Sunday, August 12, 2018


                               A relaxing day that ended up hanging out with Kim and Haiti.

I set off to church by myself as dad slept in and his stomach was bothering him again.  This is an on going problem that he needs to take care of the best he can.

I liked the message at church today which was that there are no easy answers to some hard problems.
There are things we can do to help us cope.though  Reach out and help some one else.

Certainly prayer which is sharing our worries with God and sharing our worries with others who care about us is helpful.  Together we will find answers if not today maybe to-morrow.  Believe that we become stronger when we find purpose in our struggles.

The pain of hurt does not last forever.

Relaxing and taking a deep breath helps me to focus on the mysterious atmosphere in which we live and breath.
A love that promises never to leave us. 

Dad was feeling better when I got home and after a bike  ride we drove to meet Kim at the Wooden-N-Frog.  I had borosh soup which was excellent.  We sat outside and watched people strolling and biking by.  Lots of young families.  Lots of plans to discuss with the family gathering at Sandra and Randy's coming up and then Kim's big wedding reception due with lots of her family we have not seen for a long time.  Her grama Sabrien and her Uncle Scott.

Panteli came and joined us so we were a happy group too.

We ended up with a visit with Kim and Haiti on their patio.  A lot of brown leaves lay all around as the dry weather had caused them to fall off the trees.  Haiti was very happy and excited to see us.  She may come for a visit on Thursday if Panteli can drop her off here for several hours.

Time for me to relax with dad and see what is on T.V.


Sandra said...

I was able to have a relaxing day of doing some cleaning now that the big kittens are gone. One of them liked to dig in my plants and there was dirt everywhere.

Before I knew it Randy was home and I just had time to cut the grass then start on supper.

We had a few sprinkles here of rain, not enough to make any difference to the parched trees I am sure.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra even cleaning and gardening can be relaxing.

Not much rain here either.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Yes, I plan on bringing Haiti over to your house between 11:00 and 11:30 on Thursday, then pick her up between 6:30 and 7;30 at night. If anything changes, I'll let you know. Nice to see you guys yesterday!

beth bennett said...

Thanks Panteli
We are looking forward to her visit!
Love beth