Friday, June 8, 2018


This was sent over from England.
I thought it was a valuable antique.
According to one expert it is a copy.
Maybe Rick can find out if he goes to the antique road show.
I do not know anything about it except it was sent from dad's home in England.

Feeling like an old antique myself.  Keep falling asleep when I try and read. I have learned through many of my experiences good and bad that have shaped me to become authentic I hope.

 Did some gardening in the rain.

Dad drove me to go visiting at the Senior's Home.  Dad was also feeling very tired.
Joan was very happy to see me so that cheered me up.  Also the lady who rans the place stopped and thanked me for coming so faithfully.  Dad and I made supper together and then some apple crips.  He likes peeling apples and I do not.

Anyways antiques are things  that have lasting value and meaning
 because of the beauty they have given our lives.

I polish up good!


Sandra said...

With this cool weather apple crisp sounds like a good idea. I have even broken down and put the heat on to take the chill off.

Our back deck get raised yesterday, the sections that had sunken because the rain water was running under there.

Off to Pilates this morning, hope the rain holds off while I walk there.


beth bennett said...

Nice to have thesun come out
but the wind was cold.
I did not know about your back deck.
Always something.
Ta;led to Simone on the phone.
Talked to Rick this morning.

Sad news about Carl.

Love mom