Saturday, June 30, 2018


                                        The inside will soon be filled with chatter and laughter.

Inside the house needed some attention as I have been so busy in the yard and trying to do my walking.  Sometimes you need to be motivated to clean up.

I was up early to clean up and make some muffins.  I had them all ready to put in the oven and forgot to put them in.  A seniors moment I guess.  This is a first for me.But yes when I went to check to see if they were done I was confused wondering where are they?
Oliver does not like the flash so he covers his ears.
He is a happy little boy and plays well with his trucks and cars.
Tavia gets baby Atlin to sleep in the carrier on her back.
Dad telling one of his many stories.

Yes, they help keep us young!  The time goes so quickly while they are here.
It is good of them to keep in touch.
We have a special bond formed over the years I helped take are of Tavia.
She is now a lovely, intelligent, creative and caring, musically talented and artistic too.
mother of two

Shawn a loving caring hard working husband who plays hockey
and is a great help to Tavia.
A great pair and great friends!


Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,
Lovely photos! Carol is coming home late tonight. Her flight arrive shortly after midnight, which will be 3:30 AM Easter time for her. We'll give you guys a call tomorrow sometime. xo Panteli

beth bennett said...

Thanks Panteli'
I get forgetful about travelling times.

We could drive in and see you in the afternoon
if you would like.

Love Beth