Monday, November 12, 2012


I love the way the light travels from the sky to shine across the water right to us!

This is where we climbed down to see the ducks better but they flew away.
 A bit tricky for me as I am always afraid of losing my balance.
These books have both been about travelling to find answers to life.
A journey to finding love and acceptance.
Both dad and I are happy to be in our own home and love visits from family.
Yesterday was a little mixed up as first Sandra dropped by and we were enjoying a visit and she asked if anyone wanted to go to an open house in Tsawwasen as she and Randy are thinking of moving if they can find the right place.  We also talked to Mary on the phone and she is still experiencing nausea.  That morning sickness is miserable.
Before Sandra and I left Theresa phoned to say they were on their way over.  They planned to leave the children and do a bit of shopping at Zeller's which is going out of business.  I had a short visit with the kids, who I always love to see and then Sandra and I left them in dad's care.  They were happy with lego etc.  Although we asked Morgan if she wanted to come and she kept changing her mind.
I hope that Sandra and Randy will be able to find just the right place but it may take some time travelling back and forth to do it. 
                                  My travelling partner.  Thankful for his love and care
restoring my faith in life and in the healing energy that travels with us all. 
Praying for those struggling with life.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Mary and not feeling well. Carol and I are painting our fence today, then probabl seeing amovie in the afternoon. Saw a great movie about surfing last night called Chasing Mavericks. The hero reminded us a little about Oliver.

Great picture of Larry on the bench! :)


Anonymous said...

Sandra said the Open House house was small with a mediocre yard. I saw pictures on mls. It looks fabulous.

Plans have changed: Panteli is painting the fence while I go shopping with friend and heritage day celebration.

Anonymous said...

Randy is home and in bed for the day so I am thinking of doing some boring death planning stuff. It is hard to wrapp my head around all the stuff I need to find and get together in one place, but then I just think of how much harder it would be for Randy or one of our kids. The first step they want me to do is the "in the event you are reading this letter" Very strange, since I know I will die, but can not fathome being gone and all that is left is some letter that I wrote only half seriously. Anyways, you said I could just say anything,so there you go! Sandra

larry bennett said...

Thats funny (not so much) but i was thinking of doing the same thing today.
Now i wont!

By the way my capital I - it worked - only works part time.

Anonymous said...

yes nice picture of Dad.