Wednesday, August 8, 2018


I am waiting and longing for this heat to cool down.  I am finding it making me feel a little dizzy and nauseated.  What else is new!  I function best in the very early morning and try to get a few chores done.

It seems strange that Ken and Melina are waiting for warmer weather to chase away the CHILL.

It is very interesting to hear all the plans our family has for the future especially concerning learning and improving their skills.  I loved learning when I went to school and I have continued on a spiritual quest over the years.

I have always felt the power of prayer to enable me to cope with poor health and disappointment.
Illness always brings with it an emotional side affect.

The lessons I would pass on is the need to express ourselves and also to use the gifts we have been given.  I have found writing in my journals a good way to relieve stress and worry.

It is not about success or failure; nor about winning or losing.  It is about making an effort to take care of myself and knowing my limits.  I am always available to listen.

We waited for several phone calls today but only had one reply.

I have found the light that guides my path and I know that others must find their own.

Too hot in this room!  !!


Shandel said...

We are enjoying cold popsicles to beat this heat. Also hoping to go to the lake. We have lots of smoke residue from the fires. It makes me light headed.

Sandra said...

I am looking forward to the weekend. I love my teenager kittens but it will be nice to have a sort of normal nights sleep again with just Missy beside me.

I hope it rains out like they say. So many trees are starting to turn brown now.


beth bennett said...

Shandel I am happy I am not the only one.

I miss our visits to the lake.

I sure hope it rains.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Which lake do you miss visiting Beth? Is it in Edmonton?

My goodness it has been hot for Vancouver weather. 28C today. We hit 30C and it is humid as the jet stream brings up hot humid air from the deep south. I am so tired of it too...just want it to go away. I feel tired and cranky. But we are in for a few more record breaking days...tomorrow 35C and sunday 36C. I will stay inside where it is cool.
The Senior Scene is opening its doors to everyone to come and get cooled down...even on the weekend.

I just came in from watering all my pots and vegetables...whew. they sure like to be hosed down in the evening. my tomatoes are getting huge..but not a ripe one yet! They are late this year and many folks have blossom end rot, but not me. i fertilize them faithfully.

My son is living with me and he is such a great help. He was working in the garden too, cutting off dead branches from the apple tree and picking up apples on the ground that will gather wasps if left. We throw them over the fence for the deer.
It is very dry here too and some of the tress, like caraganas are yellow. Some of the grasses in the ditches are too and the streams and pot holes have dried up. It is important to leave water out for the wild life. I have my hose running all the time for them. it is lake water and I just pay $125 once a year. I have small pie plates on the ground for the ground squirrels etc...skunks too. All are welcome here.

My son, Bob, was in the shop last evening and opened the door to find the bear right on the shop steps..looking at him. He could have reached out and touched him. The bear high tailed it down the drive way. Bob said he was startled at first and then laughed...he isn't scared. It is a momma bear whose two year old cubs are here in the beach as well. The are separate now, because in May the females mate and the cubs are run off. She will have cubs in January...every two years. They have been seen many times by the cottagers as well adn so far they are living with them as we do.

Well I am off to finish the Blue Jays game and then do some reading of my book, which is getting awfully complicated. I will struggle through this chapter and hope it gets better. it is a book by Greg Iles and he often gets complicated. A crime story.

I hope tomorrow is cooler for you,

have a good sleep,
Love, Nancy

You must be a life long student Beth....tell me about your school years and what you liked to study. Did you take extra curricular studies as well?

beth bennett said...

Nancy I was thinking of Cultus lake.

I do not remember all the studying I have done but will think about it.

I have to do some watering now.

Love beth