Tuesday, June 5, 2018


                                            Nobody loves you as much as your mom does!

Kim shared with us a beautiful letter that Hamlet's mom had written to her.  He translated it for her.
She expresses her joy and love for both Hamlet and Kim.  Kim was introduced to her at her birthday party in Cuba.  Kim was there with her mother,

Mothers are a big part of our lives.

Others can come and go in our lives but a mother will always love you and want the best for you and pray for you.  At least I pray for my children every day.

She writes to express how her children are her greatest and only treasure.  I agree with her.
" She says if my child has selected you to be his partner in life it is because you are worthy of his love and I have only have to thank you for loving him.

May God remain with his extended hand pointed the right way.
I wish you a life full of health and prosperity.The important thing is that you know that you are welcome in my heart, that you will be one more daughter,
I give you ny unconditional love, I bless this union.
I pray that the love will keep growing and growing everyday between you."

Dad and I want to express our love for Hamlet as a son to us!


Sandra said...

Yes, us moms are pretty special. Got our kittens, they are the biggest we have ever had. They are pretty shy, but the lady who had them before me said they liked Finding Nemo so I put it on my laptop and then they all came out to play.


beth bennett said...

Good for you.

Love mom

Kim or Hamlet said...

I'm flattered that you consider me part of the family. I always love your company.
Thank again for your kind comments.
Sincerely, Hamlet

beth bennett said...

You were welcomed with open arms from the first.

I love your mom just be reading her letter.

What an awesome mother!

Hope you and Kim enjoy her birthday!

Love Beth