Saturday, June 9, 2018


I was very happy to see my friend approaching me on my walk alone in the morning.  We have not met for a while so she walked me home.  She is going on a cruse to Alaska and is looking forward to having all her meals made and enjoying the scenery.  I was pleased the sun came out but the wind was cold.

 Good friends are a real blessing.

She prays for me too.

I appreciate prayers and kind thoughts!

We set off to Art Nap's looking for a hanging basket but they were very expensive and we could not make up our minds.  Dad did pick up a new garden tool which I tried out when I got home.  Another remarkable thing was we found a hanging basket on sale at Choices, which surprised us both.

Dad got some new vitamins that he was looking for.  Recommended by the Stem Cells staff.

Had lunch at Milestones sitting outside which was enjoyable.

As I pray for my family I am reminded of what a remarkable family we have!

Dad went for a bike ride when we got home and I had a short nap.
"The inescapable rhythm of life lifts us and weighs us down by turns,
just as the ocean swells and dips with each wave."  Mark Nepo


Sandra said...

I can't wait till Mary and the kids get here, I am going to stop off on the way home from picking them up from the airport at the nursery to get some fairy garden stuff that Simone can help me put in my garden.

I puttered around all day trying to get pictures and frames sorted out but do not feel like a got very far.


beth bennett said...

I was thinking of Simone and the faries.

I just changed my blog a bit.

Off to church and to visit Kim
on her birthday!

Love mom