Thursday, August 9, 2018


"If your mind is not clouded by unnecessary things, this may be the best time of your life.

Dad and I sit out in the shade deck for lunch hidden from all the passers by on the street. Thankful for even a whisper  of a breeze. It is pretty quiet today because it is so warm. A young couple stroll by totally engrossed in each other.  Even the dogs are not excited to go for a walk.  They look droopy as do the flowers and shrubs in my garden.

Our lives have been shaped by many different seasons and various experiences.
Learning to listen to what has been unspoken jn the lives of each other is just as important as the words that are said.
We are learning to be more intuitive and empathetic is important in this last season of our lives.

I am longing for this time of hot weather to cool and refresh my soul as well as my body, the grass and the trees whose leaves are turning brown.
They look as weary as I feel right now but the rain is coming to bring new life! 


Shandel said...

We caved last night and got a portable ac unit from my dad. We have silly windows that roll open so we need to brainstorm and get creative on how to keep the warmth out. It did help though. We slept so much better. Today is supposed to break 35-37. And then the weekend we hope will rain and cool off. It's nice to have some shade to enjoy the warmth a bit but I think its really getting much to hot. Though in a couple of months or less we may miss this heat.

Steady-as-rain said...

I am lucky my basement suite never goes above 24C no matter how hot outside it is. In the winter, though, it can seem chilly at times.

It would be nice if Christopher could make it to Hobey's send off party, but I suppose that is not likely.



nancy-Lou said...

Yes. we too are wilting and yellowing with age! This heat and humidity is really tough to take. The humidex right now is 40. On top of that is all the smoke in the air from forest burns the eyes and throat. Our Senior Scene is open this weekend for seniors to cool off. We have air conditioning but it is working overtime to try and keep the house cooled.

It has been hot all through western Canada.

My son's girlfriend is staying with us for the is always nice to have younger people around. Laughing and doing things together.

I have a busy week coming up with two commission paintings to complete and a collector from Denver bought a large painting and I have to pack it and ship it there. Plus the Boreal ARt Tour is this coming weekend and I have a two day show.
I am the depot for the northern division for picking up all the signage and paper work so will be busy tomorrow with all the artists coming. I am happy to do enjoyable volunteer job. Oh yes an art workshop on Thursday too..but I am all ready for that. I never thought being 74 would be so it!

Isn't it nice to have that shade deck...where you can cool off. we have one on the north side of the house although it is rather exposed too the street. The deck on the east side is pretty warm until the sun goes around the house. Evenings are good there.

Well I am going to go to bed early and read my book is a tough many characters and it is 728 pages long.

Have a lovely evening and I hope it rains and you cool off...we are in for quite a few more hot days by the looks of environment Canada.

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Waiting and hoping for rain.