Tuesday, November 6, 2012


When I see the trees that I walk by the word dignity comes to me. They stand so straight and tall and when the great winds come they bend but do not break. Nature has many lessons for us to learn. It communicates dignity and divinity and the capacity to grow even in difficult places. I believe that our minds can reason and through reason see two sides of a point of view and thus dignify another persons point of view.

Religion was created to help us see the divinity and dignity in others.  Encouraging creative thoughtfulness in recognizing our own sense of worth so that we value the good in each other.

Dad had his walk in the park before we went in to have a cheerful visit with Robbie and Chuck.  They make cookies right there in the kitchen and the whole place smells wonderful.

Dad met the girl with the two old dogs, one is blind and one has a heart condition.  They love it when dad throws the little football for them, but the wee blind one has a hard time finding it.  Today they heard a noise in the woods and went barking and sniffing and running back and forth.  Suddenly the oldest dog collapsed at their feet.  What a terrifying experience, as neither one of them could carry the dog out to the car.  He slowly was able to regain consciousness and walk with them out to her car.

The girl was so thankful to have dad there.  Sometimes we are in the right place at the right time! !
Dad is happy when he meets the dogs who are are happy to see him too. 


Sandra said...

I bet that girl was very happy to not be alone when that happened. I actually took my dogs for a walk last night. That dratted Shandel keeps making me feel guilty with her taking Daisy for 4:00 am walks! : ) Sandra

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is good to try and see both sides of every issue.

So I guess Dad might be a saint - his first miracle of bringing the dog back to life is in the record books now!



nancy-Lou said...

Saint Larry is it now? That was a good deed you did...especially being there for the girl and dogs. The funeral for our church friend for yesterday and the church was full...to the rafters. Lovely service. The reception afterwards was put on by the seniors of our community at no charge to the family. Everything was donated and volunteer. Amazing community. Got dish pan hands from rinsing dishes...for 2 hours...but happy to do so! We are having your weather...dreary! No sun for 3 weeks...YIKES! Storm coming Friday...lots of snow. Love Nancy
PS What are you currently reading Beth....I am reading Maya Angelou..her life story. Excellent

Anonymous said...

Well done dad. Cold and wet here today. Thunder and lightning yesterday at the airport. Workers off Tarmac twice. Make my day very busy.

larry bennett said...

Thunder and lightning means summer is near - good - a busy day makes the time fly - pretty good!!