Friday, June 22, 2018


Yes some one took their items to the thrift store in this bag and we left with it pretending we had been shopping at an up scale store!

/Truth was the title of the chapter in my book "The 8 Habits of Love."

I was in total agreement as I read the first few pages early in the morning.

Then the phone rang and I told a little lie without really thinking.  I did not hurt anyone and it seemed the easiest thing to do.I had to think about why I did it. The truth was we were on our way out and I did not have long to talk.  It was not true that dad was already in the car!

A good start to living in the Thrust is to tell yourself the Truth.  We have believe certain things about ourselves from things told to us in childhood and thus we learn to see ourselves in a certain way.

Sadly religion has distorted the Truth and led me down false paths.  When you reach a dead end you know something is wrong.A fear based message has no place in a message of Love.

Thomas Merton wrote that salvation has nothing to o wit escaping hell
but it is discovering the whole truth and being willing to live it.

You lose all respect for someone who has lied and deceived you and even though it is painful you have to know the real Truth.

The Truth we are searching for is Wholeness that comes as we accept the bad and good experiences of our life to a whole part of our being.

Dad has been working extremely hard loading up bags of gravel to put in the edge of our yard.

The Truth is he gets motivated when he has a project.

"Truth is not static
it represents constantly developing ideas
and insights into ourselves and others."
-Ed Bacon


nancy-Lou said...

hmmm, now I am wondering what was in the Gucci bag? Well you would look very classy coming out of the store with the Gucci bag!

Sometimes it is better to tell a 'little white lie' than hurt someone's i am sure you did the right thing Beth.

I am listening to an old time radio station and they are playing Johnny Be Good and it is tiring me out just listening. If my friend Gina was here she would want to you remember the jive? Wow we used to be able to dance all evening, right? I went to a Catholic Private all girls school and we chummed with the Catholic private boys school. They had CYO dances every Friday night and we jived the night away with the occasional walz...but the priest who supervised kept a close eye on us!

Good for Larry working on the edges of your yard. He sure likes to have projects on the go. You are lucky Beth, some men don't do a thing around the yard or house.

We are expecting a lot of cottagers out this weekend because it is very hot and humid. The cottage area is now closed to vehicles and the parking lot is open...summer must be here!

I am debating if I am strong enough to teach the weekly classes at the summer clubhouse. I really want to, but am having a lupus flare up. I see my doctor July 3 and will go by what he says. It is hard for me to stand and walk right now. Which frustrates me to no extent! Caroline, my son's girlfriend has been helping me with housework, like vaccuuming.

I have a commission piece to do for a group of people. They will present it to president of their citizens group. He is retiring after 10 years. so I had better get cracking on it. It isn't going to paint itself!

Have a great day. I hope you can stay cool in all the heat at the coast.

Love to you both,

Sandra said...

Telling your self the truth can sometimes be the hardest. Once we hear it how can we ignore it? Randy is working lots and probably be doubling on just 4 hours of sleep a day for another couple of days.

beth bennett said...

I told my friend Cathy who came over today to look after herself.

Nancy I hope you do that too.

I know you love painting but teaching is hard work.

Good to ask the doctor.

I pray that you will feel better each dat.

Day by day!

Love beth