Saturday, August 18, 2018


Many boats travel up and down our Fraser River.  Most of the owners have taken boating lessons to prepare them for their journey to the sea.  They learn to communicate with other boaters and know what the weather is going to be like.

I believe the river of life has the power to help us when we flow with it or exhaust us when we try to go up stream against the current.

It is good if we can share our experiences, good and not so good, with honesty and openness.

We are all sharing in a journey that may take us into rough waters but it is important to share what we have learn ed by simply being alive and human and willing to keep learning and trusting and sharing.

Tonight we were going to have supper out with Joanne.  She wants company to go to the Greek restaurant.  We cancelled because dad's stomach was bothering him again.  I was also very tired. 

Tried working in the garden but not happy with it at all.  I went and bought some new chrysanthemums to cheer myself up.  I will leave them in their pots for awhile.  Maybe I am just trying to go against the current and not getting anywhere.

"For the raindrop, joy is entering the river."   I am reminded we are a part of something bigger than we realize.

I am reading scripture at church in the morning which I have not been asked to do for a long time.

Our old neighbor Kathy is coming over in the afternoon.  She also has said she will help me in the garden.

I feel to-morrow is going to be a better day.  I pray dad will feel better.

Life can be difficult but also beautiful!


Sandra said...

Water is such a lovely thing.Watching if slow or drip or wave. I guess people where it is flooding might not feel quite the same way. I am feeling very unmotivated and blah. When Mary comes we might paint my bedroom, I just feel like I need a change. I booked a hotel for Randy and I at Tofino for 5 days in October for our anniversary. Not sure if Kimberly will house sit yet, I might ask Mikey. It is so close to his work so convienient for him. Though, with it just being Missy do not really even need some one to stay, just drop by and feed her.


beth bennett said...

Hi Sandra
Yes I feel like that too.

Exciting things to look forward to which helps.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

I love the sound of water and you have a lovely water feature in your yard. You have such a peaceful backyard. I think your cresanthemums should be fine in their pots for a while yet. They add such lovely colours for the late summ and fall.