Monday, November 5, 2012


I start out in the dark and it gets light as I travel. I do not often go through that park but went to take a picture. I think I am safe enough and I need the exercise and if I leave it to later I get lazy.  I put on weight so easily now. One problem is your clothes feel too tight. 

I came home on Sunday morning walk  looking like a drunken  sailor listing to the right.  I was so tired.  Fortunately dad was there to drive me up before  the hill.  My goal is to be healthy and happy.

  I tried a new green smoothie but it made us both upset.I thought it would be so good for us but...
I am trying to be happier as well as healthier.  I do not like feeling tired and cranky but I am feeling hopeful and I just need to rest more I guess.

Andrew Sullivan, editor of The New Republic writes: I   bbelieve in the pursuit of happiness.  Not its attainment, nor its final definition, but its pursuit." 

Love God and His gift to you will be a love for others was our message in church today.

Visiting Robbie today.

The comments are the best part of reading this!


Sandra said...

Well, I started up my Yoga again, just a realy gentle 20 minute CD but then could not figure out for the longest time why I was in so much pain at night. Slow and steady, and dont let go of the gains you have made! Sandra

Anonymous said...

You are worried about gaining weight? Have you completely and totally lost your mind?



Sandra said...

LOL @ Rick, obviously you do not understand the mind of a woman. If the pants are size zero and yet feel a little tight then that must mean you are fat.

Anonymous said...

Today is Melbourne Cup . It's a horse race that stops a nation. Public holiday. I am working pm shift.storms and rain forecasters ,so I could be very busy.