Sunday, November 11, 2012


Brr it is cold in the mornings now.  The flowers are all starting to droop but St. Francis still feeds the birds.  Sunday morning a day to set a little time aside to listen and learn more about this strange religion of mine,  Also it is Rememberance day.  Dad will always remember when his uncles left for the war and they all gathered at the station to see him off.

Yes I am a believer and I have no scientific proof but I can use my imagination or a metaphor to explain what this means.  Somehow in some mysterious wat Jesus walked into my life at an early age.  This is not unusual but the fact that His Presence is still with me is.

Was Jesus baptized in water?  Did Jesus walk on water?   Did Jesus still the storm?

I think that water must have some significance.  To me water is meant to float upon so that this is my picture of faith.  Just floating with no effort and gazing up at the sky and feeling light and happy.  This a child can do. There is something mysterious which holds us up.

I stopped caring about proof a long time ago.  There is so much misunderstanding about what Jesus said and did not say and what it should mean to me and to others; I find it easier to just rest in faith and feel a stillness that is available to us all.

I love literature, music, art, and theatre, the known and the unknown.  Each one expresses faith in different ways.  I love words but sometimes words can not describe an experience like the presence of holiness.

How precious is our presence in times of grief when we are faced with the inevitable journey out of life with loved ones. I feel that the presence of Jesus has the silent power to absorb our pain as does our presence with those who are very ill.

There is a time to feel sorrow as well as joy and a time to share both,
We talked about loneliness at our book meeting last night and that times of loneliness or disappointment can be turned into times of growth.  Our loneliness can grow into solitude .

"In this solitude which may include prayer or meditation or just being still, we can atrengthen each other by mutual respect, by careful consideration of each other's personality, by an obedient distance from each other's privacy and by a reverent understanding of the sacredness of the human heart,"
-Reaching Out   by Henri Nouwen

I am off to church and dad plans a day of watching football.


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Dad go to church first and watch football later?

Is this a secular or religious book-club?



larry bennett said...

The game fron toronto and church start at the same time.

What precipitated your Oboma rant on facebook. Seemed to be a 180 deg turn from last week - not like you at all.

Book club is an open-minded religious club.

larry bennett said...

What you feel in your heart and soul is yours - it comes from deep within that sacred place that is yours alone. There is no need to have to explain to anyone. I have had a sense of pride in you and your faith for many years - i love it when those wonderfull people at our study hang on your every word - they also understand your deep faith is very special.

War ruined my fathers life - one day we are seeing hs two brothers off to war. within three years he had lost both of them - his grandfather and his father - from aclose knit happy family - to no family.

Sandra said...

Hm, I take a day off to be bloggless and everyone starts talking! Yes Shandel, the snow and cold is beautiful too, but it is nice to not be cold. I guess we could all move down to the Caymens. Thank you mom for giving up your Morgan and Ben time to go with me to see the house. I am trying to force myselfe out of the house more instead of waiting for Randy but it is not fun to be alone all the time. Sandra