Monday, November 26, 2012


I start on my walk with the darkness hugging me with the cool morning air and the silent silence.

I start out believing that I am going to do my long walk
I believe that positive beliefs will help me achieve my goal.
I am feeling much stronger and I am enjoying it.

Got home in time to quickly get ready for church.  Dad was having some nausea and stomach problems so stayed home.  I was greeted with warmth and lots of hugs.

Came home and dad had a nice warm brunch all ready for me.  That was worth a hug!

Good to talk to Ken on the phone.  Sounds like Mathew had an upset stomach too.  Not sure just why but he is better now.

Michael John phoned and said he was feeling better after having the flu and Mary is doing well.  We were all watching the game together.  Dad and I did doze off  the first half but more and more we are having afternoon naps.  I am usually up by 5 or 6 so I am happy just to  have a rest.  The football game was not all that exciting.

Sandra I think you are doing an amazing job being Santa.

Kim has moved into her new place and Carol will be quitting her job.  Dad emailed them.

I believe that religion does not have to be a choice between an emotional experience or rational intelligence.  I would agree with Friedrich Schleimacher who wrote:  "Religion is neither a metaphysics, nor a morality, but essentially an intuition and a feeling."

William James wrote in his Varieties of Religious Experiences that the religious experience is useful even if not provable.     Experiences connect us with each other and with the "altogether other dimension of existence".  Some would and have called this experience "delusion."

My hope is that our desire is for greater humility, grace and justice that flows out of the "tenderness of spirit".  The quality of one's life hopefully reflects the warmth and love of a God of love.

The biggest hug of all!    Metaphorically speaking.

Nice to see colorful lights shining in the dark morning.
                                              Monday morning is cold and forsty.


Anonymous said...

William James now! You must be doing a lot of research! :)



Sandra said...

I am being Mrs Santa, not Mr Santa. I skyped with Cameraon and Shandel last night. It was nice to see their faces. Frosty this morning but it was nice and warm working in the garden yesterday, even cut the grass again.

beth bennett said...

Dad saw several people riding those big one wheel bikes in the park, then they made a wrong turn and fell and he heard laughter.

Dad dug out one bunch of daisies

love mom