Monday, June 18, 2018


It always seems on hot days the tide is a way out.  It is good for the children playing in the small puddles but the tide can creep in very quickly.

We were in White Rock to pick up some results from dad's x-rays so drove on down to the beach.  Always a nice cool breeze there.  I find a breeze makes all the difference.

I think people do not realize how close you can get to some one you visit every week or so for many years.  I was thinking as I sat in the church that it is another ending, an ending of an era. 

Sunday started out miserable as I ended up at the church without my partial teeth in.  I am very self conscious so we did not stay long.  I tell dad he now has to ask me if I have my purse, my camera and my teeth.

Dad's wallet went missing just before we left for the service and was not found for a long time after we came home.  At least I had not washed it as I have done in the distant past.

Phone calls from Mary and Ken brightened up our day as we are always so glad to talk to them.

I think both need some extra time off and I think Mary had to-day off work. 

The results from his test were he has some polyps which he will see the doctor about.
I think he should go on stress leave as he is not feeling at all well.

Like Sandra said it is hard to be so far away.

Sometimes I think I am hearing a word from God and today it was to let your light shine and not hide it under a bushel. 

"We manifest God's love when we share the ordinary rhythm of life with others."
-   Richard Rohr


Sandra said...

I can not wait to get down to the beach with Simone and Sebastien. I hope the weather is nice. If we have to resort to inside activities they are always so crowded with kids who go to day camps while school is out.

I was thinking, Morgan is more than old enough not to have to be baby sat by Carol and Panteli, isnt she turning 13?

I let the kittens sleep with me last night as Randy was away and I have better fans to keep cool. They do not sleep well. They were all over me and I woke up at one point, opened my eyes and two of them were just an inch away staring at me. Ended up getting out of bed just after 4am as they were nibbling on my toes.

So was there anything new with dads knee?

I think Randy's dad had polyps and then they became cancerous. I think he had a bunch of his colon taken out.

Very hot walking to Pilates last night, it was nice to be able to come home and jump in the pool. I had my bathing suit ready down stairs as I knew I would be too tired to walk up when I got home.

It is just about time for me to start my official count down for when every one arrives!

Did you talk to Hobey yet? I wonder if Carol will be gone the whole time he is here.


nancy-Lou said...

it is hot hot hot here too! We have two airconditioners..window ones and they keep the house pretty cool. there are three levels and the basement is really cool. It looks like the weather will be above normal all this coming week too. Well I am not going to complain...we have enough snow and cold the hot weather is welcome.
Plus the garden grows in leaps and is amazing how quickly things grow.

Tomorrow I have to take Max into the vets and leave him all day for glucose testing so they can regulate his insulin. I dread it because it is the first time Max and Bella will be separated in 10 years. He has to go though because he has lost so much can feel his ribs and spine now and he was a chubby fellow a few months ago.

I can see how exciting it is for Sandra to have the Grandchildren visit...I am sure they will have a great time in the pool and at the beach.

I wish you a wonderful evening,
Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nothing new with dad.

Larry loves the wam weather
and it is sure better than dull and cold.
We do not have a pool but enjoy the back patio
and dad has his shade deck where there is usually a breeze.

Love mom