Monday, June 11, 2018


Yes we came home from church on Sunday and the battery on our door lock had gone again so we were locked out.  Fortunately we can get in by the way of the garage but it would not be good for me if I went out and the car was gone I really would be in a pickle.

Dad may get another lock.

Today we drove Ev to the same doctor's office where we were locked out the day Ken arrived.  We stood outside for an hour waiting for the office to open.  Then we found out we were suppose to be over at the hospital.

We had to pay pay parking and the parking attendant was being a really geek jumping out of no where to catch people even a minute over due.  Dad rushed down from the 12th floor to pay for another hour and nearly got run over by a crazy driver.

We went out to lunch afterward with Ev and the doctor is very pleased with her healing.
We left at noon and did not get home until 4.  Dad went for a bike ride and I went for a short walk.  After being out you do not feel like doing work in the house or in the garden.

I like a walk by myself when I can smile and be friendly and stop and take pictures.

  .Books I am reading.  Two of them because of the comments on the back.

"Inside The Miracle"recommended by Rachel Namen who wrote "My Grandfather's Blessing's

"8 Habits Of Love" recommended by Archbishop Desmond  Tutu

To-morrow we pick up food the church has collected to take to the food bank
Tuesday is a busy day at the church with people coming to fix things and work around and have coffee.  A good time for fun and friendship.


Sandra said...

I have not been to a library in so long. I hope when I retire we live close enough to one to be able to walk there. I buy most of my books at VV but they are not that cheap. Other thrift stores generally have a lot better prices on books.

Do not know why you don't just keep a key either outside or on your key chain. Even the new car keys that are electronic have a back up real key hidden inside, since you just never know with all things electronic.

The kittens are getting to be a nuisance now, they curl up on me and snuggle when ever I sit down, make it impossible to get anything done. No word on when they will be leaving.

At Pilates yesterday our instructor was on the phone with a doctor part of the class and directing us by hand signals as it was day 3 for her 17 year old daughter in the hospital with liver problems. She had been on a mission thing to Africa a couple of months ago and they were thinking it might be something to do with that but so far no answers.


nancy-Lou said...

Is your church staying open Beth? You and Larry do so much good for people...taking the food over to the food bank is one of many things you do.

I was working in Carl's room today...going through a lot of things and getting them ready to take to the thrift store. Not an easy thing to do, but I am one who likes to get things done. I am taking all his drugs into the pharmacy and the pharmacist will burn them he said.

Tomorrow I meet with service Canada to get the pensions sorted out. Then have to go to the car insurance fellow and have the car transferred to my name. I also see the doctor about the diabetes I have developed with all the stress. I hope to find out more about it and perhaps see a dietician about it.

Isnt that the craziest thing...the battery wears out in your door lock so often. I think our son had one of those and I don't think he replaced it in years. Well at least you could get in the garage door.

I am tired now and will go to bed early, once again after a long day of workiing. We have three levels in our home and it seems like I have been on the stairs all day today.

Just wanted to write a quick note,

Thanks Beth for your daily do so well to write all the time.

Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

Thanks for the comments.

I do believe we have a key some where?

Our church is shutting down next October.

We have not been doing much lately
but this is something we can do together.

Nancy so much for you to do at this time.

I am late looking at this so will be off to bed soon too. Love beth