Sunday, June 17, 2018


                                         One by one the flowers are coming out in bloom.
                                One by one I pray for my children, grand children and great grandchildren!

Praying for Ken who will be having a colonoscopy on Monday and also a tube down his throat. The fasting was very unpleasant for me.  Pray all goes well and they find out some answers.

One by one seems to be the way doctors figure out what is wrong with us.  Waiting is hard especially when one feels miserable.

Healing for any brokenness in our relationships is important for me.

Forgive me for getting old,stupid and cranky.  Nothing works right.  It is not easy when you cannot do what you use to do but life is full of joy as we appreciate what we have.  We all our surrounded by amazing grace!

Decided going to church and to the funeral would be too much for me.

I remember Joyce Brook as being a joy to visit even when I woke her up she would smile and say she was glad to see me.  She always wanted to hear news from Colebrook Church which she attended for many years.  She always wanted a little word of scripture and a little prayer before I left.

I love the poem by Henry Van Dyke which says "She's gone but other voices are ready to take up the glad shout "There she comes" and she will be greeted by her loved ones."

I was a little disappointed that I was not thanked for the many years I had visited her more than her own family, except for her son who I would often meet as I was coming or going.  Even Jesus was disappointed when only one leper thanked his for his healing.

I will not waste my time or energy on these thoughts but I must remember to express my thanks.

"Do what you believe in
and believe in what you do."

                             Dad looks very smart as we stop at the Safeway on the way home.


Client Strengths said...

I forgot to tell Dad when I called that a colleague is from Nicarauga and his family fled the Sandinistas (or whichever ones where the bad guys) We're having brunch on Sunday and he's going to tell me more about it. I'm going to phone Dad and find out more details.

beth bennett said...

Hi Carol,
I will let dad know.
He can read it latehe is outside right now.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I send my prayers for a good report for Ken after the colonoscopy and and stomach test. ACtually the prep is the hard part...the actual procedure is easy, cause you are sedated.

Carl was warned he had diverticulitis and a bowel blockage was possible...after his colonoscopy, but he chose to ignore the symptoms and only went to the hospital when I called the ambulance...unfortunately it was too late for him...he had sepsis and gangrene by the time they found out where the infection was...8 days later...
so, please...always have a colonoscopy and do not ignore the symptoms of problems.

So sorry to hear your friend Joyce passed away. It is sad that you weren't acknowledged, Beth for your years of dedication. I found the same thing when I played for countless funerals and weddings...I was only thanked once and paid $20 and that was from the poorest family. Plus I had to take time off from teachin music and art at school to attend many of the funerals.

Our family BBQ to remember Carl was excellent. There were three generations and about 25 people in all. Lots of hugs and lots of good stories shared and lots and lots of good food. my goodness I think everyone went home with so much food...
I am very thankful for everyone who made it possible. Especially my sons girlfriends who handled all the food and cleaning etc.

Today, I still had two people stop in...there has been a steady flow of friends and neighbours...which is nice.

I will keep Mary and the children in my seems so difficult for the younger people to stay together...just so many challenges for them. I am sure having such a caring loving family will be a big help.

I saw the weather for the west coast and it looks to be quite stay cool...I send lots of love to you both,


beth bennett said...

Thank you Nancy.
It is too warm here for me
but we did go down to the beach.
Always ;ovely there.

Thank you for your prayers.

We talked to both Mary and Ken yesterday.

We miss them both.

Ken has polps which I belive are common
but he is not feeling well at all.

Glad the barbecue went well.
Helps to bring closure,

Love beth