Saturday, June 30, 2018


                                        The inside will soon be filled with chatter and laughter.

Inside the house needed some attention as I have been so busy in the yard and trying to do my walking.  Sometimes you need to be motivated to clean up.

I was up early to clean up and make some muffins.  I had them all ready to put in the oven and forgot to put them in.  A seniors moment I guess.  This is a first for me.But yes when I went to check to see if they were done I was confused wondering where are they?
Oliver does not like the flash so he covers his ears.
He is a happy little boy and plays well with his trucks and cars.
Tavia gets baby Atlin to sleep in the carrier on her back.
Dad telling one of his many stories.

Yes, they help keep us young!  The time goes so quickly while they are here.
It is good of them to keep in touch.
We have a special bond formed over the years I helped take are of Tavia.
She is now a lovely, intelligent, creative and caring, musically talented and artistic too.
mother of two

Shawn a loving caring hard working husband who plays hockey
and is a great help to Tavia.
A great pair and great friends!

Friday, June 29, 2018


I welcomed dad as he was coming out from his ride around the Water Shed.  I actually walked all the way over.  Both of us had not felt too energetic but talked each other into getting some exercise.

To-morrow I will be welcoming Tavia and Shawn and their two boys over first thing in the morning.  They have moved out to Abbotsford now so they will be up early for the drive over.  They are stopping by here and then will go to visit Shawn's family.

This was a little unexpected with a phone call last night but we welcome visits that bless us all.

And I should wlcome a challenge.

We have a lot to catch up on.  Knowing these people people they will have new plans for there future.

I am trying to learn to welcome the unexpected although I wish I was better prepared.



Yesterday we missed the warmth of the sun and a visit from a friend.

This morning I am missing my camera but after looking again and again I find it.

Here she is!
A dull day came alive with her visit and her trying on my old wedding dress.
Lots of fun !

We missed the warmth of the day and the feeling that summer was finally here but the warmth of the visit of Kim and then later of Ken on the phone made it a good day.

Dad and I had been feeling tired but happy after our visit to Chapters in Langley.  When we walked into the store which has been totally re-organized it see like all the favorite spots were missing.  No magazine section right at the front where dad always enjoyed reading the flying books.

By the time I found the mystery fiction section and the religious display I was too tired to have a good browse.  I imagine some brilliant mind designed it all but my first impression was confusion.  I did buy several books which I have not found in the library which I will donate to them when I finish reading.

As we close off the lights and put the cushions away on the outside patio we share our aches and pains.  My mind is too confused to write a blog so I will wait for the morning.

We all have to face the fact that age is now catching up to us.  Ken is still going through tests and a procedure in the hospital awaits the removal of polyps.  Melina needs to have some tests too.  Yes I can remember going through my tests myself which were not pleasant and each one a little more difficult.  I remember praying and asking why.  When I accepted my life as it enfolded I was able to have faith that each day I would find new strength and new resilience to carry on.

My future awaits me and it depends on my thought and actions of this day.

"To climb the days like mountains and moments like summits
where the warmth of the light spreads across your face......
you forget the pain of getting there."

"To rely on your spirit which waits within
To feel the vastness of the light and know you still have love to fill it."

Mark Nepo writing "Inside the Miracle."

The miracle which is life!

Always happy when I find what went missing.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Dad returned to the Water Shed on his bike and there he met a little lost dog.  His owner had gone on ahead and the dog, who was old and tired returned to the entrance of the park.  Dad talked with him until he heard the owner calling out for the dog in the distant forest.

They were then reunited and dad carried on his way.

I did my usual walk with Aneta.  She has had a good offer on her house she is selling.  It is subject to the home inspection.  She has done well with all the legal work of her husband's death and now selling their home.

I find that I have good days and not so good.  Today was an effort.  I did some baking waiting for a friend to call to let me know if she could come over.  It was disappointing but the cat needed to go to the vet and that decided the day for her.

Some days I  feel that I I have done something worthwhile which helps me feel happier.

I am shutting my eyes when I watch T.V. and even when I am reading and I forget to open them.  Yes, I am dozing off.

My goal is to find enjoyment in the simple everyday pleasures and to be content.

We all search for purpose and meaning even as we are on the last lap of our lives.
We struggle with confusion and aches and pains.
We are thankful we are not alone but feel surrounded by loving caring family and friends.
                                             We will cross the bridge when we come to it.
We do not like changes but they will come and I am thankful that deep within me there is a feeling of something I can trust to always be there.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


                                       This is a fragile emotion which I struggle with at times.
When family really works it is when we are able to love unconditional
People people who have seen and heard us at our worst still have compassionate hearts for each other.

Compassion is a gift that needs to be opened as we see that  those who have hurt us also have been damaged by hurtful experiences.

I am reading about a lady named Jennifer in the book "8 Habits of Love" who was brutally attached on her daily walk in the park.  She struggled to forgive and forget and to come alive again.  She tried all the usual tools of counseling etc. but nothing healed her pain nor gave her the courage and confidence she needed.

She decided to volunteer and teach youth at a half-way house.  She heard their stories and heard their pain and because compassion came alive in her she began to heal.

Dad and I drove way over to Guildford in the morning to go to the 'Apple Store" to get a new battery for his phone.  We could not believe all the changes and the amount of new stores and the huge parking lot.  The computer gave us the wrong directions so we ended up on the wrong floor going the wrong direction.  We now have an appointment to return next week.  That is after we found a human to give us directions.

We came home and I had a rest and dad did more work outside and then we sat in the back yard reading. Suddenly a dark shadow shut out the sun and it felt too cold.

Compassion seems to be something that needs to be learnt as we try to see the goodness deep in the shadows of every human being.  We all live in our own story.

Monday, June 25, 2018


This is the Town and Country Hotel and Restaurant where we often stopped on our way home from Vancouver.It will  soon be a thing of the past as it is being torn down.  It seems a shame but now it is not being kept up so inside it looks sad.

 We went in to Vancouver  for the skin cancer doctor and also the eye doctor.  They were the best in giving good care but also the way they respected dad and listened to him. They have retired and we now go to White Rock.  Yes, so that too is in the past.

We all have been shaped by our past hopefully to prepare us for our future.

Fear is the motivation that can make us want to return to our past.

Returning to the past never works.  I have a friend who wants to dig up the past but I tell her it is better yo let sleeping dogs lie and let the work of healing continue.

I walked right past the street I usually turn up  on my evening walk.  It was okay it was good to walk a little further.  T.J. my neighbor sees me and reminds me to stick my chest our and I laugh at him, but then I realize I do lean forward a little too much.

Dad had a blood check-up today and everything looks good.  There was no one in the clinic when he went over.  That meant he got excellent service.

On the way over he was driving through a left turn on 64 when a car speeded  through the intersection on a pure red light.  He served past dad but it was an unnerving experience.
Dad has had many close calls in his past and I believe he was protected by the unseen hand of God.

This past month has gone by quickly and I am looking forward to July when family arrives.

They always bring new life into our daily routine.

Part of our spiritual work is to welcome the future and the new lessons we will learn while continuing to be thankful for our past lessons and experiences.

Sunday, June 24, 2018


It  took  strength to move a heavy dresser down the stairs into the car.
 Sandra and Randy do a great job.  I wanted to take a better picture but they were in too much of a hurry.  We had a short visit and a quick hug and then it was time for me to get ready for church.  We were late but we did get there.

The sermon was about the strength it took David to fight against Goliath.  It takes courage and strength for each one of us to fight the[problems we have at different stages of our lives.  Courage is often a gift we receive it when we need it the most.

The king offered David his armor to put on but of course it was far to big and heavy.  It seems easy some times to put on armor to protect ourselves but in doing so we can shut out those who would help.

Returning home we continued working in the yard.  Dad trimming trees which ends in a big mess to be cleaned up.  I finally went out to help instead of having a nap.

We drove to Windskil  park to watch  the baseball game.  It was fun to watch the 10 year old boys and 1 girl.  It turned bitterly cold sitting on the hard bench with a strong wind giving me goose bumps.  We had jackets in the car but it was a fair distance away.

I do not like those benches and getting down I am afraid of falling.  I was crawling down on my bum when Todd came to help me.  I felt a little embarrassed.  I tell myself it is all just an another experience of being human and growing older.

I pray for strength for myself and for our family each morning!

Saturday, June 23, 2018


I needed encouragement from dad to go for a hike in the Watershed Park.  It will be a challenge for us both.

I had forgotten how beautiful and quiet it is in there.  Everywhere you look it is green and full of life.

We walk by the small stream that winds its way beside the path.  We see a bunny hopping along in front of us only to quickly disappear into the forest.

There are lots of bunny rabbits in our area right now.

There are big roots that need to be climbed over and I am glad to have a pole.

Dad has had another busy productive day and it is good to see him so happy and busy.  I talk to a friend who drops by but I am not very helpful but I will think over what she has said.

We all need encouragement so it is good to have some one who walks and talks to you.  The path in the forest is so different now that I could easily lose my way.

Encouragement requires that we stay aware of each others needs and yet continue to be strong within our own being.  

My morning time is important to center myself in the solitude
and the flow of goodness that surrounds us all.

"Each of us must do our inner work alone."
Each of us must ask our own questions when we feel discouraged and helpless.
We then can receive encouragement and also give it.

Friday, June 22, 2018


                 Hamlet and Kim remind us that playfulness and laughter are so very important.
                 It is time to climb the tree and pick the cherries before the raccoon eats them all
                                    This was not staged but went me running for my camera!

The raccoon leads them on a merry chase.

Playfulness is marked with joy, freshness, imagination and movement.
My heart felt lighter just watching them.

It started out being a busy day with doing garden chores and then tackling the indoor cleaning.  Cathy our previous neighbor had responded to my invitation to drop by.  I had hoped we would be outside but the day was too chilly so it meant I better clean up inside.

It turned out that Kim and Hamlet arrived first and we were enjoying the fun.  It turned out to be a better visit for Cathy when she arrived just to be a part of our craziness.  It allow her time to be creative and forget about her problems which meant she left looking more refreshed than when she arrived.

"Play,s childlike essence helps us to connect with our inner sanctuary and guides us away from making poor decisions that are motivated by fear,"  Another Habit of Love.

                                            We all need to be relieved of daily stress.

Dad worked hard on this backyard project.  It had meant a trying trip to the Lumber store holding the wood and waiting in a long line.  Back home it was walking back and forth cutting the lumber and fitting it together.  He did a great job at improving my garden area.

I am happy that in past years we went to a church full of music and even dancing.  I have carried the joy I felt just being there with me over the years!

                          Hopefully I can continue to laugh at myself when I make stupid mistakes.


Yes some one took their items to the thrift store in this bag and we left with it pretending we had been shopping at an up scale store!

/Truth was the title of the chapter in my book "The 8 Habits of Love."

I was in total agreement as I read the first few pages early in the morning.

Then the phone rang and I told a little lie without really thinking.  I did not hurt anyone and it seemed the easiest thing to do.I had to think about why I did it. The truth was we were on our way out and I did not have long to talk.  It was not true that dad was already in the car!

A good start to living in the Thrust is to tell yourself the Truth.  We have believe certain things about ourselves from things told to us in childhood and thus we learn to see ourselves in a certain way.

Sadly religion has distorted the Truth and led me down false paths.  When you reach a dead end you know something is wrong.A fear based message has no place in a message of Love.

Thomas Merton wrote that salvation has nothing to o wit escaping hell
but it is discovering the whole truth and being willing to live it.

You lose all respect for someone who has lied and deceived you and even though it is painful you have to know the real Truth.

The Truth we are searching for is Wholeness that comes as we accept the bad and good experiences of our life to a whole part of our being.

Dad has been working extremely hard loading up bags of gravel to put in the edge of our yard.

The Truth is he gets motivated when he has a project.

"Truth is not static
it represents constantly developing ideas
and insights into ourselves and others."
-Ed Bacon

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Earlier in the week I did walk back to the park to take a picture of this dogwood.tree.

Earlier in my day I welcome the silence of the morning wanting to allow this time to be a moment of healing grace.  I welcome the energy that invites me feel the calmness and tranquility of all of creation.

The day will bring problems as I make mistakes and easily feel that I am losing my way.
The day will also bring gifts of a bird's song, a flirting butterfly, the  laughter of children and the reading of a good book out in our back yard.

I am reading "The Tuscan Child" by Rhys Bowen who is my favorite author right now.

We watch at least one soccer game and have found them to be exciting.

Earlier I had started working on the other side of the house digging up grass and weeds.  A big job that will require the skills of us both.  Dad has a plan in mind so that is good.  He goes out later in the morning and finds it way too hot.

We make lunch together.
Then he takes off on his bike for the park and the pond.
I miss walking in the park and one day I will drive over and walk through.

                   I am really an introvert so this means I need a certain amount of rest and peace.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


                                        Hat's off to Panteli for the father's day gift from him and Carol.
                                            A Tilley hat that will give him lots of shade from the sun.

He gives it a good try out on the front porch.

                                                        I wish the pictures were better .

We were expecting friends to come over for a visit.  It was lovely out in our back yard.  Too bad they were not able to make it.  Wanted a rain check for another day. Many things can change our day.

Dad went for a bike ride but saw no dogs or people.  Not the right time of day I guess.

I decided to drive over to go visiting Joan but dad showed up just as I was about to leave so he did the driving.  I was very thankful on the way home because I was very tired.  We had a good visit during which I try to be extra caring but humorous too!  

Phoned my brother Brian and he had damaged his arm carrying a heavy T.V.  
W are just not as strong. as we were.
Traudl is still waiting for knee surgery
and is in a lot of pain.
They are hoping for July.

Hats off to all the children for remembering dad!

Talking to my brother I was reminded that we have to continually be open to change.
Things have a way of unfolding that gives us new hope as we pray and love each other.

Monday, June 18, 2018


It always seems on hot days the tide is a way out.  It is good for the children playing in the small puddles but the tide can creep in very quickly.

We were in White Rock to pick up some results from dad's x-rays so drove on down to the beach.  Always a nice cool breeze there.  I find a breeze makes all the difference.

I think people do not realize how close you can get to some one you visit every week or so for many years.  I was thinking as I sat in the church that it is another ending, an ending of an era. 

Sunday started out miserable as I ended up at the church without my partial teeth in.  I am very self conscious so we did not stay long.  I tell dad he now has to ask me if I have my purse, my camera and my teeth.

Dad's wallet went missing just before we left for the service and was not found for a long time after we came home.  At least I had not washed it as I have done in the distant past.

Phone calls from Mary and Ken brightened up our day as we are always so glad to talk to them.

I think both need some extra time off and I think Mary had to-day off work. 

The results from his test were he has some polyps which he will see the doctor about.
I think he should go on stress leave as he is not feeling at all well.

Like Sandra said it is hard to be so far away.

Sometimes I think I am hearing a word from God and today it was to let your light shine and not hide it under a bushel. 

"We manifest God's love when we share the ordinary rhythm of life with others."
-   Richard Rohr

Sunday, June 17, 2018


                                         One by one the flowers are coming out in bloom.
                                One by one I pray for my children, grand children and great grandchildren!

Praying for Ken who will be having a colonoscopy on Monday and also a tube down his throat. The fasting was very unpleasant for me.  Pray all goes well and they find out some answers.

One by one seems to be the way doctors figure out what is wrong with us.  Waiting is hard especially when one feels miserable.

Healing for any brokenness in our relationships is important for me.

Forgive me for getting old,stupid and cranky.  Nothing works right.  It is not easy when you cannot do what you use to do but life is full of joy as we appreciate what we have.  We all our surrounded by amazing grace!

Decided going to church and to the funeral would be too much for me.

I remember Joyce Brook as being a joy to visit even when I woke her up she would smile and say she was glad to see me.  She always wanted to hear news from Colebrook Church which she attended for many years.  She always wanted a little word of scripture and a little prayer before I left.

I love the poem by Henry Van Dyke which says "She's gone but other voices are ready to take up the glad shout "There she comes" and she will be greeted by her loved ones."

I was a little disappointed that I was not thanked for the many years I had visited her more than her own family, except for her son who I would often meet as I was coming or going.  Even Jesus was disappointed when only one leper thanked his for his healing.

I will not waste my time or energy on these thoughts but I must remember to express my thanks.

"Do what you believe in
and believe in what you do."

                             Dad looks very smart as we stop at the Safeway on the way home.

Saturday, June 16, 2018


                                                  Father's are very important.
                                              It is a privilege that brings great joy and some worries!

We had an early father's day lunch with Sandra.  We had a lot of catching up to do.  They had a good visit with Stephen(a busy father of three) and Shawna and a pleasant drive back home. We are all concerned about Mary who is now separated from Mikael John.  Not an easy time for anyone.

Sandra showed us pictures of Simone's birthday party where all the children became fairies. They looked so cute and happy.  A lot of work for Mary.

Carol phoned soon after we got home.  It was windy with big waves so she did not go swimming in the afternoon.  She will be back here on July 3 and they will be taking care of Morgan while Theresa is studying and Mikie is working.

We are cherishing the memories of being parents.  How each one of you changed our lives when you arrived!
Our relationship with each one of you is very precious.

Friday, June 15, 2018


                                       Certainly a good habit to get into especially on busy days.
                              Also life can be so painful at times and it seems more than we can bear'

Yes we have all been shaped by our past pain and sadness.  So hard to feel lovable.

 In the early morning I looked out at our back patio and everything was so still.  Not one little breeze.
I welcome the stillness, the silence, the quiet and calm that comes with the light of a new day.

In the stillness I welcome the presence of love and as I do there is a sudden knowing that this love is always there and will always be with me.

In the stillness I welcome all my family into this healing presence of unconditional love.  One by one I pray for them that whatever problems arise there will be a security that comes from the security of a Holy Love and also the love of family.

In the stillness I pray for healing of any relationships that have caused me pain knowing that words have been spoken that have broken the sense of trust and respect that we all need.

In the stillness there is no voice of judgment,   no need to feel sinful,  but the knowing I am excepted in the Beloved. In the stillness there is Love.

Today is Simone's birthday and her fairy birthday party.
She is so blessed to have a mom who has put so much energy and love into making this a special day!
One she will remember all her life.  A gift of love from her mom.

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Return to my past blogs and just saw your comments Shandel.  I hope the problem with the ants has been solved. We have problems too with ants.

Returned to visit the Town and Country Hotel where years ago we use to stop in on our way home from Vancouver before continuing to Surrey. It was a happy place full of laughter and chatter.  It was bright and tastefully decorated and the food was excellent.We always enjoyed walking down the hallway where there where paintings for sale.

Like this one

I want to return and take better pictures before it is torn down and replacing by a gambling casino.

Today we had to return a few items to a store, drop off others and replace others.

I returned to my garden to muck around and this is how I do it.  I get dad to help pull me out.

I come back in to return to my reading of the 8 Habits of Love.

I was reminded that generosity is a gift that can release us from the fear of scarcity.  Combined with gratitude we are making this world a better place each in our own small way!.

Our front garden is on a slop and has lots of rocks and uneven places.  No wonder my gardener is driving on by!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Yes we had a visit from Astrid and daddy.  Thunder clapping all around us with great noise.
I do believe I captured how Craig was feeling, no mistake.  
They are just not getting enough sleep at their house these nights.
One cries and the other one joins in.
I wish we could be more help.

Dad saw the doctor today and the x-ray of his knee is just as he expected.  He has some gout and arthritis and has lotion to rub on and can take a pill if he needs it to ease the pain.  Sometimes he rides his bike too far.  He loves going to the Water Shed Park and visits whatever dog is there.

Today after we came home he was upset because a white gig dog had gone missing.  He actually saw it running by in circles but no way he could catch it.  I sure hope his owner found him.

We went shopping at the Peace Arch Hospital Thrift store after going to the doctor.
I should have taken pictures it is amazing, so beautifully arranged.  I bought a designer dress which is a little too big but I think I can make it work.

I will stop before I make mistakes.. Too tired.  But very happy!  A good day!

"As I get older I see life more and more in terms of stories that have been lived and stories waiting to be lived."
And then there is the sense how these stories of the soul are like threads in a tapestry of a much larger story."
-Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


I think we all want to be generous.

This is one of the good things about our church where we are encouraged to think about others and to share our resources with all in need.  I am glad that dad and I can take on this simple task and also feel a little more connected to those who do so much around our church.  There is always repair work as well as yard work before time for coffee.  We had a good visit with our minister Dale and the guys who were working.  They are very generous with sharing their time and their skills.

I am thankful for our library because I always love to have several books to read.

An old friend dropped in later in the day to share with us the news that her husband wants out of their marriage.  She totally shut down when she heard this news from him as it was so unexpected.  Thankfully she was able to realize that it was not all her fault.  She is sad and also her dog is dying just like Peanut and she fears the time she will be all alone.

She has been a very generous person and a good friend.  

I am reminded that often in life we are like one of my plants in the garden that need a strong stake to help hold them up.  We need to be generous with our time and our compassion when others are hurting.  Emotional support is so important.

My children have been so generous and supportive to me and dad and I am so grateful.  

All I have to worry about is a gardener who does not want to garden!

Dad goes to the doctor about his knee x-ray in the morning.
It has been bothering him but he rode his bike again today so that is great.

Monday, June 11, 2018


Yes we came home from church on Sunday and the battery on our door lock had gone again so we were locked out.  Fortunately we can get in by the way of the garage but it would not be good for me if I went out and the car was gone I really would be in a pickle.

Dad may get another lock.

Today we drove Ev to the same doctor's office where we were locked out the day Ken arrived.  We stood outside for an hour waiting for the office to open.  Then we found out we were suppose to be over at the hospital.

We had to pay pay parking and the parking attendant was being a really geek jumping out of no where to catch people even a minute over due.  Dad rushed down from the 12th floor to pay for another hour and nearly got run over by a crazy driver.

We went out to lunch afterward with Ev and the doctor is very pleased with her healing.
We left at noon and did not get home until 4.  Dad went for a bike ride and I went for a short walk.  After being out you do not feel like doing work in the house or in the garden.

I like a walk by myself when I can smile and be friendly and stop and take pictures.

  .Books I am reading.  Two of them because of the comments on the back.

"Inside The Miracle"recommended by Rachel Namen who wrote "My Grandfather's Blessing's

"8 Habits Of Love" recommended by Archbishop Desmond  Tutu

To-morrow we pick up food the church has collected to take to the food bank
Tuesday is a busy day at the church with people coming to fix things and work around and have coffee.  A good time for fun and friendship.

Sunday, June 10, 2018


A special day for the United Church which celebrated over 90 ears as a church which started in 1925 on June 10.

After church we drove in to deliver our hanging basket to Kim for her birthday of 32 years!

A special gift from Hamlet!

We also paid a visit to dad's grannies grave and will take in more flowers next time.  A quiet place for other special memories.

Then we met our neighbors at the small cafe the Wooden N Frog.

What a beautiful orchard from Hamlet!

A nice finish to a special day.  I wish there were quiet little places here in Surrey where it is not so noisy and the food is home cooked.  I do miss Applegate which was the sme.

Sorry Sandra and Randy have colds so did not visit us today.

"When we open our hearts and minds to love's abundance, we can transform not only our own lives, but also the lives of those around us, making the world a more just, peaceful and caring place."
-Ed Bacon.

In the morning we drive our friend Ev to the hospital for a check-up.  She did a lot for us when I was recovering.

Saturday, June 9, 2018


I was very happy to see my friend approaching me on my walk alone in the morning.  We have not met for a while so she walked me home.  She is going on a cruse to Alaska and is looking forward to having all her meals made and enjoying the scenery.  I was pleased the sun came out but the wind was cold.

 Good friends are a real blessing.

She prays for me too.

I appreciate prayers and kind thoughts!

We set off to Art Nap's looking for a hanging basket but they were very expensive and we could not make up our minds.  Dad did pick up a new garden tool which I tried out when I got home.  Another remarkable thing was we found a hanging basket on sale at Choices, which surprised us both.

Dad got some new vitamins that he was looking for.  Recommended by the Stem Cells staff.

Had lunch at Milestones sitting outside which was enjoyable.

As I pray for my family I am reminded of what a remarkable family we have!

Dad went for a bike ride when we got home and I had a short nap.
"The inescapable rhythm of life lifts us and weighs us down by turns,
just as the ocean swells and dips with each wave."  Mark Nepo

Friday, June 8, 2018


This was sent over from England.
I thought it was a valuable antique.
According to one expert it is a copy.
Maybe Rick can find out if he goes to the antique road show.
I do not know anything about it except it was sent from dad's home in England.

Feeling like an old antique myself.  Keep falling asleep when I try and read. I have learned through many of my experiences good and bad that have shaped me to become authentic I hope.

 Did some gardening in the rain.

Dad drove me to go visiting at the Senior's Home.  Dad was also feeling very tired.
Joan was very happy to see me so that cheered me up.  Also the lady who rans the place stopped and thanked me for coming so faithfully.  Dad and I made supper together and then some apple crips.  He likes peeling apples and I do not.

Anyways antiques are things  that have lasting value and meaning
 because of the beauty they have given our lives.

I polish up good!


                                                      Dad's favorite pub in Ladner.

I continually remind myself:
"to believe in a love that is being stored up for you like an inheritance
and have faith that in this love
there is a strength and a blessing so large
that you cannot travel as far as you wish
without having to step outside it."

To be ready to receive things just as they come and let them teach you
even if you do not understand.

Some days I feel down and undecided about everything.

I remind myself to be:
To be more careful what I say
Are my words necessary?
Are they hurtful or are they  kind?

Digging in the dirt helps lift my spirits.
The gardener came and cut the grass and trimmed the edges.
He is very busy so we well work out what we want him to do.

We drove to the library.
Another book on the brain.
Am I getting any smarter
probably not but maybe no dumber,.

Prayer and meditation is good for the brain!

Another spiritual book "The One Life we are Given"
Promising to take me on an uplifting spiritual journey.
Yes I am still reading  Spong slowly with difficulty/

"As we discover the lessons of our journey
we are led to wisdom that waits in our hearts
the inner knowing of what sustains us
-feeling loving and connected-
that allows us to fully live the one life we're given."

Movement is good.
Dad rode his bike after we got back from the library.
I went for a faster walk with bigger steps that I feel I need to do.

Visiting others helps me to be cheerful and upbeat.

The day begins with prayers for the family!
Love you all.

Sad the Jets lost but it was a good game!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


I had told Vera we would stop in for a visit but a minute later she told us there was going to be a vaudeville show at her place of residence.  A group of older men and ladies who put their whole heart into their songs and dances.  It was great fun and we all clapped with great enthusiasm when it was over. It is always great fun to have a visit with Vera who is 93.

Dad was sitting on the ailse of the second row and all the girls like to sing and flirt with him and onevensat on his lap.  Great Fun'

No I do not feel that I belong there I was happy to come home and have a rest.

We have volunteered to pick up the food for the food bank from the church and deliver it to the food bank to-morrow.  A little job we are happy to do.

The morning was cutting the lawn and pulling a few weeds and major watering, the ground is so hard and packed down.  I lost a pair of scissors cutting some flowers and I hope they will turn up again but for not I am not doing another balancing act walking in our front yard.

Who cares what I have done or not done in my past.  If dad wants to relive some of his memories that is okay.

I love hockey and loved watching dad and Rick and Ken and Stephen and Cameron etc.
All number one stars in my eyes,

I know that I have a fragile self-image and too often have let what others think or say about me bother me.  I think many of us feel like this.

Life is learning how to love.
Love yourself.
Love others unconditionally.
Forgive yourself.
Receive the love and energy that is pouring into your soul when you most need it.