Friday, June 22, 2018


                 Hamlet and Kim remind us that playfulness and laughter are so very important.
                 It is time to climb the tree and pick the cherries before the raccoon eats them all
                                    This was not staged but went me running for my camera!

The raccoon leads them on a merry chase.

Playfulness is marked with joy, freshness, imagination and movement.
My heart felt lighter just watching them.

It started out being a busy day with doing garden chores and then tackling the indoor cleaning.  Cathy our previous neighbor had responded to my invitation to drop by.  I had hoped we would be outside but the day was too chilly so it meant I better clean up inside.

It turned out that Kim and Hamlet arrived first and we were enjoying the fun.  It turned out to be a better visit for Cathy when she arrived just to be a part of our craziness.  It allow her time to be creative and forget about her problems which meant she left looking more refreshed than when she arrived.

"Play,s childlike essence helps us to connect with our inner sanctuary and guides us away from making poor decisions that are motivated by fear,"  Another Habit of Love.

                                            We all need to be relieved of daily stress.

Dad worked hard on this backyard project.  It had meant a trying trip to the Lumber store holding the wood and waiting in a long line.  Back home it was walking back and forth cutting the lumber and fitting it together.  He did a great job at improving my garden area.

I am happy that in past years we went to a church full of music and even dancing.  I have carried the joy I felt just being there with me over the years!

                          Hopefully I can continue to laugh at myself when I make stupid mistakes.


Shandel said...

Beautiful! Your backyard is just lovely. Cant wait to see the additions in person. Playfulness is important. Sometimes I think I take myself to seriously. But then again we do feel like big kids, not real adults. Cameron and I are getting really excited to drive out in two weeks! Hoping the weather is on point so we can play in the pool and yard with Simone and Sebastien.we had so much fun with Lincoln tossing water balloons when Sandy and Randy were out in May. This weekend Cameron is helping Ken working with his mini moving company. Long work weeks for cameron as he has no days off this week. It's been so hot here. +30 nearly all week. We are really hoping for a thunderstorm tonight to cool everything down and help growth for summer. I hope you guys have a great weekend. Lots of love!

beth bennett said...

Yes Shandel we are looking forward to your visit!

Grandpa is keeping busy.

It has been a bit cooler here which I like.

Drive safely on your way.

Prayers will be with you.

Love Grandma