Friday, November 2, 2012


Momento morti which is Latin for our time on earth is limited. Just like the leaves on this tree have brought much beauty into our lives but now is the time for rest and for some plants it is time for them to die. Death can come into our lives unexpectedly and grief comes to us all.

Douglas Todd writes an article about spiritualism which includes seances, crystal balls and communication with the dead.  A Capiliano psychology, Leonard George looks into it and now gives talks about his findings.  Although there has been a long Canadian history of spiritualism including
 William Mackenzie King he chose to go to a small town of Libby Dale to do scientific research. He as aware that spiritualism has often been linked to foolery and fraud.

He talked to people and also  practiced entering a mild trance and practiced a psychic reading.  They do not believe in hell, neither do I, and hold out a "wildly optimistic" belief that people who die will enter a blissful realm, like heaven, that they call Summerland.

"There is something that is of us-and not of us.  It is impossible to disengage the two, I think that instead of debunking the mystery, we should be humbled by it,"  Leonard George. 

Learning to use your spiritual imagination is the key,

Tonglen is a Buddhist practice of prayer:
The practice consists of breathing in the suffering of the world,
yielding to the experience of suffering that empathy produces,
then breathing out a prayer of compassion, freshness. light and well-being.

"May you comport yourself with dignity and treat others and yourself with kindness,"
May your life be a life of gentleness, courage, loving words spoken softly and the grace of compassion. We never know how the small child within may be feeling and when a healing touch or word may be needed.  Sending loving thoughts and not judging is what I try to live by.

Yesterday was a bit of a muddle.  Dad had an extra very long uncomfortable visit at the dentist.  One of my walking friends dripped in, Joanne.  She lives with a lot of pain and she still keeps positive.  \i did my visiting alone because dad had a tooth ache.


Anonymous said...

I like that buddhist breathing prayer thing.

Hope Dad is feeling better.



Sandra said...

"of us and not of us" I like that. When people ask me if I believe in God I find it hard to answer. This kind of sums it up in a nice little package. Did dad mention I called? I will tag along to Dave Brooks funeral with you tommorrow. Well, as long as you guys have not mixed up the date or the time in which case we may be attending a wedding instead! Sandra

beth bennett said...

Ha Ha Sandra.

I was going to mention dad was buning his grilled cheese sandwich when he was talking to you. Hed wasn't hungrey when I left but as his mouth thawed out and the pain got better he realized he was hungry, Thanks for the comments,both you and Rick. love mom

larry bennett said...

It is nice to read all the flowerly words and prayers for the world, and others, by all these wonderfull people.

However, after having attended and contributed my little bit at hundreds of meetings, of various flavours of christian groups, I still believe the following pretty much sums up the solution to most of the worlds ills

"do unto others ........

beth bennett said...

That is one of the hardest things to do.

Anonymous said...

And one of the easiest things to do !!

Anonymous said...

I am now following the Dalai Lama on Twitter. He has 5 million followers. I feel better already.

Oprah has 18 million.

Love Panteli

Sandra said...

well dad, you would be proud to know I was trying to teach the youngsters at work about the golden rule. seems they had never heard about it.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Daughter!!