Friday, June 29, 2018



Yesterday we missed the warmth of the sun and a visit from a friend.

This morning I am missing my camera but after looking again and again I find it.

Here she is!
A dull day came alive with her visit and her trying on my old wedding dress.
Lots of fun !

We missed the warmth of the day and the feeling that summer was finally here but the warmth of the visit of Kim and then later of Ken on the phone made it a good day.

Dad and I had been feeling tired but happy after our visit to Chapters in Langley.  When we walked into the store which has been totally re-organized it see like all the favorite spots were missing.  No magazine section right at the front where dad always enjoyed reading the flying books.

By the time I found the mystery fiction section and the religious display I was too tired to have a good browse.  I imagine some brilliant mind designed it all but my first impression was confusion.  I did buy several books which I have not found in the library which I will donate to them when I finish reading.

As we close off the lights and put the cushions away on the outside patio we share our aches and pains.  My mind is too confused to write a blog so I will wait for the morning.

We all have to face the fact that age is now catching up to us.  Ken is still going through tests and a procedure in the hospital awaits the removal of polyps.  Melina needs to have some tests too.  Yes I can remember going through my tests myself which were not pleasant and each one a little more difficult.  I remember praying and asking why.  When I accepted my life as it enfolded I was able to have faith that each day I would find new strength and new resilience to carry on.

My future awaits me and it depends on my thought and actions of this day.

"To climb the days like mountains and moments like summits
where the warmth of the light spreads across your face......
you forget the pain of getting there."

"To rely on your spirit which waits within
To feel the vastness of the light and know you still have love to fill it."

Mark Nepo writing "Inside the Miracle."

The miracle which is life!

Always happy when I find what went missing.


Steady-as-rain said...

I think Carol wore your wedding dress, didn't she? Could become a tradition. :)

Yes, I am always very relieved when I look for something and then finally find it. Otherwise I think I must be going nuts.

You are all prepared for the next visit to Chapters in Langley, I guess. The Chapters in Kamloops still has the big magazine section (or it did the last time I checked).

My new landlords just installed a new hood fan over the stove, which is something I probably needed for a while as the old one didn't work well, particularly when I cook curry which does tend to send odours everywhere!

I got a new sleep apnea mask, which seems to be working better. Still not feeling much better, but maybe the improvement is so slow I am not noticing it.



nancy-Lou said...

Doesn't Kim look beautiful in your wedding dress Beth? those were the days of really pretty wedding dresses...not like the ones today with the low cut fronts etc...which in my mind are not in good taste.

It can be frustrating to lose something, that is for sure! I lost our spare set of car keys and found them about two months later in a jacket pocket that I wasn't wearing because it was now spring. I always take two sets of car keys with me...just in case!

I don't buy books at the book store anymore...they are so expensive...but do buy at the used book stores. I am still reading any of the books I can get my hands on that are written by Elizabeth Chadwick..the historical novels...I must have read 5 or 6 now. I am out of them so will have to go to our library I guess. I cannot seem to find them in the used book store. The ones I have are long out of print and I picked them all up at one time at VV.

I am still working on the estate stuff for sure takes time to get in touch with people and then you get things all worked out and they bill you again...geeesh! These days of press this and press that on the phone and waiting to talk to a REAL person are very annoying...especially when you have to do it again.

I am missing Carl more they say, the first few weeks are a blur. I round the corner going into the living room and expect to see him sitting in his chair...but NO.

Well my family..including Shelley, Mark's girlfriend and my adopted daughter...and my granddaughter are all coming for a birthday supper today. Carly. my granddaughter is bringing pizza and salads from a restaurant where she works on it will be fun. Shelley is bringing the adopted daughter! I tell her that..because she is just like a daughter to kind and caring. we are so lucky to have her in our family.

I hope Ken and Melina and Rick too feel better soon...with the tests all over and recovery on the way! I always keep you all in my your family Beth...good folks!

So it is another wonderful day isn't it? Filled with lots of good things

Love to you both,