Friday, August 31, 2018


I find that I still have many questions that come to my mind especially at night but also especially in the morning.  I know that in the silence answers will come sometimes unexpectedly.

Yesterday I  met an old friend in the Safeway.  I have been meaning to call you I say, and that is true.  I question her about how she is doing and we share our good days and not so good.  I do not question her about why she is not coming to church anymore.

Often it is what is not said that speaks to our hearts.

She has a lot of pain in her joints and also battles fatigue like I do.  Every day a challenge to balance activity with rest.

Today there will be a lot of questions for dad and I as we are getting our hearing aids.  I know I certainly need them as I continually ask dad and others what did they say,

The right question can sometimes help us understand each other in life.
Not have you been saved?  Are you a Christian?  Do you know Jesus  as your savior or friend?

Instead do you have a spiritual awareness?
What brings out the best in you?
Do you ever want to express your burdens and concern for another in prayer"

No one should feel inferior or put down.
We all have questions and need to search for our own answers!

Sometimes words cannot be expressed that share our sadness but also our joys as answers come to us.

Thursday, August 30, 2018


I become more down to earth as the day goes on.  Visiting with Carol and Panteli helps.
It was a final good-bye to Hobey.
We have all enjoyed his visits.
They are a fun group of young people.
We get to meet Beatrice Hamlet's only sister.
Hamlet does a little translating for her.
Kim and Hamlet took her out to see the sights and do a little shopping.
Everyone seems very happy and relaxed.

I love to hear the stories of all these young people including Carol and Panteli and others in our family not present.  They hold our future in their capable hands!

We are a down to earth family with lots of goals and dreams!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


"A blind child guided by his mother admires the cherry blossoms.
-  Kikakou

               Today rain is falling and that is good.  The earth is so very dry and the grass is very brown.
                   I was thankful for the sunny day yesterday and the time to enjoy the beauty around me
                            as I enjoy my morning walk in the light rain..

I will share what I wrote in my journal this morning..  I am thankful for the people around me who have help me see more clearly.  Our pride and our stubbornness can blind us to our own faults.  Also our past experiences that have caused us sadness contribute to where we find ourselves today.

Both my parents taught me to be the best person I can be by working hard.  Cleanness and tidiness were very important.  My mom helped my dad achieve his goals especially in his work with the young people in his scout group.  She would make cookies for their meetings and be a loving presence that welcomes these boys into their home.

She impressed on me the importance of family and faith.  She taught  me that life has meaning and purpose even when one is bedridden and unable to speak.  All we need to do is to continue to be brave and trust that our love will continue to be expressed in our weakness and brokenness.

All I have to do is to be real in the midst of our pain and suffering.

My faith has taught me to face my fears that could hold m back from my goals.
My dad was afraid of dogs and mom and I are afraid of mice and rats and snakes.
I was afraid of flying when I would go up in dad's airplane.

I realize now that we can be blinded by our fears of growing old and we continue to realize our need of each other to find renewed strength and energy to carry on.

We conquer our little fears and accept each day as it comes.

Faith has helped me to overcome the blindness and solve the mystery of life with new eyes.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


I am feeling much better, drinking lots of cranberry juice.  I have an appointment in Sept.  I will go to the clinic if I feel it is necessary.

Dad had a upset stomach again this morning so we had a quiet morning.  In the afternoon we drove to Ladner to get a refund on our taxes.  It was the old peoples grant that needed to be claimed.  Everyone was extremely nice on the phone and at the Hall.  We drove to Sharkey's I had soup and dad had fish and chips.  Hope it does not upset him.

There was a younger man on my walk today, a neighbor,  who was walking with a limp and I was surprised to hear he needs hip surgery.  He has been healthy and active so bad things happen to everyone.  He has to wait for at least 6 months.

There comes things in our lives that we have to conquer the best way we can.  That is what I do.

Our neighbor came over to borrow our phone today.  We do our best to be good neighbors.

This is one of the messages of Jesus who calls us to love our neighbors as our selves.
I enjoyed sitting by this waterfall when dad went inside.  A very pleasant day.

Monday, August 27, 2018


                                                     Do you like this one?

Dad took this one of Kim bringing out some of her old clothes she does not want anymore.

I am not sure about taking pictures anymore.  If they are posed they look posed and if they are natural sometimes they are too natural.

I thought I had a doctor's appointment that dad made for me on the computer and was totally surprised to find out it had not been done.  I am now unsure of what to do except I will phone their office in the morning first thing and see what they say.

Being unsure can give me a sinking feeling inside.

I am sorry to hear Randy has a cold that can be miserable. 
 Hope he can rest up and you do not catch it.

Dad felt unsure about riding his bike today as we both seem a little weary. He did fix the bathroom light fixture which took a fair amount of time and energy.

 I did make the effort to walk with Aneta as it is so important to her now.  

Being human I can often feel unsure and troubled but often things have a way of working themselves out.  We keep busy doing the things that need to be done but we also need to take time to feel the wonder that can be hidden in the uncertainly that life.


Dad and I spent a restful Sunday morning feeling a little weary and wanting to save our energy for the party for Hobey.  I do like to set time aside on Sunday morning to be with friends,to find comfort and guidance in the words of scripture and to find healing in prayer and praise.  Soul comfort.

Being a Christian means to be more fully human and vulnerable and teachable

My pictures are not that good but the party was fun.
We arrive at Sandra's home and everyone is preparing soup and sandwiches.
Relaxing and chatting.
Happy Birthday Theresa

I missed some good pictures of Ophelia

It was great fun to have Hobey join right in with the conversation.
It has been good to reconnect with him.
It was exciting to see Carol arrive with Panteli.
Dad and I left soon after needing to return home and rest.

Saturday, August 25, 2018


My summer flowers have lost their bloom but the fall ones are now finally bursting out in full color.

Nature continues to express the joys of life and future hope.

 I do not always feel confident, more confused than confident sometimes, but I feel  there is still some life waiting to be expressed in the confidence I feel being a part of a loving family.

We enjoyed going to the Sylvia with Hobey and at least the view is the same but it has all been renovated inside and yes the menu has changed.
The rain that was predicted has finally arrived.
I cannot say I hear the pitter patter because it was a light rain.

I walked down to give Aneta some support as she was having a garage sale today.  Parting with her own things was okay but she felt a little emotional about things that were important to her husband.  The neighbors came over to chat with her so I left. 

All our emotions remind us of our humanness,  

Dad and I went out to do a bit of shopping and it is always surprising how busy the stores and the parking lots can be.  A car nearly backed into us but dad managed to get out of the way.  

I am confident that the healing power of love and the restorative power of prayers that will give us renewed strength and confidence.

This is from my journal but I am confused about whether I have already quoted it.

"Beneath all our noise and trouble, the secret of life is waiting to be discovered."

I am thankful that at least when I am confused I realize it and am confident that as I rest and relax I will be able to think more clearly.

I am more and more confident that we all need to get our proper sleep at night. 
 It sure helps dad and I.

Friday, August 24, 2018


Hobey has been gifted with a wonderful musical talent that includes writing songs and playing the music.  He was able to stay in a cabin in Red Deer to work on his writing and composing. We learned a lot about the music industry and why he enjoys playing and singing for his own pleasure and he has enjoyed hearing his songs played on the radio in several countries like Canada and the States.

Turning the words and experiences of our lives into song is a special talent.

The fog was much better today down from a 10 to a 6.  Aneta and I hada lot to catch up on as we have not walked for several days.  Together that is.

This is the picture from our window at the Sylvia Hotel.
Hobey had already been to English Bay to see the fireworks.
He was a little leery of the Canadian Geese that hang out there.

We enjoyed our lunch there.  Hobey is great fun to be with.  I am pleased he is fond of Canada and has good memories of coming here.  He enjoy his visit with Stephen and Shawna and Cameron and Shandel.  It sounded like Stephen and Cameron were trying to outdo each other with some of there more harrowing experiences.  They get that from dad I think.

After lunch we drove to visit Kim and Panteli.  It was great sitting out on there balcony over looking the golf course.  Kim had to leave to pick up Hamlet so she was going to drive Hobey to the bus station.  It is so much better to be able to spend time together with small groups.

Our talents are all different and it is wonderful when we can share our gifts to bring joy to others. 

"What matters in life is not what happens to you but how you remember it."
Ann Voskamp

It is good to be with others who have a talent for remembering the good experiences!

Thursday, August 23, 2018


Sandra told us we had a message from Hobie and we looked on face book and What's Up and couldn't find it.  We decided to be old fashioned and give him a phone call.

We arranged to meet him at his place in town at 11 and go to the Sylvia for lunch.

He is a busy young man and it will be good to have a special visit with him.

Dad had a bike ride and did some shopping at Shoppers.
He hopes to continue to feel better.

We receive many messages in our lives from people we know, books we read, and even music we listen to.

Each of us was born with message that we are meant to pass on to others.  We do this in our different ways and some times we do not even realize it as a message.

If we are open to listening we will know when some message is meant just for us.

Life has the power to speak to us through gray days and through bright days.

Life changes so does the message.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Today the smoke was much worse here.  I felt out of breath when I came home from my walk and again I had a headache.

How much worse it must be for others.  How sad to see your home, your property and business burnt to the ground.  The destructive force of this fire is unbelievable.  One of the worst fires in years certainly the worst smoke I have ever experienced.

Joanne invited us out for supper earlier in the week and we finally felt good enough to go.  Although dad is not all that good but at least he had a bike ride today and we went to home depot for a light dimmer for our bathroom and for some dirt for the front garden.

Joanne tells some funny tales and puts her whole energy into her stories.  Dad also added a few of his own.  I was okay with listening.  There are times when I feel the need to express myself but other times I am content to hear what others have to say.  Both were good story tellers.

Joanne has learn to handle pain and chronic fatigue by walking slowly everyday and getting enough rest.  She enjoys life even though she is limited in what she can do. How wonderful to havealove of life that flows out of a deep faith.

Our family has known loss and suffering, anxiety and fear, pain and separation but I have seen greater appreciation and compassion grow in all of us.  A good sense of humor helps too.

Life will never be perfect but in the end we discover what really matters.

An open mind and an open heart.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


                            Some of my favorite people have been to visit me over the last few days.
Another great day with Craig and Astrid.  Exciting news that Craig is going to be running for alderman for Delta council.  Dad is happy to be his sponsor.
Astrid is becoming a little charmer with her big eyes and happy face.  She is doing so much more crawling around and standing up on things.
It turned out to be a busy day with our old neighbor Cathy coming with a big Doberman pincher dog.
There was no way he was going to stay out in the back yard by himself so we all ended up on the patio.  He certainly has separation issues.  Cathy is dog siting for few days.

                           We had a heart to heart talk with her after Craig and Astrid left.
              We have shared a close relationship with her over the years we have known her.

Sandra dropped by with her egg delivery and modeled her new shoes.  Hopefully she is able to adjust to them.

After she left I did water the plants.  It is so sad to see everything so dry.

I like to believe that in God's heart, just like in mine, everyone of His kids is His favorite.
Families are such a blessing!


The morning feels cool and the air has a timeless feeling to it. Although I still feel tired I be live  the morning freshness and simple prayer will renew my spirit.

Another day awaits my presence.  Dad rides his bike through the trails of the Watershed park and he feels his presence makes it a safer place.

We each seem to blossom in our own way and in our own time.

Haiti comes to visit but even she has changed and does not look at me expecting me to take hr for a walk.  We both are getting older and it was a warm day.  It still is painful to realize my days walking with her to the park are over.  We think so much of life stretches ahead of us timelessly but reality is we have to fight the feelings of feeling useless.  It takes courage to face whatever life offers in new way.

Our relationships change especially as we age and we see less of each other.although we wish they were timeless this can happen only in our hearts and in our memories.

Our bodies change and so must our Diet change.

Cathy our old neighbor is coming by with the dog she is looking after, and so are Craig and Astrid.
Looking forward to there visits.  Too hot to be outside today!\

I tell myself to bloom where I am and always be aware of the love that surrounds me.

Love is timeless.

Monday, August 20, 2018


Kim dropped by to pick up the folding bed but forgot it and took Haiti's bed instead.  Good for dad to have some one to talk to and just relax.  Lots to talk about and look forward to.  I am amazed that Hamlet can work 24 hours without sleep and still fly all all the way here.

I think that the smoke was slowly getting to us but it is hard for me to tell because I have a headache already.  Eyes and throat seem dry.

I seem to be just slowly thinking I need to get used to it.

I was happy to have a very early walk when the air seemed better.  When I am on my own I can get a rhythm going and do a better pace. Also I have to keep alert to changes in the sidewalk as some places are uneven.

Looking back I can see how my life has slowly changed which is as it should be.  That being said it does not mean that I am all that happy with some of the changes.

Evidently I sat in some chocolate crumbs and had chocolate on the back of my seat so it was good Kim told me because dad did not even notice.  I am so glad I did not go to the store like that.  It looked disgusting.

I feel very cranky by evening and decide not to do any watering.

So in many ways we effect each others lives and it is always good to have visitors.

Sunday, August 19, 2018


Yes, we had a surprise visit from grand daughter Tasha.  It is good to have time to just sit and chat and eat muffins.  Blueberry muffins she brought which are my favorite. Out comes my camera to catch the moment.  The time went by so quickly and I had lots more questions I would have liked to ask.  We are amazed that she drives a bus in downtown Van. but whe is ready to look for someting different.  Less stressful that is for sure.
I did well reading the scripture at church even though it was from lamentations which is a book about grief and loss and feeling forsaken by God.  The good thing is that Jeremiah reminds them of God's faithfulness and His steadfast love that is new every morning.
This is the morning sun that is surrounded by red.  
The moon at night has been the same.

It has been a good day for us and certainly cheered dad up.
He did not ride his bike today but I know he will be riding down the trails in the forest to-morrow.

What a surprise to hear Hobey is back in Van.

Each day holds new surprises that we count as blessings.

Saturday, August 18, 2018


Many boats travel up and down our Fraser River.  Most of the owners have taken boating lessons to prepare them for their journey to the sea.  They learn to communicate with other boaters and know what the weather is going to be like.

I believe the river of life has the power to help us when we flow with it or exhaust us when we try to go up stream against the current.

It is good if we can share our experiences, good and not so good, with honesty and openness.

We are all sharing in a journey that may take us into rough waters but it is important to share what we have learn ed by simply being alive and human and willing to keep learning and trusting and sharing.

Tonight we were going to have supper out with Joanne.  She wants company to go to the Greek restaurant.  We cancelled because dad's stomach was bothering him again.  I was also very tired. 

Tried working in the garden but not happy with it at all.  I went and bought some new chrysanthemums to cheer myself up.  I will leave them in their pots for awhile.  Maybe I am just trying to go against the current and not getting anywhere.

"For the raindrop, joy is entering the river."   I am reminded we are a part of something bigger than we realize.

I am reading scripture at church in the morning which I have not been asked to do for a long time.

Our old neighbor Kathy is coming over in the afternoon.  She also has said she will help me in the garden.

I feel to-morrow is going to be a better day.  I pray dad will feel better.

Life can be difficult but also beautiful!

Friday, August 17, 2018


I walk by many lovely gardens as I walk back from the duck pond.  I love to see the colors.I love the fall colors especially.

Now is a time to cut down the dying plants and encourage the new life to take it's place.  I am not sure I am doing it right.  My friend Heather from church says she will come over and help but I worry about anyone trying to move among the rocks and pot holes in my front yard.  A little advice would be helpful.

Yes lots of people will be leaving our church to look for anew community.  I think we should plan a great farewell dinner.  How about a turkey?  It is the end of October.  How about a glass of wine for our "last supper:.  Something really festive and fun. 

It saddens me to see one of our church members who cannot accept that it is shutting down.  She comes to church with a grim  looking face and you can feel the anger within her.  There are things we cannot change so why not enjoy our last months together with a happy spirit?

"Every act of love is carried within us as a seed
but each needs the rain and heat of experience
to become it's full expression in the world."   Mark Nepo.

"Every poem or painting or piece of music (or written word) every act of love carried within us is the inner light that some call spirit or soul or grace,"  Mark Nepo

Dad and I have a lazy day today but did get our exercise.

I did a bit more in the front garden hoping it will start to look better.

I should have planned it better if I wanted to be a better gardener.

Thursday, August 16, 2018


This is the head table for our goof-bye luncheon for Ev. Leskiu  Her daughter and her daughter in law are seated beside her.  Tree of her good friends told stories of the fun they had working with Ev.  She was a hard worker who also encouraged others to become involved.  A good day of wonderful memories that brought us together as we revisited the past.  Good memories.  Ev will be missed and we send her on her way with our love and blessings as she moves to West Van.

Dad went out for lunch with Bob a good friend and I drove Vera to the church.  I had lots of help when I arrived getting her walker out of the car.  I had been a little concerned about that.  Pat, Bob's wife drove her home.  It was a good day for both of us.

My friend Aneta is revisiting her plans to walk with me every morning.  She finds it too early so I suggested she take a few days off just to rest.  She has to find a new place to live and that is a big worry for her.  I will go earlier so that works for me and do one big walk.

"A life well lived is firmly planted in the sweet soil of moments" and memories revisited.

Wisdom is now calling us to move forward into our own future.  Love will be the light that shines on our paths.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


          I am finding that things I used to feel where important are not so important anymore.

The important thing for me is to feel grateful for the beauty and color of nature even the dry brown leaves that are now forming.  Another smoky day but not quite as bad.  I did my two walks as usual.
Dad had a bike ride and then we drove to the library.  We were not paying attention to where we were going and missed the turn.  I think I had better be a more helpful co-pilot.

To-morrow I am going to the good-bye lunch for Ev and dad is going out for lunch with Bob.
It ended up a bit of a mix-up as he was doing both and needed to choose.

At the end of the day I am grateful for the celebration of all of life's journeys with family and friends.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


I did not plan to walk to the duck pond but I turned left instead of right and I had a new destination.

Dad and I finally followed through on our plans to go to Cost Co for our hearing aids.

We made a few wrong turns before we found the place.  It is a huge big place and people were streaming in and out.  If we had not found a parking spot near the door I think we were thinking of changing our plans.  We did find a Handy-cap space.

Inside we had to go to the very end to get to the hearing center.  The girl was very gracious and able to give us an appointment on Aug. 31 at noon.

We had planned to drive to Fort Langley on the way back but we were both weary from our walking.  Also a new area can be confusing.  We stopped at Milestones which I really like.  By the time we arrived home we were both ready for a nap.

Dad followed through on his plan for a bike ride.

We will not be having Haiti for a visit on Thursday as we had already made plans to attend a good-bye lunch for our friend Ev.  We also promised to pick up Vera to take her.  We will hve to plan for another day.

Some plans work out while others do not.  I will always plan my day in some way or other.


Yes I am still walking in the smoky haze,

I walk down to the duck pond by myself on this smokey and hazy morning.  It is a longer walk for me but I really want to make the effort.

The ducks are all wake and out in great numbers.

A few are swimming.

Lots of people taking an early morning walk.

I am thinking that dog walkers are more friendly.

I smile and say good morning anyway.

Dad and I are driving to Langley to Cost Co.

Life is full of experiences that teach us how to make good choices and learn from our bad choices.  Through these experiences that are joys and struggles I am discovering the sacred in the every day ordinary life.  Struggles force us to dig deeper into the inner roots of our heart and soul searching for purpose and meaning.

"the Holy Ground of experience"  -Mark Nepo

Monday, August 13, 2018


                    The healing power of nature reveals the healing power of the grace of Our Creator.

Today dad drove me over to the Seniors home and he went on to Valley Village.

I have not had a visit with Joan for several weeks.  She was very down and confused when I arrived.
I helped move a few items around for her and as we talked she brightened up.  People really need to be with others especially if you tend to be a worrier.  She certainly is.  I will make an effort to get back in the habit of spending time with her.

Grace is the healing energy of the Word and the Spirit. 

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd or shepherdess,  -a relationship
I shall not want  -needs supplied
He leadeth me to lie don in green pastures  -rest
He leadeth me beside still waters   -refreshment
HE restoreth my soul   -healing
He leadeth me in the path of righteousness  -the path of grace and kindness
for His name sake  -purpose
Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death  -a challenge
I will fear no evil.  -assurance
For Thou art with me.  -Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies  -hope
You anoint my head with oil  -consecration
My cup runneth over  -abundance
Surely  goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.    - blessings
I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  -security

This was sent to me on our prayer chain.

The grace of God is the glue that heals our brokenness and restores our souls.
The gift that we do not have to earn but only receive.

Sunday, August 12, 2018


                               A relaxing day that ended up hanging out with Kim and Haiti.

I set off to church by myself as dad slept in and his stomach was bothering him again.  This is an on going problem that he needs to take care of the best he can.

I liked the message at church today which was that there are no easy answers to some hard problems.
There are things we can do to help us cope.though  Reach out and help some one else.

Certainly prayer which is sharing our worries with God and sharing our worries with others who care about us is helpful.  Together we will find answers if not today maybe to-morrow.  Believe that we become stronger when we find purpose in our struggles.

The pain of hurt does not last forever.

Relaxing and taking a deep breath helps me to focus on the mysterious atmosphere in which we live and breath.
A love that promises never to leave us. 

Dad was feeling better when I got home and after a bike  ride we drove to meet Kim at the Wooden-N-Frog.  I had borosh soup which was excellent.  We sat outside and watched people strolling and biking by.  Lots of young families.  Lots of plans to discuss with the family gathering at Sandra and Randy's coming up and then Kim's big wedding reception due with lots of her family we have not seen for a long time.  Her grama Sabrien and her Uncle Scott.

Panteli came and joined us so we were a happy group too.

We ended up with a visit with Kim and Haiti on their patio.  A lot of brown leaves lay all around as the dry weather had caused them to fall off the trees.  Haiti was very happy and excited to see us.  She may come for a visit on Thursday if Panteli can drop her off here for several hours.

Time for me to relax with dad and see what is on T.V.

Saturday, August 11, 2018


      Sandra braved the windy cold back patio to have a taste of my cucumber water.  So refreshing.

Memories are tricky things as dad and I think aback to the days when  we used to order groceries from downtown.  Was it the Hudson's Bay or was it Woodward's?  I think he was right it was the Bay.  The point of the story was how exciting it was to have the boxes delivered the next day.

Memories that are built on good times are best.
We anticapate many good memories ahead for us all!

I find shopping a big chore now and still come home without what I went for..
I am happy when dad is willing to do it.

We invited Sandra to go out for lunch with us but she was in a hurry to return home.

We have many memories of our first homes, in an attic apartment, in an army barracks. in the suburbs, on the flats and on the hilltops.We would not want to go back.

Where ever we have been our attention is now focused on making new memories
This day a busy day in the garden for me but time now to relax and wait for Heartbeat!\
I look forward to Saturday.

Friday, August 10, 2018


                          Cucumber water all ready for another warm day when we need to keep drinking.

Looking at my garden all I can see is thirsty plants wanting a good soaking.

My daisy's have all died and look very ugly.

Early morning finds me out looking and feeling very discouraged at it all.
A young girl passes by and comments that my garden looks lovely.

I guess we all look at things differently at times.

We appreciate a cool drink even more when we are thirsty!

When I was facing chronic sickness with no remedy I found that I was thirsty for spiritual answers even more!

"Be not afraid of going slowly
be afraid of standing still."

Japanese proverb.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


"If your mind is not clouded by unnecessary things, this may be the best time of your life.

Dad and I sit out in the shade deck for lunch hidden from all the passers by on the street. Thankful for even a whisper  of a breeze. It is pretty quiet today because it is so warm. A young couple stroll by totally engrossed in each other.  Even the dogs are not excited to go for a walk.  They look droopy as do the flowers and shrubs in my garden.

Our lives have been shaped by many different seasons and various experiences.
Learning to listen to what has been unspoken jn the lives of each other is just as important as the words that are said.
We are learning to be more intuitive and empathetic is important in this last season of our lives.

I am longing for this time of hot weather to cool and refresh my soul as well as my body, the grass and the trees whose leaves are turning brown.
They look as weary as I feel right now but the rain is coming to bring new life! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


I am waiting and longing for this heat to cool down.  I am finding it making me feel a little dizzy and nauseated.  What else is new!  I function best in the very early morning and try to get a few chores done.

It seems strange that Ken and Melina are waiting for warmer weather to chase away the CHILL.

It is very interesting to hear all the plans our family has for the future especially concerning learning and improving their skills.  I loved learning when I went to school and I have continued on a spiritual quest over the years.

I have always felt the power of prayer to enable me to cope with poor health and disappointment.
Illness always brings with it an emotional side affect.

The lessons I would pass on is the need to express ourselves and also to use the gifts we have been given.  I have found writing in my journals a good way to relieve stress and worry.

It is not about success or failure; nor about winning or losing.  It is about making an effort to take care of myself and knowing my limits.  I am always available to listen.

We waited for several phone calls today but only had one reply.

I have found the light that guides my path and I know that others must find their own.

Too hot in this room!  !!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


What a great party!  I am happy Hobey has good memories of past visits!  He certainly has left a lasting impression with us all this time.

I really, really wanted to take a balloon home and next time I will.  My balloon is just about flat now.

Panteli was at the party too but his picture did not turn out because he was in the shade.

Yes it was just too hot so I just had to put my bathing suit on and Jump in the pool. No I did not jump
It is the pool at our house.  I did not make even a tiny splash!
It sure felt good!

We express ourselves in many ways through the day.  This my blog is one way I do.

Our family enjoys having fun together and I like to think we are all our authentic and honest selves.

We may not share the exact same beliefs but we can share our experiences of life!

Monday, August 6, 2018


Sunday began with me watching the minister putting on a puppet show for the three children who were there.  I do enjoy the children's story which was about being the best you, you can be,

Dad and I loved being watchers as the young people had fun in the pool.  All looking so young and so beautiful!
This was an earlier attempt at making big splashes with only three jumpers.  Later there seven.

                                                          Among the first to greet Hobey

It was a very hot day but Hobey looked cool.  James and Many had brought him there

Stepan says high from the pool.
                                             Lincoln loves the pool as does his brothers.

                                     Hobey soon joined the fun watching at a closer range,

                                          Kim says hi.
                                                Rick looking hot and tired from his long drive down'

                                          Floating boats with Lincoln.

                                               Good Mandy is grat at holding Walker.
Three lovely beauties.

Randy gets ready to cook.
Time for the birthday cake.
Seeley has a little help blowing.
Walker joins the fun.
NANA  takes over.
Theresa jpins the fun.
Hobie lets his hair down.
Great Grama is sleepy.

After a wonderful day we head home with Rick following us for a chat then off to bed.