Friday, June 29, 2018


I welcomed dad as he was coming out from his ride around the Water Shed.  I actually walked all the way over.  Both of us had not felt too energetic but talked each other into getting some exercise.

To-morrow I will be welcoming Tavia and Shawn and their two boys over first thing in the morning.  They have moved out to Abbotsford now so they will be up early for the drive over.  They are stopping by here and then will go to visit Shawn's family.

This was a little unexpected with a phone call last night but we welcome visits that bless us all.

And I should wlcome a challenge.

We have a lot to catch up on.  Knowing these people people they will have new plans for there future.

I am trying to learn to welcome the unexpected although I wish I was better prepared.


nancy-Lou said...

oh boy, I can just see you running around getting things in order for company first thing this morning. unexpected company or with short notice company sure can make us hustle! I am sure it will all go well...

I had so many folks drop in unexpectedly after Carl passed away and my house was in a mess after a month of travelling to the hospital most days...but I had to let it go! Dropping in is the norm, here and I am used to it after years of Carl having his business in our home.

I think Tavia has two little ones, right? I hope you post some photos of them Beth.

Did I tell you that my Mother in Law, Carl's Mom, always took photos and I knew she made albums...but after she passed on a few years ago we found about 16 albums and she had documented every family happening...from weddings to Christmas dinners. They are a treasure and we used them for a video montage on our television the day of the family BBQ. It was really enjoyed by all. So all your photos will be treasured in the future too!
My Mother in Laws went back to 1936 when they built their log house...right up to 2000.

I am trying to inspire myself to work on a few paintings that need finishing so i can frame them for a couple of upcoming shows. the high humidity and heat is making me lazy. Once I get started it will be fine.

Good for you, walking over to meet Larry coming out of the Watershed park. You are doing so well Beth...keep up the good work!

Well I will turn on the airconditioners and get started.

I wish you another beautiful day,

Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

We had a good visit and I took pictures so I will look at them now

Keep cool.

Love betb