Friday, August 31, 2018


I find that I still have many questions that come to my mind especially at night but also especially in the morning.  I know that in the silence answers will come sometimes unexpectedly.

Yesterday I  met an old friend in the Safeway.  I have been meaning to call you I say, and that is true.  I question her about how she is doing and we share our good days and not so good.  I do not question her about why she is not coming to church anymore.

Often it is what is not said that speaks to our hearts.

She has a lot of pain in her joints and also battles fatigue like I do.  Every day a challenge to balance activity with rest.

Today there will be a lot of questions for dad and I as we are getting our hearing aids.  I know I certainly need them as I continually ask dad and others what did they say,

The right question can sometimes help us understand each other in life.
Not have you been saved?  Are you a Christian?  Do you know Jesus  as your savior or friend?

Instead do you have a spiritual awareness?
What brings out the best in you?
Do you ever want to express your burdens and concern for another in prayer"

No one should feel inferior or put down.
We all have questions and need to search for our own answers!

Sometimes words cannot be expressed that share our sadness but also our joys as answers come to us.


Sandra said...

Well, I hope your experience with the hearing aids goes better than last time.

I wonder how you ended up with Haiti, any coercion on your part?

Sandra said...

No new blog this morning, you must be busy walking Haiti.