Saturday, August 4, 2018


 I seem to be in the middle of a muddle all the day long.
I start things but do not finish them.
I do a little in the garden and a a little in the house

In the middle of a muddle we call life.

Bees are flying all around me when I try to do a little in the garden.  I try to ignore them but I think it is only going to be a matter of time before one gets mad at me and lets me know it.

I look around carefully for the skunk that walked into our yard last night.  There is an area in the garden that looks like some one was sleeping there.
A round patch of flattened grass. It is more likely it sleeps under our porch.  Again I hope it ignores me.

I knock a pot of boiling water off the stove and it goes flying right by me.  I decide I had better wake up and be a little more careful.

Our pond is working better which makes dad feel good.
The only problem is his stomach is acting up again so he has no energy to ride his bike.  So I guess we will both have a holiday resting and reading and later watching football.

Saturday is the night for Heartbeat which we both enjoy.  A story with heart and also humor.

Good to rest up for our big day to-morrow meeting Hobey and celebrating family times!  !


Anonymous said...

see you at Sandra's this afternoon. Looking forward to seeing Hobey! Panteli

beth bennett said...

Looking forward to seeing Hobey and Rick!

Love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Middle...hmmm well I felt like 'monkey in the middle' today trying to balance all the things going on. I have company for the weekend and an art show today and people wanting to come and view some art here as well. I took a taxi down to the summer club in the morning to hang my art and took another taxi home wit it. Didn't well any...just three pieces, but people are going to contact me who were interested.

Well i sure am glad that the pot of boiling water didn't land on you Beth. That would have be awful. You must be careful.

Were you having a family supper at Sandra's today? Nice to hear that Hobey is there visiting you. Does he live in Melbourne as well?

I went to the country market yesterday and bought some fresh veggies...they were excellent. beans and potatoes. mmmmmm. I will go again next Saturday and buy more. I was in a hurry to go and meet my Tai Chi teacher to learn how to forest bathe....a Japanese buddhist walk in the forest. An hour a a half of slow contemplative and reverent walking. You don't talk and when we first started out I saw large bear tracks...but remained calm. we didn't see the bear but we did see a beautiful deer very close to us and he didn't run...just observed the two old people enjoying the chi of nature. it is very healing and strengthens the immune system. He owns 6 acres of forest and it is a piece of heaven there.

Well I hope to be a more regular contributor to your blog again Beth. i has been very busy...but I enjoy reading your blog even if I don't have the time to comment.

Have a wonderful evening,
Love, Nancy

It was an amazing experience...truly was. I will walk again with him when he goes...very fortunate to have him as a friend. He has long been studying the ancient arts.

Sandra said...

Thanks for coming out yesterday. I hope you and dad got enough to eat. As usual it seemed like I had lots of time to get everything made but in the end have to rush.

We were up at 4:30 this morning to drop everyone off at the airport. Shawna said they had a good flight home. I already have the kittens back in their room and have started on the laundry that will probably take all day with all the sheets and towels.
