Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Earlier in the week I did walk back to the park to take a picture of this dogwood.tree.

Earlier in my day I welcome the silence of the morning wanting to allow this time to be a moment of healing grace.  I welcome the energy that invites me feel the calmness and tranquility of all of creation.

The day will bring problems as I make mistakes and easily feel that I am losing my way.
The day will also bring gifts of a bird's song, a flirting butterfly, the  laughter of children and the reading of a good book out in our back yard.

I am reading "The Tuscan Child" by Rhys Bowen who is my favorite author right now.

We watch at least one soccer game and have found them to be exciting.

Earlier I had started working on the other side of the house digging up grass and weeds.  A big job that will require the skills of us both.  Dad has a plan in mind so that is good.  He goes out later in the morning and finds it way too hot.

We make lunch together.
Then he takes off on his bike for the park and the pond.
I miss walking in the park and one day I will drive over and walk through.

                   I am really an introvert so this means I need a certain amount of rest and peace.


nancy-Lou said...

Great photos Beth! You do such a good job taking them and posting them on your blog. isn't that a beautiful Dogwood tree? it is loaded in blossoms. We don't have them here in is too cold. But we do have the Wild dogwood flower which is blooming right now and the forest is like a carpet of these large white blooms. so pretty.

I left the house at 7:30 with Max. Poor Bella had to stay home and she cried and cried when I shut the door on her...broke my heart! Max had eaten and had his insulin shot just before we left. there had to be an hour in between them. He stayed all day at the vets and they checked his glucose levels often. The conclusion is he is stable but we need to increase his insulin because his levels were too high after five hours. He has to go back in two weeks just for one glucose check...not to stay all day.
He sure was glad to see me and he charmed the vet techs and girls in the office...they said he is such a sweet boy and he truly is.

I had a long day...went to Winnipeg to do some errands while waiting for Max. Sure tired out tonight and think i will go to bed soon. It is so hot...32 today. I was worried about the car overheating as it is 10 years old now...but it did just fine. Didn't want to be stuck on the highway with max in this heat.

I really am an introvert too, Beth and definitley need some time alone to re charge my batteries. I do like people and I do like teaching...but I need that alone time as well. I am sure you can relate to that as well.

I just finished another book by Elizabeth Chadwick...and I found out today that it is so old that it is out of print. I was looking for another book by her at the book store. She writes historical fiction and they usually are in the medieval time era of England...11th or 12th century.

I think that is a great idea, to drive over to the park and then go for a walk. You can take some pictures so I can see what it looks like Beth!

Have a great evening,

Love to you both,

Sandra said...

There did not seem to be much of a breeze yesterday, but not as hot walking to Piliates as Monday.

I have most of the windows open up stairs all night.

We will have to see if we can arrange a walk with Simone and Sebastien over in Watershed Park. Now that they done normally have a nap it is getting a bit easier to plan activities.


beth bennett said...

I have had a busy day and it is too late to write now.

What a worry Nancy with Max and poor Bella.

You do well to write and keep us up to date.

That will be fun Sandra.

Dad and I were at Art Naps and I bought a little sign for Simone.

Look for something for Sebastien but not sure what he likes.

Love mom

Melina said...

Brittany and her boyfriend Hutch are down in Melbourne for the weekend. The kids and I are meeting them in town to see a play. Hutch is doing some work while he is down , his company is based in Melbourne. WELCOME TO THORNBURY - is the name google it. I called in sick for the rest of the week , still not 100% and have over one year sick leave owing to me, so why not use it.
very cold but sunny here.

Melina said...

ps that was ken...

beth bennett said...

Melina I was delighted
to hear from you.
I am happy you read my blog
and the truth was told.

Love Beth