Tuesday, August 21, 2018


The morning feels cool and the air has a timeless feeling to it. Although I still feel tired I be live  the morning freshness and simple prayer will renew my spirit.

Another day awaits my presence.  Dad rides his bike through the trails of the Watershed park and he feels his presence makes it a safer place.

We each seem to blossom in our own way and in our own time.

Haiti comes to visit but even she has changed and does not look at me expecting me to take hr for a walk.  We both are getting older and it was a warm day.  It still is painful to realize my days walking with her to the park are over.  We think so much of life stretches ahead of us timelessly but reality is we have to fight the feelings of feeling useless.  It takes courage to face whatever life offers in new way.

Our relationships change especially as we age and we see less of each other.although we wish they were timeless this can happen only in our hearts and in our memories.

Our bodies change and so must our Diet change.

Cathy our old neighbor is coming by with the dog she is looking after, and so are Craig and Astrid.
Looking forward to there visits.  Too hot to be outside today!\

I tell myself to bloom where I am and always be aware of the love that surrounds me.

Love is timeless.


Steady-as-rain said...

That is a lovely photo of the flower.

Does Dad have his cell phone when he is riding in the watershed park?

The smoke here has lessened a lot over the last day or so. Not back to normal but closer to it.

Yes, bloom where we are. Good idea.



Sandra said...

Back to back posts, how can anyone keep up!

I am finding this aging thing makes one have to reevaluate healing and what it means. When younger if you hurt your self you just knew it would heal and get better and you would forget about it. Now it is not so easy! Now you have to plan on a long term rehabilitation and realize you will probably never be what you once were.

I find my shoes help for the most part, but now my ankle hurts. Could be I am walking differently now. Once I get the sleeve hopefully that helps.

Randy home for the second day in a row so supper for me again!


Client Strengths said...

I like the idea that we're blooming over different times of our lives in different ways. I learned about the Alexander method at Hollyhock related to running but can be for any movement including opera singing where making micro changes in our movement and posture can help keep us moving youthfully (ish). I also find that looking in the mirror without my glasses helps. :)

Can't wait to come home ... and I'm warming to the idea of being semi retired ... so many things to do. .. also I get a 50% seniors discount when I turn 60 at the Delta rec centre which I plan to use as soon as I can.

Love everyone and am looking forward to coming home.

beth bennett said...

Yes we are looking forward to you coming Carol.

Yes dad takes his cell phone.

Craig and Astrid are coming over today.
Less smokey but too hot to be outside.

Love mom