Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Today the smoke was much worse here.  I felt out of breath when I came home from my walk and again I had a headache.

How much worse it must be for others.  How sad to see your home, your property and business burnt to the ground.  The destructive force of this fire is unbelievable.  One of the worst fires in years certainly the worst smoke I have ever experienced.

Joanne invited us out for supper earlier in the week and we finally felt good enough to go.  Although dad is not all that good but at least he had a bike ride today and we went to home depot for a light dimmer for our bathroom and for some dirt for the front garden.

Joanne tells some funny tales and puts her whole energy into her stories.  Dad also added a few of his own.  I was okay with listening.  There are times when I feel the need to express myself but other times I am content to hear what others have to say.  Both were good story tellers.

Joanne has learn to handle pain and chronic fatigue by walking slowly everyday and getting enough rest.  She enjoys life even though she is limited in what she can do. How wonderful to havealove of life that flows out of a deep faith.

Our family has known loss and suffering, anxiety and fear, pain and separation but I have seen greater appreciation and compassion grow in all of us.  A good sense of humor helps too.

Life will never be perfect but in the end we discover what really matters.

An open mind and an open heart.


Steady-as-rain said...

Hope you take it easy with the smokey air.

Nice that Craig came over. I should bring some baby formula when I come down for Kim's wedding reception.

The rain will come again, soon enough.



beth bennett said...

It is not soon enough for the gardens here Rick.

Very brown and dry.

Looking forward to your visit.
