Thursday, November 1, 2012


This is Wed. morning.
I see rain on the window pane when I wake up in the morning so check to see if it is still raining. Yes it is raining hard and the gutters are filling up.  I hope it stops by this evening when the street outside will be full of moms and dads and children all dressed up and so excited.  I can remember my biggest worry on Halloween was when I had to drive children here and there and it would be so dark and the kids darting out here and there and I was terrified I would hit one of them.
I think this would be a cute costume.

One by one they come knocking at our door with their bags waiting to be filled.  I remember clearly when my brother was allowed to go out trick or treating and I had to stay home.  He came back all happy and excited to dump his candy on the rug and warned me not to touch and he meant it.  I think I may have gotten a wee bit but I know I was very unhappy.

Then the war years arrived and there was no candy.  We took little banks around to   collect money for the war effort.  You felt good about doing this as somehow we were helping.

People seem to like the idea of being scared which is reflected in so many of our movies and stories today.   That is not my idea of fun.

I was reading about how saying "one" over and over can be very calming.  I wish I did not worry as   much as I do and can be just like dad who is worry free, but then he is on a low dose of anti depressions for his feet , while his feet are about the same he doesn't worry about them as much.  I think that I can be like the person lost in the woods and solves his problems by walking faster in the wrong direction.  Time for the O God prayer.
This is a prayer from the back of a prayer book:
"O God ( sometimes I add O God..O God ...O God)
O  God of peace who has taught us that in returning and rest
we shall be saved (made whole and complete)
in quietness and in confidence shall be our strength.
By the might of Thy Spirit lift us, we pray Thee,  into Thy Presence,
 where we may be still and know that thou art God."   Amen and amen
---Beginner's Grace.
Today dad is off to the dentist and then we will do some visiting.  Hoping to see Jane and Geof soon.
I know that I will never know how many people have prayed for me and helped me over my anxiety.
I think that the life that is lived prayerfully stays alive spiritually.


Sandra said...

November 1st, the day when we once again vow to move before the following Halloween. Randy is fortunate as he was working nights. Me, and the dogs had to endure the onslaught of fireworks that go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on...well you get the point. It has been an allround tiring week and so glad it is Thursday. Sandra

Anonymous said...

I didn't know children collected money on Halloween night for the war effort in WWII. Wow.



PS Your mom and dad should have made Uncle Brian take you with him!

Anonymous said...

I was only about three maybe four,
love mom

Anonymous said...

We used to take the Unicief box's with us. We have had a cold change , with a freezing southerly wind