bed so I guess I should ask him.  We are very undecided.  Two stores and we are tired out.  Time to have a bite to eat and visit Chapters on the way home.

I enjoyed my walk, Tuesday,  especially the sea gulls flying above me looking like they were having great fun.  Their wings are in perfect balance and they have learned how to use them. The crows make a noise at me as I walk by. 

I got home to find dad sneezing and sneezing and then feeling chilled.  Colds make you feel so miserable. He says he does not have a cold even though he has had two 2 hour naps .  He is a good patient, he rests and takes his medicine; not like some others I could mention.   He can rest until Thurs. when he goes to the skin cancer doctor to have a small growth cut out.
Usually a quick and simple process. Easy for me to say
 I am off to Jetlag Bible study at the church today.  First my walk I hope it does not start raining early but the rain  is predicted to come.

Believe that miracles can happen
Believe there really are angels
Believe that their presence at the birth of Jesus Christ filled the heavens with music.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

ONCE UPON A TIME. . . . . .

We are all feeling a huge sadness for Nancy-Lou and her family at the death of her daughter-in-law, Melodie.We send our love and prayers to all the family.

We all have stories to tell and no one knows the future so we try to do our best to live each day with love in our hearts. 

The neighborhood is coming alive with lights and decorations. It helps to brighten up the darkness and dreariness of this time of year. Children love to hear the same old stories about the red nose reindeer and Frosty and the Grinch that stole Christmas. I was in Chapters looking for a book about the baby Jesus and they are very hard to find. While I was in the children's section this little girl was finding all sorts of things she would like and kept running to tell her mom. I was thinking Sandra should have been there.

Stories have always been important from the beginning of time when cavemen drew pictures on the wall. Meaningful religious experiences were shared through story and discernment was used to see which ones would nurture the tribe and be retold and retold. In the 17th century Jonathan Edwards, a philosopher and pastor tried to discern true religious affection from delusion. He condemned both intellectualism and emotionalism but remaining firm in his belief that human emotions are very much a part of our stories.

 Edwards insisted that true religious experience emanated from a divine source that opened up the heart to see the goodness in others and the beauty and love of life. We share our lives by our stories, which dad is very good at doing. I was thinking back when we were first married and my communications with my parents was mostly by mail. I know they were very worried about me and waiting for letters must have been hard.

 Our first Christmas away from home was sad for us all but we were fortunate to spend it with Madie and Stan Dunlop. The next year I set off by train with 5 month old Rick to visit our parents in Saskatoon and Regina. Dad had this strange notion he could hitch a ride with a airplane. We did not have much money. He was not successful.  The train ride was pretty stressful with a young baby but everyone was so happy to see us. We also visited old friends in Saskatoon.

Our stories will always live on after we have gone.

Imagine stepping onto a shore and finding it heaven.

Imagine taking hold of a hand and finding it God's hand

Imagine breathing new air and finding it celestial air

Imagine feeling invigorated and free of pain and finding immortality

Imagine passing through a storm into an unknown calm

Imagine waking and finding it home.


Monday, November 26, 2012


Dear Nancy-Lou

The pain at the death of a loved one is overwhelming for those
 who have loved and cared and pray for their dear one.

Dear friend I am holding your family in God's light and love asking for Him to help you to walk through the days ahead.

             Love is stronger than death and lives on in the hearts and memories of all.

Beloved God You have embraced us with a love that endures all things.
The power of Your love will see this dear friend through the times when  souls feel overcome with grief.

             No words can comfort but just being with one another helps.

Dear God, when the days ahead are long and desolate draws Nancy Lou and all her family close  to Your heart and comfort them.  Angels have carried Melodie into the loving arms of compassion and healing.

              Her suffering is now over and she is free of pain. 

               Reassure them that the love we share with one another will go on into eternity.
Love Beth and Larry


I start on my walk with the darkness hugging me with the cool morning air and the silent silence.

I start out believing that I am going to do my long walk
I believe that positive beliefs will help me achieve my goal.
I am feeling much stronger and I am enjoying it.

Got home in time to quickly get ready for church.  Dad was having some nausea and stomach problems so stayed home.  I was greeted with warmth and lots of hugs.

Came home and dad had a nice warm brunch all ready for me.  That was worth a hug!

Good to talk to Ken on the phone.  Sounds like Mathew had an upset stomach too.  Not sure just why but he is better now.

Michael John phoned and said he was feeling better after having the flu and Mary is doing well.  We were all watching the game together.  Dad and I did doze off  the first half but more and more we are having afternoon naps.  I am usually up by 5 or 6 so I am happy just to  have a rest.  The football game was not all that exciting.

Sandra I think you are doing an amazing job being Santa.

Kim has moved into her new place and Carol will be quitting her job.  Dad emailed them.

I believe that religion does not have to be a choice between an emotional experience or rational intelligence.  I would agree with Friedrich Schleimacher who wrote:  "Religion is neither a metaphysics, nor a morality, but essentially an intuition and a feeling."

William James wrote in his Varieties of Religious Experiences that the religious experience is useful even if not provable.     Experiences connect us with each other and with the "altogether other dimension of existence".  Some would and have called this experience "delusion."

My hope is that our desire is for greater humility, grace and justice that flows out of the "tenderness of spirit".  The quality of one's life hopefully reflects the warmth and love of a God of love.

The biggest hug of all!    Metaphorically speaking.

Nice to see colorful lights shining in the dark morning.
                                              Monday morning is cold and forsty.

Sunday, November 25, 2012



"The most Beautiful thing we can experience in life is the Mysterious!
It is the source of all art and science.
He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who no longer pauses to wonder and stand in rapt awe
is as good as blind for his eyes are closed."
- - Albert Einstein

I did my best to enjoy my day.  I had a good walk and so did dad (not with his new shoes and neither did I as I had not been able to choose any new shoes).  Then after watching a Monk D.V.D. we made supper together.  Now I am in my little room and he is in his.  I know that I was really missing family and I think he was too.

We live in a world of miracles but sadly we so often do not see them.  The first miracle is to discover that within each one of us there is a powerful force that is the wisdom of the Spirit to reveal to us deeper insights and greater understanding of life.

Jesus came, as many mystics have done in the past and even now, to show us we all could become and what we could all so with the energy of his spirit within us.  This is a humbling thought as we all are aware of how imperfect we are and how unlovable we can be.

Jesus said: "Love one another as I have loved you,"

Ron Roth explains in his book the steps to help us to be more healthy and fit in our own lives and to carry healing energy to others.  First  identify spiritual issues that may be troubling me: sadness, worry about others, loneliness, insecurity, boredom, frustration, fear and doubt, etc.

I can change change myself by changing my thoughts.
"As one thinks in his heart, so he is."  Proverbs 23:7

Positive beliefs
Vision (purpose in life)
Imagination and Creativity

Ended the day with a mystery book, cookies and a glass of  milk.

Sunday will be an early walk, church and hugs, then football

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Summer time is a wonderful time to walk in our forest. Going to the Sylvia is like going back in time.

As we enter this new time of year it is a time to travel back into ancient history. Jesus was born to bring new life and new light to those whose faith had grown dim. There were now new stories to tell and hope replaced the shadows of despondency.

Neither Communism nor  Christianity have ever really been lived.  The difference between them was  Christianity was based on faith while I would say Communism was political and people were not given a choice.  Both believed in equality and sharing.  It all changed when entranced into this faith community required a consent to a set of dogmas and creeds.

I have a hope that if we allow the Spirit, the wonder and mystery and grace, of Jesus to become our guide for seeking justice.  The trouble is fundamentalism took over.  It is now a time for a change in what we believe to how can we live the words of Jesus to create a better world.

How not what.

Friday was another gray day which made both of us feel a little gray.  Dad got some new runners which will be more water-proof for walking in the wet forest. Dad will have no excuse for not going for a walk to-morrow.  I tried some on but couldn't find any I liked.

Ken, so sorry about your eye.  I wish you could get in sooner.  Waiting is hard.  I will be praying.  Is it on your eye lid?  I will pray for a miracle!

I will not be caught up in the madness of shopping because presents do not mean anything anymore. I love a hug or a helping hand. We will give toys through the church and food to the food bank. We will give money to the causes we believe in.  We are also helping a single mom, who is out of work even with a college degree, and had her car broken into and toys for the church taken.

I was glad Gunty did not want to go for a walk in the rain although we have done that in the past.

I am happy to have my own room with my own computer sitting on a desk, where I can come to think and write and pray.  Prayer means talking from my heart to that which surpasses understanding.

I do my best praying in the silence of the morning, often in my little computer room or on my walks.
Sometimes it does feel like I am asking "Hello is anyone there?"  That is a good way for a conversation to begin even with some one who is unimaginably bigger than me. 

When they, Mary and Joseph were there it was Time for the baby to be born.
Time to remember what Christmas really is all about.
"Eternity interrupted time."
-Max Lucardo

Friday, November 23, 2012


Dad had very good news at the eye doctor as his pressure is down from where it was.  I felt so healthy seeing all the people there with serious eye problems.  You feel thankful and also sad.
We did go down to the Sylvia after for lunch.  A dull sorta day but still people out walking.
We had great fun watching the geese crossing the road stopping all the traffic.  There were a lot of boats out in the water.  When we left we met some Americans that had come here to shop for good quality stuff.  Ha ha.
Glad you liked the calender Ken; thanks for the pictures.  I am anxious for Christmas to come and we get to see family. I love the feeling of magic and all the love express, the excitment and happiness. I love the decorations and no one does it better than Sandra and Randy. I am thankful that I do not have to make a dinner with all the hard work and effort that entails. 
We have both come home very exhausted although the traffic was good and we had a fun day with good news.
 It is preposterous of us to think we can put God in a box and demand he act a certain way.  He is invisible and the wonder of life is that he is not visible by scientific proof but through simple faith and trust.  I like using a new word for my title.
  Everything in life comes down to faith. .without faith we would live in fear, unable to move or talk or make decisions. There is a definite communal component to Christianity that comes with being with other Christians and learning together. We all questions. Does my life have purpose and meaning? Do I have a soul? Is there an invisible reality? What can I place my faith in?  Is there such a thing as a sixth sense?  Where does the conscious come from that tells us what is right and wrong?

Why have people turned away from organized religion, some because of bitterness and anger and others because they see the abuse and hypocrisy,  and some because of disappointment.  I think it would be very scary to actually see God so I am happy He is invisible.

They believe that they can handle life quite well on their own, I guess.
This bird's nest stays firm even though the wind and rain blow upon it I pass it on my walk and never see it when the leaves are on the tree.  It is there but invisible.
"The material realm of the senses is completely unlike the extrasensory, supernatural realm of the spiritual.  One is, intrinsically visible and the other is intrinsically invisible.
--"The Invisible World" by Anthony Destefano.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Hoping to get home before the wind and rain start.  The weather can affect so many people and places especially when they are travelling.  Glad you are keeping busy at work Ken.  This was Tuesday night driving home from visiting Chuck and Robbie.  More rain on Wed.

Our U.C.W. meeting went well with a full attendance I believe.  We discussed getting older and  some of the ways of dealing with pain.  We do a little business and plan our Christmas meeting which is a fun get together.

Even though the grass was wet dad went for his walk.  Later we took Jim his milkshake because today we are off to Vancouver for dad's eye exam.  You wait in one area and have pictures taken and them move on to see the doctor.  Always rows and rows of people.

Is there such a thing as a soul-mate?  Can people of different background, personality and beliefs really find understanding in relationship?  Dad often says "I just don't understand you?"  Well sometimes I do not understand myself.  And certainly he can think very differently than I do.  I am happy we agree on the important things and can laugh, most of the time, about the other things.

"The fact is that everyone has a life to live that is right for them".  It is only then the true light can shine from within us.  Be comfortable with who you are and what gifts you have.

According to Aristotle our happiness depends on our full development of the self, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  Doing the best we can with what we have been given.  No one taught me the importance of faith in my life I just absorbed it.  I heard the words of love that Jesus spoke right into my heart and I loved the parables that seemed so down to earth. 

As a teen-ager I bungled along looking for a different type of love.  Romantic love! 

I never stopped believing but I needed others to share and help me develop as a mature human being.
It is hard to develop spiritually on your own. Now I am honest about what I believe and have accepted that others have different ways of believing and living their beliefs.  This is what it means to be true to yourself.  I have found many people who radiate goodness and bring warmth and encouragement into my life.

I have met them everywhere, in my family,  in my friendships, in different churches and in different circumstances.
They are soul-mates!

The hardest lesson to learn in life is that it is not about always having to prove we are right!  Thanks Rick for the corrections I appreciate them.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Yesterday was a strange day with heavy rain on one side of us and sunshine on the other side of the car. We saw a beautiful rainbow right in front of us. I think a rainbow is one of the amazing mysteries of life. Later after supper the rain got even heavier and there was lightning and thunder.

My talk for my group.

 Yes, by the time we have reached our age in life we have learned a lot.  With the wrinkles have come the lost of good eye- sight ( thankful for glasses) and lost of hearing (is it time to think about a hearing aid I am wondering?) and many aches and pains.  We are I believe wiser in the meaning and purpose of life.   My faith has helped me to face my fears and find the strength to cope.

We know a lot of things but just can't remember them.  Being able to have a nap during the day is wonderful.  I know that within myself there be a grumpy me especially when I get over-tired and also a happy me. I know that it is not always easy but I am trying not to be negative and find the good in myself and in others.  We are here to listen and care for one another and by doing that, we have the power to  heal the deepest part of our souls, our spirit. Sometimes the greatest lessons in life are hidden deep in the difficult times. More and more I am realizing what matters most in my life. I am trying to be more authentic and realize that like most of you I have accomplished some very important things along the way.

Jesus tells us that the truth is, whatever you did for the least of my these. . .
You did for Me.

Grandchildren and great grandchildren have brought joy and laughter into our lives, just like our own children did.  Then came the years when we had to care about our aging parents.  I spend many precious moments sitting with my elderly parents.  My parents lived in Calgary and after every visit I would tearfully waved good bye to mom who always waved good-bye,  even when it was with one good hand from her bed.

A life is an achievement. Not all lessons are easy ones but are opportunity to change and grow. I get frustrated sometimes when I am trying to do a task and nothing works; I want to be able to be more calm and patient. When I feel afraid I want to be able to pray the fear away and find that in surrender peace will come.

  In the end love is all that matters. The love of beauty, the love of family and friends, and the love that flows from the heart of God to transform us each new day. Love is the energy that connects us and can even make us feel humble. I am not responsible for anybody else's happiness;  but  I can choose to be happy and thankful for the good things in my life.

I can be forgiving because I have been forgiven. Each one of us is unique and adds color to our surroundings by being ourselves.

"Love is always present in life, in our joys and in our sorrows. Love is what gives our days meaning. Whatever we may call it-love-God-soul- love is alive and tangible. Love is our experience of the divine, the sacred holiness. Love is the richness all around us. Its ours for the taking."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.

I saw an amazing  picture of love yesterday as a grandmother shared the quilt's she had made so beautifully for each of her grandchildren.  She is a precious lady who we visit and she may not live to see the joy her gift will bring..  I know that all heaven will be rejoicing with her no matter where she is here or there.  We grandmother together and have grown closer during her illness.

Yes, Jesus loves me not just because the Bible tells me so but because I have felt his love especially when I felt the need of comfort and strength.

May the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace.....Romans 15:13

God bless us all. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


The trees are being transformed into barren branches as the leaves fall in heaps on the ground. This is when I have to be careful walking as they can be very slippery. The leaves that brought so much beauty into our lives now lay at our feet. I am still tempted to pick up the most colorful ones.  It rained very hard here today although there was a short break in the afternoon.  It was 8 last night and the dampness makes me feel chilled.  I had a good walk in the morning and enjoyed meeting some of my regulars.

We all bring beauty into one an other's lives in unique ways.  We need to be loved with compassion
and understanding.  This is not always easy. We need to take responsibility to keep ourselves healthy and as free of pain as possible.  This can mean trying new things and keeping active and being careful!

"So many are broken in body and empty in soul."
Joan Chittister.

I cannot change the world nor even ease the pain that others seem to have to endure.  As a parent I wanted my children to be obedient because I wanted them to succeed in life and not to be hurt by life.
I now realize that God wants to transform us not by demanding obedience but by helping us to be more compassionate.  Each day I like to have a plan and a purpose for what I am doing.  This week dad will be getting his eyes checked and I have my U.C.W. meeting where I am giving a little devotional so I have to think about what to say.

Dad is reading the Oliver Stone book called "The Untold History of the United States."  Something I would never read.  It has about seven hundred pages.

Yesterday dad got the car air-care approval and licensed the car which was behind for several weeks.  So now we are legal.  Meanwhile I started Christmas cards and went to the Post Office and stood in line for about 40 minutes. 

I am thankful that I can believe the love of Jesus is real and alive in me.
 Hopefully I am still being transformed by this love.

                                        And by the love of my life! 

Yes, we are very different in many ways dad and I
but fortunately we still enjoy doing a lot of things together.

Monday, November 19, 2012



Walked over to see how the ducks are doing. A relatively short walk. They put on a good show for me. No Rick, Stephen did not walk with me on my walk,  but walked out of the restaurant with me while all the others went on ahead.

Our beliefs are so important. So often in life we learn more about what not to believe than what to believe. I believe in angels, in the power of love and prayer, and in spiritual gifts that we all can receive. I love to write and read and I loved to pray.

  "To realize what a great stream of life flows in us, to discover who and what we are and then give ourselves over to the energy and drive for it. . . . .has got to be the greatest personal insight in life." "Following The Path" by Joan Chittister. A new book I am reading.  So thankful for our library.

I believe we all make mistakes and hate to admit it, even though there is a benefit to be had from learning from our mistakes.

I believe that we all have a right to change our minds.  Here I am writing a few Christmas cards when I said I was not going to send any at all this year.  But I say that every year.  But I am cutting back.

I believe there is value in volunteering so I will try to keep doing my visiting.

I believe in keeping our neighborhood clean from rubbish, just a small act of picking it up as I walk. I collect bottles to give away for fund raisers. We all do these simple things in our own way.

  I could never organized parties like Sandra or be as friendly as Carol, or as wise as Rick, or as funny and caring as Kenny. I love music but as not as gifted as others in the family who can play instruments. I cannot tell stories like dad does. But I am happy being me!

Good idea Nancy Lou.  Shawna made us calenders with family pictures and birthdays on them last year.

The visit with Stephen went so quickly and ended with a supper at Sandra and Randy's.  Came home and the wind was blowing like crazy.  We could here things banging around outside.  I thought it would keep me awake but it calmed down.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Keeping in touch with family and friends means even more as we get older.

Loving them is my greatest joy.

Everything started to change when I turned 50, then 60. then 70. Along with the wrinkles, the weak eye sight, the poor memory, the loss of hearing and the softening of my muscles I had to except my limitations. Years ago I may have rushed around trying to look after children and a husband and do volunteer work through the church and I did cope with it all. Now just looking after dad and myself is a challenge. I am now and always will be thankful that I am a woman created to be loved and to love. I cherish many special memories in my heart.

There are things I cannot do any more but I can praise others who are
able to do them.  We have a gift with in us that has been hidden for
years but now comes into the light.  The gift to share life is a rich and
vital gift, no matter how small it may seem to us.  I want to share with my
my family and friends my hopes and dreams.  I am learning to be
content which is a hard thing even as being patience is difficult.

Right now I am being patient with my painful ribs but finding the healing patch helpful and I am sure prayers too.  Dad is having problems with a stiff neck that has been bothering him for quite awhile.

Life had just happened as I was immediately busy looking after my children.  I always wanted
to help my children when they had children as I was on my own and
I knew how tired one can get caring for children and later in life caring for my parents.  Now
I am free of those demands, and now I can write freely of what interests me. 

I appreciate the encouragement and acceptance of others, but I do not want to need approval.

"Knowing others is wisdom
Knowing oneself is enlightenment."

One of the amazing things that faith has taught me is what it means to be truly human.  I think that is one of the main things that Jesus was teaching us.  It means taking a step away from the false self and stepping into our true selves.  Every stage of life means taking new steps into the self that is always with us.  Being free of discomfort.

Life will always be a struggle but one blessing of being older is that I somehow in some mysterious way  I feel closer to where I am going.
I enjoy the little things, like a phone call. a note on my blog, a visit, reading or writing, taking silly pictures, a good laugh with dad or a friend.

"Openness of heart and abandonment of soul are portals to the future."
--Joan Chittister

We all have an authentic call upon our lives and allowing the call to be the one from within takes courage.

The day ended with going out for for fine dining with Stephan, Randy and Sandra.  Good Food and a good Time.  Fun to get dressed up.  Football after church!

Stephen was such a gentleman making sure I had everything and walking out with me.  It would have been nice to talk to Shawna on the phone but it was far to noisy but nice to know she was with us in thought.


Stephen arrives Friday morning because he has time off from job that he
has to do out at Port Moody.  He is looking great and we had
a wonderful visit.  After we got back from lunch he left to go over to
visit his mom.  We may see him again it depends on his schedule.

It brightens us up to be with younger people.  Also enjoyed a visit with
Mary on the phone.

Dad did not want me to go for my walk as I looked over-tired.  I gave in
but was not happy about it.  So Stephen's visit was good timing.

I believe in the potential that is in all of us young or old.  We must
encourage thought that is free and creative.  We must not be bound
by any kind of dogma that does not believe that we are all equal and
have goodness within.

One of the important things is to understand for me is when I ,are doing
something I love doing and that I believe has value I am a happier person. This can take us into another dimension of life that may even surprise us. The ability to enjoy life is a rich and vital gift. Whether it is just a smile and a kind word.

Friday, November 16, 2012


There is a peace that passes understanding.
The amazing thing about prayer is that as we meditate and let the spirit speak we find the answer is in the reassurance that we are loved and have the capability of loving others. If we are able to leave our worries behind then we can view our lives from a different perspective.  I am thankful to have some one to share my secrets with.  He understands when my feelings are low and is there as the LISTENER.and SUSTAINER.  He is not my FIXER nor does He solve all my Problems!

Missed going visiting yesterday as I was feeling sore.

My Philosophy

Philosophy  is the study of truth and principles underlying all knowledge and a system for guiding life.  From the Gage Canadian dictionary.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreampt of in your philosophy,      Hamlet.

Be thankful.

Faith adds a richness and a joy to life and the Bible can be our guide.
Learn the deepest lessons from each other.  Share your wisdom.
Ask for help when you need it and before you are worn out already
Be generous with your time.
Admit your failures.

Share your load in times of trouble.
Pray as you go.  Believe that you are surrounded by a spiritual dimension.
For me that is  Holy Spirit, the living giving spirit of Jesus.
Love never dies.
Visit the sick and the lonely.
Expect the unexpected!
Value the uniqueness of others but be yourself.

Laugh as often as you can, life was meant to be lived humorously.
Appreciate beauty and kindness and gentleness.
Be honest with humility
Sing as loud as you can with enthusiasm.
Be forgiving.  Let old wounds heal.
Remember the only person you can change is you.

Honor your  father and mother.
Be hospitable and caring.
Be young at heart.  Dream big.
Life is an adventure full of wonder.  Enjoy.
Use your imagination!  Be  spontaneous.
Accept your limitations.
Be free of guilt, past or present.

Try not to give advice unless asled.
Create your own sacred time and place.
Mine is a pile of books by the window
A place and time for serenity.

Live what you believe and let your light shine without words!

There is a voice as gentle as a morning breeze,
 a warmth that comes even when the world seems cold,
and a beauty that flows from nature that  heals and restores.
We do not walk alone.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Tiny flower among the grasses at Mud Bay.

Earlier this week I stumbled stepping onto our porch and fell hard on my one side,  Unexpected yes!
I am thankful it only bothers me when I have to get out of the chair or the bed and when I cough.  I may be more senile than dad, Sandra, but I am more active.

It was unexpected when Ben and Morgan, Theresa and Mikie dropped in on
Sunday.  Sandra had arrived first.  Dad was watching football.  Morgan was disappointed when I was talking about M. and M's the meat store as she thought it was the candies.  Fortunately I had some candy left over from Halloween.
Wednesday was a very busy day.  First I walked with Gunty and then it was over to the Safeway to do a bigger shopping than my daily trips of one or two things.  Had a quick salad and then off to Bible study at Colebrook.  We were studying Job and I enjoyed it.  I think it would be an excellent book to do a real good study on.
The day turned warm and sunny so dad went for a walk, while I was gone,  and then we drove into see Chuck and Robbie.  They are both amazing and coping very well.  The care they are getting is excellent and her window ledge is huge and filled with flowers.  The room is bright and cherry.  They make cookies everyday so it smells like home.  Her daughter was bringing in a special supper for them both. 
The drive home was a disaster as we choose several wrong roads and everywhere we turned the traffic was horrible.  I think I actually noticed a wrong turn we took so that is one for me.
So good to be home.. . . warm and cozy.  Dad is watching hockey and I am nursing my sore ribs and going to bed.
Then this morning dad so graciously drove around looking for me and drove right by me.  I yelledI waved my arms but he sped on by and I there had been a taxi I would have jumped in and said follow that car!  Ha aha

Monday, November 12, 2012


This was taken last week and it will soon be a mess with doing cards and letters. I am cutting back but I did get a few cute cards. I was glad I had a big nap yesterday before I went out  trying out beds.
It wasn't lying on the bed that was hard to do but not falling asleep was tempting.  Yes, we went to sleep country and if Randy and Sandy go there with us we get a deal. Our server was not pushy but very enthusiastic but could not get dad to lie on a bed. We did a bit of walking around looking at stuff but we tire out quickly and make decisions slowly.

Dad is now attempting to print my blog again.  I met Jane at the Safeway and we enjoyed a cup of coffee together.  It has been hard for us to get together.  We are both cutting back on sending out cards this year.

It is tragic that once again the poor people are still suffering from the massive storm that has destroyed homes and left them with now water and electricity.  I am thankful some Canadians went to help with the power, and a young girl is handed out material from a truck, and money has been donated but needs to be  put to work.  This is when I would like to be rich and famous and strong and could go there to help.  I will keep praying for someone to take control of the situation and bring hope to those who have no hope and who are barely surviving.

Miracles have happened like Craig Morison who got lost on a rugged and unreachable mountain and in the end built schools for girls.  He had a vision and got others to get caught up in this vision.

I am thankful for people like Bill and Melinda Gates who are committed to improving health and education with their wealth.  Technology has improved our world but people have to be willing to get their hands dirty and use what they have to help others.

There will always be people who need a helping hand and we need brave people willing to work for solutions. Too much news about scandals that you hear over and over.
The ducks enjoy the morning light!
Today is grocery shopping, Bible study at the church and maybe visiting.


                                                    This ditch is at Mud Bay

Why I am up so early? What should we plan to do today? What to eat? Where to go?
As a child I was very  aware of the unspoken and spoken expectations of others.
 I want to leave that behind me.

I am thankful for my daily morning walk just to listen and say a quiet prayer for those on my heart.
I also have another purpose on my walks as I past a Big Brothers Clothing Bin.  I will take a small bag every morning of good used clothes and drop them in.  This means I have to look all through my closet again.

I am clueless about Christmas.  I will send a few family cards if I can find some that say"Merry Christmas".  Is this story just a myth?  I will have to ask our group when we gather on Dec. 2 for a pot-luck supper and discussion.  The birth of a child is always a miracle and I am excited about the baby that is growing in our own Mary.  I love the Nativity story and will continue to find love expressed so beautifully in every word. 

             Wonderful memories of this home filled with the little ones and all the fun we had.

Reading a book about a wild teen-ager makes me realize how clueless I was about the world my teen-age children faced.  Maybe I would have been less fearful and anxious if I was more knowledgeable; but thankful all you guys are wonderful and such a blessing to us now.
I hope we all live forgiving and compassionate lives of enjoyment and laughter. 


I love the way the light travels from the sky to shine across the water right to us!

This is where we climbed down to see the ducks better but they flew away.
 A bit tricky for me as I am always afraid of losing my balance.
These books have both been about travelling to find answers to life.
A journey to finding love and acceptance.
Both dad and I are happy to be in our own home and love visits from family.
Yesterday was a little mixed up as first Sandra dropped by and we were enjoying a visit and she asked if anyone wanted to go to an open house in Tsawwasen as she and Randy are thinking of moving if they can find the right place.  We also talked to Mary on the phone and she is still experiencing nausea.  That morning sickness is miserable.
Before Sandra and I left Theresa phoned to say they were on their way over.  They planned to leave the children and do a bit of shopping at Zeller's which is going out of business.  I had a short visit with the kids, who I always love to see and then Sandra and I left them in dad's care.  They were happy with lego etc.  Although we asked Morgan if she wanted to come and she kept changing her mind.
I hope that Sandra and Randy will be able to find just the right place but it may take some time travelling back and forth to do it. 
                                  My travelling partner.  Thankful for his love and care
restoring my faith in life and in the healing energy that travels with us all. 
Praying for those struggling with life.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Brr it is cold in the mornings now.  The flowers are all starting to droop but St. Francis still feeds the birds.  Sunday morning a day to set a little time aside to listen and learn more about this strange religion of mine,  Also it is Rememberance day.  Dad will always remember when his uncles left for the war and they all gathered at the station to see him off.

Yes I am a believer and I have no scientific proof but I can use my imagination or a metaphor to explain what this means.  Somehow in some mysterious wat Jesus walked into my life at an early age.  This is not unusual but the fact that His Presence is still with me is.

Was Jesus baptized in water?  Did Jesus walk on water?   Did Jesus still the storm?

I think that water must have some significance.  To me water is meant to float upon so that this is my picture of faith.  Just floating with no effort and gazing up at the sky and feeling light and happy.  This a child can do. There is something mysterious which holds us up.

I stopped caring about proof a long time ago.  There is so much misunderstanding about what Jesus said and did not say and what it should mean to me and to others; I find it easier to just rest in faith and feel a stillness that is available to us all.

I love literature, music, art, and theatre, the known and the unknown.  Each one expresses faith in different ways.  I love words but sometimes words can not describe an experience like the presence of holiness.

How precious is our presence in times of grief when we are faced with the inevitable journey out of life with loved ones. I feel that the presence of Jesus has the silent power to absorb our pain as does our presence with those who are very ill.

There is a time to feel sorrow as well as joy and a time to share both,
We talked about loneliness at our book meeting last night and that times of loneliness or disappointment can be turned into times of growth.  Our loneliness can grow into solitude .

"In this solitude which may include prayer or meditation or just being still, we can atrengthen each other by mutual respect, by careful consideration of each other's personality, by an obedient distance from each other's privacy and by a reverent understanding of the sacredness of the human heart,"
-Reaching Out   by Henri Nouwen

I am off to church and dad plans a day of watching football.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


                                          Our neighbors tree in the sunshine.
 As I walk to the store I see two friends  sitting outside Star Bucks have a coffee.  Great idea
Our drive home from New Westminster where we picked up bread for our friend,Pat. 
She is one of those people whose life speaks of a living faith. A good friend and caring neighbor.

Choose well when you are looking for someone who will influence your life.

Needed help to get all those leaves in the big brown bag.  Dad and I make a good team.  Then I leave to cheer up  some of the golden oldies.  Jim has just informed me he was a hell's angel and did some bad things.  Well he feels like he is in prison now.
Dad's walk along Mud Bay.   Solitude can be powerful. A day a beautiful gift.
Walking and listening is the theme of my two latest books.
"The Art of Hearing Heartbeats."
 A daughter revisits her father's youth growing up in Burma and his mysterious past.

"The Secret of the Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari." 
A man in danger of losing his family
and his sense of purpose in life travels to pick up seven letters which teach him teach him what is the meaning of life.

Quiet tranquility on a cool and slightly windy day.  Life's simplest pleasures are life's greatest joys.

I tried to do a lot of things today but ended up with a big mess.  I learned that I can take my time.    Minor tasks are important and can be done at our own speed!   There is no insignificant work.  Be of service in the place where you are. " Then you will walk among the best who have ever lived."

Friday, November 9, 2012


We bring color into this world by our smallest acts of kindness. Each in our own way have gifts that we discover as we learn to experience what is important in life. I am so thankful dad still likes to drive, as I do not, and is willing to drive to New West. 

  "What holds us back in life is the invisible architecture of fear"   -Robin Sharma .

 I was very afraid the first time I walked on the ward as a lay chaplain many, many years ago. In facing our fear we find new strength and we are being set free. I knew that this was my calling and it was a great blessing when Pearle and I were able to go together. We learned a lot from each other even though we had some different ways of looking at the spiritual reality. I knew that it was more than words of comfort that I was bringing but my presence and God's love. For many this world is a fearful place and they respond with anger and hurtful words;  trying to cope with inner pain. 

"Live with kindness."     Robin Sharma. 

"Deeds are our beliefs actualized."
"How we treat someone defines how we treat everyone, including ourselves."
"We can make the world a better place, One person at a time."  Robin Sharma

Be respectful, trusting, patient and positive with a loving heart. 

Dad enjoyed walking on Mud Bay.  I was welcomed warmly when I went visiting.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


 Had a day to read and finish a book and now am reading
"The Seven Letters the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari."

The challenge is for us to live an authentic life which means be true to yourself. 
Know what is important and listen to your dreams.

"We must tap our hidden selves, explore the deep-seated, unseen hopes, desires and weaknesses that make us who we are."  Looking at our past concentrating on happy moments and then looking at our future where we are going.  Everyday even when we are busy there are lessons for us to learn about ourselves especially as we relate to others!

One of my early memories was going to the library with my mom.  It was a huge building made of bricks with three floors and many, many books.  I remember taking home Babar, the Elephant.

 In our home my dad and my brother were the talkers and I mainly listened.  My parents were good people but I was aware that dad was not always happy at work.  He worked very hard sometimes on the week-end.  He was a perfectionist and expected us to have perfect behavior and good manners.  My dad loved to sing at church and he played the piano by ear.  It was a shame we never could afford a piano.  Mom worked very hard to keep our home clean and our tummies full!

It was such a bright sunny day we decided to drive to New Westminster to have lunch with Iris Reid and pick up some gluten free bread for our friend Pat.  On the way we stopped to see Robbie and take her a mirror because it is very important for a woman to have a mirror.  How else can we put on make-up.  Our visit our very authentic.  When I first started to pray for her I had prayed for a miracle but now we agree that every day is a miracle.  I have felt very blessed with her friendship.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I hear the sound of rain hitting the window pane yesterday morning.  I decided to wait and see if it would slow down a little.  I may go for a walk with dad later.  Good weather for mushrooms, still growing here and there.

The day before one of the big branches from a tree like this had fallen across my path so I detoured around it.  I hate detours ,especially when I am driving, as I can get lost going the wrong direction.   The other problem is that I do not take note on my surroundings because I am too busy looking for signs and trying to read them.   There should be signs to help you find your path.

There should be signs in our bodies to tell us we are not well.  Emotional stress can eat away at our inner confidence.  Whether it is signs on the road or in our bodies or in our inner spiritual being I know that at times I need to rest and be still.

I felt miserably sick all day so did not go for the walk with dad.  He did find the girl with the two dogs and they seem fine.  I also missed going out with Jane and felt bad about that.

We are all living out our story that is bigger than just us and is fundamentally about God.  There will be detours when we have to search for His presence to help us get back on the right road.  But we live in the hope knowing that the  detours always end!

"I need to be patience toward all that is unresolved in my heart
 and to try to love the questions themselves".  -Rainer Maria Rilke.

We can develop an inner sensitivity.  I know that at odd moments or in my dreams I will become aware of something that was very painful and it has left a scar on my soul.  I need healing and I believe this is true of all of us.

 Nevertheless for most of us our insecurity and our fear of failure does not lead us to ask help from others.  We feel all alone and find it hard to reach out and admit our pain and sorrow.  We can fool others for a long time and use many of the tactics to keep ourselves busy and in denial.

The amazing thing is that we have the power to change our lives;  our attitudes, our habits, our goals
our thoughts.  Sometimes we need someone or some place to sort out these changes.  By writing down some of my ideas  I find it helpful.

Feeling much better today.  No plans yet.

I am reading "The Art of Hearing Heartbeats by Jan-Philipp Sendker.  Excellent.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


When I see the trees that I walk by the word dignity comes to me. They stand so straight and tall and when the great winds come they bend but do not break. Nature has many lessons for us to learn. It communicates dignity and divinity and the capacity to grow even in difficult places. I believe that our minds can reason and through reason see two sides of a point of view and thus dignify another persons point of view.

Religion was created to help us see the divinity and dignity in others.  Encouraging creative thoughtfulness in recognizing our own sense of worth so that we value the good in each other.

Dad had his walk in the park before we went in to have a cheerful visit with Robbie and Chuck.  They make cookies right there in the kitchen and the whole place smells wonderful.

Dad met the girl with the two old dogs, one is blind and one has a heart condition.  They love it when dad throws the little football for them, but the wee blind one has a hard time finding it.  Today they heard a noise in the woods and went barking and sniffing and running back and forth.  Suddenly the oldest dog collapsed at their feet.  What a terrifying experience, as neither one of them could carry the dog out to the car.  He slowly was able to regain consciousness and walk with them out to her car.

The girl was so thankful to have dad there.  Sometimes we are in the right place at the right time! !
Dad is happy when he meets the dogs who are are happy to see him too. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


I start out in the dark and it gets light as I travel. I do not often go through that park but went to take a picture. I think I am safe enough and I need the exercise and if I leave it to later I get lazy.  I put on weight so easily now. One problem is your clothes feel too tight. 

I came home on Sunday morning walk  looking like a drunken  sailor listing to the right.  I was so tired.  Fortunately dad was there to drive me up before  the hill.  My goal is to be healthy and happy.

  I tried a new green smoothie but it made us both upset.I thought it would be so good for us but...
I am trying to be happier as well as healthier.  I do not like feeling tired and cranky but I am feeling hopeful and I just need to rest more I guess.

Andrew Sullivan, editor of The New Republic writes: I   bbelieve in the pursuit of happiness.  Not its attainment, nor its final definition, but its pursuit." 

Love God and His gift to you will be a love for others was our message in church today.

Visiting Robbie today.

The comments are the best part of reading this!

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I try to keep heathly by going for my walk every morning.  It is dark but I appreciate the warm glow that the lights provide.  The leaves are falling down gently aLL around me and I walk on a colorful carpet of bright orange and yellow.  It is very quiet and I meet only one East Indian man who greets me with a warm good morning.  On my way back to the house the wind starts to pick up and the rain starts.  I burst in the door so glad to be home and ready for a little rest. 
It is a sad day as we will be heading off to Dave's funeral.  He lived life to the fullest with a great sense of humor and enjoyed his flying and boating and camping with his family.  Like his daughter Diane said that in the telling of his story healing will gradually take place.  Dad was one of the people who spoke of his experiences with Dave, and told the story of their time in the army together.  Dad had forgot his tie for the big inspecting so Dave cut his in half.  His half tie came popping out during the inspection so Dave was the one who lost marks.  A good story that brought laughter to mix with our tears.
There was a band of family members who played some of Dave's favorite songs.  I wanted to bring the words home but I looked in my purse and they are not there.  I was thinking of all the people who could play in the band when my time comes to journey home. 
We were very pleased and grateful to have Sandra go with us.  Dad met a lot of his old buddies and also we met old neighbors.  Iris Read and Anna Popovich were there.   Everyone comment on Sandra's youthfulness and beauty. 
Hopefully we can all learn a lesson from Dave's story that life has meaning when we live it to the fullest.  Death has the last word and sets limits on the life of every soul. I am reminded that each one of our family and our friends are to be valued and treasured.  Kind words of praise will live on so it is important to say them. 
The important thing is our love for each other.  And I do love you all and we are so proud of you all!
 Dave was an exceptional human being and always fun to be with.  He and Mary made a wonderful couple.  He as a good friend to dad and they enjoyed doing things together like buying an old junk of a boat and then several airplanes together.  It was wonderful to see all their family.  Goodbye Dave!