Wednesday, August 1, 2018


My walk home through the park. An elderly East Indian made puts his hands together like a prayer and I  return the greeting of peace back to him.  Then we both laugh and I carry on through the park back to home.

I have been remembering when an old run down army barracks became our first home.  Their were two other families living in this barracks.  They already had children when we moved in.  Rick and Carol were born when we lived there and called it home.  This was our Sea Island home.  

One of the neat things was we were all treated as equals trying to get a start in life by saving for our first house.  We would sit out on our back porches that looked out on fields of wild grass as far as you could see, watching our children play together.

Dad could even walk to work which he often did.  Airplanes constantly flew over our heads and dad knew each one by name.

I would sit on the back steps with Dusty our little dog sitting beside me.  He followed me everywhere.  There was a long road that rang by our place and there was hardly any traffic.  I will never forget the day our little dog was run over.  I heard the squealing of brakes and as the car raced off Dusty lay on the road not moving.  I ran our my heart beating with fear of the worst.  I just could not believe it.

We had nursed him through distemper and we would take turns making sure he was covered at night  as he would start shivering.  He was my first dog and I was heartbroken.

We lived there for there for four  years and then when the others moved out  it became a lonely and sad place.  It was time to move on.

When Sandra arrived we would pack up our few possessions and move into our new home we had build with my dad lending us money for the down payment.

They say home is where the heart is and that is so true.


Sandra said...

I remember our first townhouse in Cloverdale it was like that too, lots of young families just starting out.

The Parsons arrive today! Gotta get started on shuffling everything around.


Steady-as-rain said...

It certainly is possible to be happy even if you don't have too much, especially if others are in the same situation.

I remember very clearly going to our house in Tsawwassen on 55A street for the first time in 1961, or thereabouts. The house wasn't finished yet, and was about 60-70% built. When we first got there I wanted to play in the dirt and so on out in the front (no lawn at that point, of course). You and Dad and Carol (and maybe baby Sandra?) went inside to look around at the various rooms and so on. The cement for the front sidewalk had just been poured and I remember Dad lifting Carol (and maybe you?) over the wet cement into the front door. After 10 minutes playing in the dirt I got bored and I wanted to go into the house and see what everyone else was doing. But I couldn't get over the wet cement and get in the front door. I contemplated the situation for a while and then tried as best I could to jump over the cement on the door sill where Dad had stood to lift people over. But one of my feet plunged deep into the cement and I blundered into the house with, I imagine, one very obviously wet and cement covered foot. Dad was mad when he saw me (he might very well have warned me about the wet cement), but the workman just laughed as the cement was still so wet that it was easy for him to just trowell over the walk once again and make it good as new.

But the point is that we must at that point still be living out at the (now lonely) old army barracks out at Sea Island, and gone back there that night. But I have no memory of that at all, or the little dog Dusty. Funny how memory works.

I am feeling not well at all. I am still going to work for fear of using up my sick days, but I am struggling to get by.

I will try and come down to see Hobey at Sandra's place on Sunday. Not sure right now if I will make it or not.



beth bennett said...

Your mom says stay home.

Hobey will be here in Sept.

Carol is away right now, Kim may be working,
Leah and Craig are going away for the week-end.

I worry about you driving.
Why not go to the emergrncy?
Are you dizzy" short of breath? Over tired? any pain? headache?
We are thinking of driving there.

Hobey is here mainly on business.

Whatever you decide.

Love you Love mom