Sunday, June 3, 2018


                                          My garden angel, a gift from Jane,

Our church service was all about angels.  I was asked to read a small portion of scripture along with several others.  Between the readings people spoke about their personal experiences.  Their stories were awe inspiring as they described visions and visitations that I had not even known about.  Amazing true to life stories.

An angel is a supernatural being who mediates between us and God.  They can appear seemingly out of nowhere, in moments of distress, during a disaster or in hopeless situations. They can be strangers in the form of a human being to protect and guide us under the guidance of God.

So listen to the still small voices all around you.

They can also be friends or loved ones who love us from the heart and soul.

Our past minister had a bad car accident and I just happened to be on the sidewalk to help him as he got out of his car, very shaken up. He was in a bad way.  He called me his angel.  It was a very meaningful experience for us both.

I have never seen an angel but I have had dreams that where full of beauty and light and comforted me.

Maybe I am just meant to live by faith.  I will always believe that there are angels all around us, unseen and ready to minster the love of God to you amd me.

It was an uplifting service and it was too bad missed it due to a stomach problem.

Sandra and Randy dropped by for a visit, two Angels!


Sandra said...

Sounds like an interesting church service. Back to work for Randy and I today. It seems like we have been off for a long time. Randy is even going back to his real job so he is happy about that.


beth bennett said...

I am back to walking with Aneta.
No other plans,
Love mom

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a really interesting church service. I believe in angels. I haven’t seen them but certainly have felt their presence many times over the years. I have many human ‘angels’ in my life as well so I feel very blessed.

beth bennett said...

Thank you Germaine that really sums it up.

I always appreciate comments.

love beth