Tuesday, March 31, 2020


It is so good to feel the support of our family.

"When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion"
Old Proverb.

Yesterday was an eventful day.

I have met a very cheerful young lady at the dog park.  Our dogs like each other and we stand and talk about our families.  Whe has two sons and one hopes to get into the Whitecaps Support group.
Her dog is big white shaggy one that wants to play.  Spenser is usual calm self.

I phone my brother repeatable and he does not answer.  I try one last call in the evening and he answers.  I am so relived.  He is thankful for the support in this time of trauma.  He is thankful for our cards!

Carol made a quick trip to our house to deliver some home baked cookies.  Boy were they ever good!
I couldn't wait to try them.

We have fun talking on skype with Kim and Carol, Rick and Sandra.  So good to see and talk to each other.  We feel loved and supported.

"The richness of the human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome."  Helen Keller.
I would add if we did not feel supported.

Monday, March 30, 2020


Social distancing does not mean emotional distancing.  

It seems strange when Carol and Kim drop off our groceries to stand outside keeping a big distance from each other,  We did the same when we had driven to Sandra and Randy's to pick up groceries.

The good thing is that it does not mean emotional distancing. even though there are no hugs,
One can feel the love even when you do not touch each other.  We do appreciate all the shopping others are doing for us.  It is always a surprise to look and see what is in the parcels.

Phone calls from family means everything now as we try to keep in touch.  Yesterday Theresa phoned and so did Ken.  Mathew has had a very nasty cough but is better now.  We are suspicious of every sore throat and cold.  

When I read about the story of Jesus reaching out to the lepers, the social outcasts of his day, I can appreciate their feelings of separation so much more now.

With education we understand how to avoid germs that we cannot see but they can be on anything we may touch.

It is a strange time.

Dad is feeling miserable with a runny nose and sore throat.

Saturday, March 28, 2020


                                                Flowers still blooming.
                                                       News still shared by computer!

My neighbor comes home from early morning shopping.  I an write a list and unlike when I write a list, it is filled by my wonderful family!  I usually forget it at thome and forget the very thing I went for.

We do not need to remember our doctor appointments as they have all been cancelled.

My library books will never get over- due.

I am allowed to walk the dog to the park and back.

We can have our grocery list filled up and look forward to driving to pick it up.

If I run out of books to read, or reread I can pick them up at the park.  I will disinfect them first.

The good news that Jesus spread was that everyone is your neighbor.  Not just the one who looks like you and believes like you.  We can learn to Love like God does which includes everyone.

The good Samaritan is a good story!

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Feeling old!
                                                                            Feeling thankful!

A cold and windy day for my walk with Spenser.  A long the way two people came out to see if we were doing okay.

Doing a grocery list for Sandra and Randy.

Mailed my April birthday cards.

Grief has numbed my Brother's heart and mind. He feels lost and lonely.  
 No one can visit so that is hard too.  He keeps in touch by phone and by mail.
Relief will take time and his life will never be the same.  Traudl brought joy and laughter into his day.

No news from Rick lately.  No news from Craig and Leah.

Good to hear from Ken even if it is not good news.  He is forced to take leave and Melina is laid off.

What will to-morrow bring?  Next week?  Next month?  Next year?

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


                        We decided to escape down to the dyke to see where dad and Carol might meet.

We took Spenser but he escaped on us and went running down the road into a small house.  The door was open to let the cat out and he went in and ate the cat food.  He did not chase the cat.

                                                 Took some interesting pictures.

Came home and phoned my brother.  He is in shock as the death of Traudel  happened so suddenly.

He walks to get the mail everyday.  This is like us checking our computer.  He keeps repeating how lonely it is after 60 years of being together.  Karl will keep in touch by phone and he is only an hour away, so he can come quickly if needed.

I will try to phone several times a week.  I know he will talk about what happened over and over again until he can find some peace.

Nice to talk to Shawna and hear about what is happening there.

It seems things are difficult for us all.


                                              Good to see new life.

                       "Very difficult weeks ahead for B.C."  -the Vancouver Sun

My neuliar appointments were cancelled.  Very disappointing.

There seems to be no actual time frame but it was good we started testing early.

I feel guilty not paying for our food.  Maybe if I make a list and it is picked up dad and I can drive and pick it up and pay for it.

Or I can go at 7 in the morning.

I realize this is a horrible frightening virus that can kill.  We want to do our part to prevent it spreading.  We miss sitting and talking with others.

I am open to new ideas.

I am realizing that even as I read the Bible there are new ideas forming about a God of love and compassion.  Evan in the story about Noah and the flood.  Noah built the boat and invited others to share this space.  God had a plan to save and people had a choice.

The flood story is told in many countries but only the Bible has a different ending with a rainbow and a promise.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


                       It is essential that I go closer to see the hummingbird hanging on the tree

What is  essential?  ?

What is essential in this time of crisis?

Food will always be essential.  Dining out is not.

Doctors and nurses certainly are essentials.
Is it safe at the doctor's office.?

The vets will take your pet in but you have to wait out side.
I will dress warmer.

Our thrift stores essential?

Is the hairdresser?

Is law enforcement?

 Is Real Estate?
Yes, fortunately we can stay home

It is essential we do our part.  We cannot control this virus so we have to give up control of what we can or cannot do.

Monday, March 23, 2020


I took a picture of our supper last night which I thought was impressive but it does not look that great.
I will stick to taking pictures of flowers.

Every morning the news seems worse.  Looking back over my life I remember the worst stories turned into the funniest stories. Like our first camping trip driving to Saskatoon with two small children.  We did not know about the areas for camping.  We stopped when we were hungry and tired and climbed or a fence to camp.  It was starting to rain.  The sleeping bags on top of the car got wet, but somehow we got a little fire going.  Trying to dry them out dad burnt his hand trying to pull them out when it looked like they may catch on fire.

Our adventure was turning into a disaster but it later became a funny story.

Our on neighbor came over to get our support over the neighbor feeding the crows.  Why are they doing it because they have kind hearts and love animals.  They say it is to stop them digging up their lawn.  Yes they have a perfect lawn.  

Dad and I smile at each other knowingly.

Both neighbors have offered to go to the store for us.

We talked to Tasha on the phone and she tells her stories of being a bus driver with a great sense of humor.  We end up laughing with her.

This morning I see people getting on the bus from the rear door.

I am tempted to go to the store for one tin of tomatoe  paste.  My frig. is full but as usual the one thing you need is missing.

Todd our neighbor came over yesterday to see if we needed anything but I say no we had more than enough.

I will wait till I need a few more things before I ask Randy who goes to the store regularly.

I meet my walking friend Joanne who asks if we did anything.  I mention the tomatoe paste and it is on my door step when I arrive home.

I have never had so many free groceries.  Ha Ha

"We need to keep a sense of humor and draw strength from each other."
The Vancouveer Sun.

Sunday, March 22, 2020


                                               We all face the unknown.
                                                  Practicing social distancing.         
                                                     Being loving and caring as well as giving.
                                                           Even as Spenser did.
                                                He takes me for walks when I do not feel like it.
                                                  He does not like to be alone.
                                   So extremely thankful for all the food we have been given.
         So thankful for all the expressions of help coming from our neighbors as well as our family.

         Sunday a time to feed our souls as well.  What gives our lives meaning?

Our new church is not meeting but there is a person who will keep in touch with us weekly to see if we have any needs.

Our old community keep in touch with our prayer net-work.  

Yes the church is more than a building it is a fellowship of love and caring.

We can face the unknown as we share our concerns with each other and with God who is the best listener and responder.  He knows our future.  Our lives are in his hands!

:He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed,
miracles that cannot be counted."  Job 9:10

"Bidden or unbidden God is present."  Erasmes

Saturday, March 21, 2020


Good to remember the good times.

I did not sleep well thinking about the grief Brian and the family will be going through.

I also remember the happy memories of years past.

I remembered when we first met Traudl and how much I liked her,  She had a great sense of humor.  We went out to Cultus lake with them.

When they lived in Newton we spent Christmas day with each other.  They were there with my mom and dad the year the neighbor had to cook the turkey.  Everyone were good sports.

Life as the wife of a mountie was not easy.   One place their home was attached to the jail.  Rough characters could be heard cursing and swearing next door through the thin walls.

When we travelled back and forth to Calgary we would drive out to Invermere to have a visit. 
We even flew there one year with Kenny but he took the bus home.  Now he is a great flyer!

Now in the last about fifteen years or more we keep in touch with long phone calls in which he would tell me how she was doing.  Her mind started going and Brian had a tough job looking after her.  He did this until she ended up in hospital.  The boys were able to come up and say good-bye.

Life brings with it sadness but God gives us the courage and strength to carry on.

Yesterday I went to the early morning shopping time for the golden oldies.  It was quiet.

Today Kim and Hamlet are picking up some groceries for us.

We are doing work in our yard and are thankful for sunny days.

Dad and I are learning to cook together.  I need help.

In the paper to day the death toll in Italy rises to 627 in just one day.

Our lives are not going to be the same.  Thankful for good memories!

Friday, March 20, 2020


Received sad news from Uncle Brian today.  Auntie Traudl died in hospital yesterday.  Your cousin Karl is with him today and help with all that had to be done.  Many decisions.  Your cousin Mark will be coming to-morrow.  They are planning a private family gathering.

We know it was a blessing as she has been unwell for several years.

Uncle Brian did a wonderful job taking care of her.  A very sad day for him and the family.

His address is Box 694, Invermere, B.C.

I feel very far away but I will keep in touch with him more in the future.

Life is so very precious .

Thursday, March 19, 2020


                             Walking through the park a group of youngsters are learning to play soccer.
                                       No one knows how far they may go in their sport.

Seeing this activity helps me to feel connected to the young at heart.  Some work so hard to improve.

We stayed home today except for my walks with Spenser and dad's bike ride.  I may go to the store to-morrow morning at 7.  I am trying to keep connected by making phone calls.

Jane is now not going to meals in the dining room but having them delivered to her room.  She is still going out for walks with a friend.  Her daughter is picking up some items from the store for her,

I have been waiting for a phone call from my brother about Traudl.    I have been reading a book about Near Death Experiences.  I am reminded there is more to life than this earthly life we are living.  It would be much easier for us to let go of people if we could see the beauty and joy that is the magical experience of our next life.  Heaven is a place of music

Our lives are in the hands of God whose love is unconditional.

"We have to recognize that we are spiritual beings with souls existing in a spiritual reality as well as the material and physical world."  John Eccpes

There is a connection that we have with God that has been called a golden thread that will never let us go.

Faith comforts us in the believe that love never dies but continues to live on in each one of our hearts.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Isolation is very hard.

I have my long walk with Spenser and dad went on his bike ride today.  It felt like a warm summer day but then it cools off quickly.

 I want to know how others are doing.  I am phoning people more just to keep in touch.  I believe that we are designed to share our lives with each other,  

I believe we were not meant to live in isolation.  Meaningful connections are important.

Very sad news from my brother Brian telling us his wife is in hospice care and she is dying.  Her boys are there now.  Traudl was a very special person full of life and joy.  She will be missed but her quality of life has been so poor the last few years she has not been herself.  Brian will be very sad and lonely without her.  They shared their love of family and the love of hiking and skying.  They built and designed their own home.  Brian took early retirement from the Mounties so he could move to Invermere to live there as a family.  He was a great believer in the power of prayer and he usually prayed for me and my loved ones but tonight he asked me to pray for him and the family.

One feels so helpless when facing the death of a loved one.

We are thinking of going to visit  but there is to be no funeral.

Our neighbor went to the dental conference and now her office is closed because some one was there  at the conference with the virus.and she has been ordered to self-isolation.  Her husband too has to work from home,

Dad and I are feeling okay but we both are tired but maybe that is just old age.  Weaker too.  We are doing our best to stay healthy.

Thanks Ken for your phone call it was great to hear from you even though your work is going through changes and lay-offs.

We are very thankful for our loving family who look after us so well.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


                                               Love the early morning sunshine.

We are being spoilt getting groceries dropped off at our door.  Thanks to Randy and Carol and Kim.

Is this going to be the new normal?  Staying at home?

Listening to the news is frightening.  Maybe I should just stay at home and read until I have read all my books.

Going for walks with Spenser everything looks very normal.  We meet the same dogs and the same people.  The boys are out playing street hockey and riding bikes and skate boards.  There is a group of young children at the park practicing soccer, others are running around on the swings.  The grass is growing and flowerings blooming on the cherry trees.

We talk to Rick on the phone and he sounds hopeful.

We drive down to the bird store on King George Highway.  It is a beautiful place full of lots of treasures and there is a calm that seems normal.  Spenser was allowed to come in and he ran all around so excited.

Dad is fixing something in the car, his G.P.S. and Spenser is sitting in the back seat.  He is not going to miss out on any rides.

The fact is that sometimes things are not always just right.  The sun is shining but we never now just what is ahead.  I start to feel doubtful.  Is there a lesson to be learned in all this.

I know I will appreciate life more as I wait for the fear to disappear and families to get together again.

Monday, March 16, 2020


One lonely tulip away from all the others.

Yes I went to church.  Dad and Spenser drove me.  Dad was not feeling too good.
I sat by myself in the back row.  There were 8 friends from Colebrook sitting in front of me.
I do not feel I will get this virus.  But I will be careful.   I tried to be careful and quiet as I came in but I stumbled over my own feet and dropped my purse and sneezed twice.

 I had a little chat with my friends on the way out.

The church plans to go on line instead of meeting.

Yes Sandra we are taking Spenser to the vet. to have his ears checked.

I will drop into the Safeway when I am there.  Two of my neighbors have offered to shop for us.

Evidently when the power went off on Sat. the doors of the Safeway closed leaving a lot of annoyed people waiting outside.  It was off for about two hours. The parking lot had been full and people had been streaming into the store.

The sermon was about Jesus turning over the tables of the money changers.
Jesus again provokes the temple priests.  Greed should not have any place in a house of prayer!

Yes, Jesus got mad.

Sunday, March 15, 2020


I think that human nature is not naturally holy.
Seeing the beauty in nature and in each other.
Seeing the good gifts that flow from the goodness of God.
Words of healing comfort that free the soul.

Yes we are not naturally thankful,
 caring and kind
generous and honest
loving and forgiving.

Seeing the good in others
listening and willing to learn.
Hopeful instead of fearful.
Good news instead of doom and gloom.

Right now we are seeing the worst of the human nature which is greedy and demanding,
fearful and ugly and unhappy and selfish.  People stocking up on iems they are afraid there will not be enough of.

Holiness is trusting there will be enough for all as we share our abundance with the poor and needy.

Holiness is discovering the sacred in our midst.

Life is sacred.

Respect the belief of others.

Believe in yourself.

Yes we will go to church today.  
We hope we will hear a message that is good news
but also one that challenges us be that good news
in the ordinary stress of life.

To discover the holy in the Scriptures.

Learning to live with faith not fear and worry.

Learning to use less toilet paper!  !

Saturday, March 14, 2020


                                                  It is cold, 0 degrees, and windy.

Dad went to the eye-doctor expecting to get the surgery on his bottom eye-lid but it was just an examine and the surgery will be on April 30,  He will have to cancel his appointment with his skin doctor as his appointment was booked for the same day.  He was hoping to get it done and over with.

Kim may have been in contact with a person with the coronavirus so canceled our supper date last night.  In stead she picked up some groceries for us and had Carol drop them off.  We now have lots to eat.  Panteli also stopped off on his way home.

Her trip has been canceled to the States as has been Theresa and Mikie's holiday away.  Ben soccer has been canceled for 30 days.

A disappointing time for many.

We have an appointment for Spenser at the Vets. to check his ears again.

Dad and I will not be going out and about for awhile as older people are more vulnerable.

I am pleased to hear Sandra has the option  of working from home next week.

Craig and Leah and children are fine.  There day care will be open on Wed. next wee

As a family we will continue to encourage and support one another.

We all feel a little vulnerable at this time'

My faith continues to strengthen me at this time.

Friday, March 13, 2020


Thankful for signs of spring.

Thankful for a phone call from Ken.  I hope they are able to keep healthy at this time.

Dad is off to see the eye surgeon this morning.  I am so thankful it is paid for.  His lower eye lid droops.  

It was great to see a young senator in the states confront a health specialist  about proving testing free.  She kept questioning him until he agreed.  There are going to be a lot of people unemployed and suffering during this time of closing our gatherings and travellings.

Theresa and Mikie had a trip all planned with a trip to the States they probably have to cancel.

Kim was also planning to fly to join her husband in California during spring break.  To come back to Canada they say you will have to self quarentine for l4 days.

Kim has invited us for supper to.night so well will hear the news.

"Accept the things fate hands you
and accept the people fate brings to help you and guide you
but do so with all your heart."  Marcus Aurelius.

Life is full of uncertainty.

We all still have lots to be thankful for.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Sunshine from our bedroom window.
Yes a bird made a mess.
A good day for a bike ride.
A good day for Bible Study fun!

On Tuesday I wondered about cancelling my trip to the Nursing Home to srr my friend Joan.  Dad phoned to make sure there was no sickness going around.  They wanted to make sure I would not bring in any germs.

I know Joan carries a lot of hurt in her life that goes back to her childhood.  She misses her husband of many years who she says has gone on a head of her,  She appreciates my visits and the fact that dad drives me.  Dad did not want Spenser to go in so they waited in the car together.  They park right across from the day care and enjoy watching the children.

Kim phones and offers to go to the store for me and I also know I can order on line.

I did go and get some toilet paper today.

There were 8 of us at the Bible Study today and we  always have fun laughing together.

We are hearing of more things being cancelled.  Jane's grand daughter had her graduation ceremony cancelled.  Tea and coffee is being cancelled at church and at a concert planned in White Rock.

Monday, March 9, 2020


The water leaking onto the sidewalk seems endless.
We have not had a report from the drain fellows.
So our problem is not solve.
It makes life stressful.
We went to Store but they did not have the part we needed.

The doctor's office phoned I have two appointments in April to have heart testing at Peace Arch Hospital.  It is for a MIBI.

Sometimes this testing seems endless but it is a way to check off the possibilities of a problem.

Life takes continual effort but things will work out.

Dad did not feel well enough to go to Carol and Panteli's for supper.

Sunday, March 8, 2020


                                          Just checking to see if they had the time right.

It was good just to get away from our messy yard and enjoy a delicious lunch with Sandra and Randy and Mandy and Maxwell.  He is getting so cute.  He looks around at every thing and every body.
                                           They are both practicing for baby sitting Maxwell.
Nana even lets him pull her hair.

Time to head for home after being the center of attention.

Dad and I really enjoyed just being with you all.  I am enjoying the apple crisp, I took home, my favorite.
It was good even without the brown sugar.

After coming home and having a rest Spenser and I walked around the neighborhood and over to the park.  I talked to three neighbors.  Tod thinks it will dry up when we get some sunny weather.
This is the mess that is running out to the side walk.

A neighbor who has had similar problems is coming to visit us to-morrow.
She knows how stressful it can be.
Dad and I have found it so.
We really have not solved anything yet so far.

I was going to go on face book but too tired.

Saturday, March 7, 2020


There are so many problems in our world today.  Fighting among cultures causing people to have no home land.  The coronavirus scare is causing many problems that may eventually affect us all.  It is good to know that many are responding by telling us the precautions we need to take.

It seems like I problem with water leaking out onto the road seems small compared to what others are facing.  We had the drainage guys come yesterday and clean out our drains but this does not seemed to have helped.  At least we know one thing that is not the problem.  All the rain we are having has not helped but is making things worse.

Since it is the week-end we do not expect any visits from the city to give us some advice.

It was good to celebrate the victory of the Canucks last night.  Maybe they have solved their problems and will continue to win future games.

Carol and Panteli dropped by yesterday to view the situation with our water problems.  They confirmed we are doing all we can.  It is always good to keep in touch and a hug is always good for us too.

Dad was anxious to pick up his book from the library but they were closed due to problems.

Prayer helps me to feel confident even when I feel helpless.

"An ordinary life can be transformed  when we work together to help solve our problems."
Rabbi Kushner

So we are off to the party in Langley to laugh and forget our problems.

Thursday, March 5, 2020


Will the day decide to be sunny?
We are three couples who have got together frequently over the years.  Now that we are all retired it should be easy to plan a day, a time, a place.  You think?  Well it took several days just e-mailing back and forth and then dad suggested our home for the Friday.  I said that is fine but you will need to help me clean up the house.

The problem was that dad decided to phone the drain guys today.  They suggested he take the floor off the shade deck to get at the sump pump.  No was pretty confident he could get at least a few boards up.  The first problem was finding his drill.  He has been keeping some tools in our closet so they would be safe but the drill was no where to be found.

He used an older one.  The trouble is we do not realize that we are getting older and our knees are painful so knelling is difficult.  After several hours working on this we found the company back and suggest they come Friday morning.  The girl at the receptionist was a great help.  Just let the young guys come and they will do the job easily.  Dad hesitated but I yelled Yes! Yes!

Just like I need help cleaning up dad needs help now too.

We called off the group coming and we may join them on Sat. if someone else can have it.  There are only eight of us.

It will depend on how dad is feeling before we make any decisions.


WORTHY, think on these things.  Philippians 4:8

Each day is a gift where I can choose to find beauty in nature, in the words I am reading, in the love of my family and friends.

The water leaking from our yard on to the sidewalk is getting worse.  We have to phone today to get help.  We were hoping it would fix it self and go away but it is not doing that.  Our whole front yard may be dug up.  I may have lots of flowers to give away.

We also need to have our house painted as we are bringing down the neighborhood.  Gone are the days when we could do things ourselves.

"The cure for an anxious heart is trusting and believing in the unseen plan God has to bring beauty into our messy lives."-  Ruth Simons

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


"Bear one another's burdens."  St. Paul

Dad and I decide it is time to visit our dear friend Jean at the Peace Arch Hospital.  We both spent years visiting there as lay-chaplains.  The truth is neither one of us likes hospitals.

Jean looked so little fast asleep on her bed.  I bend over to say a little prayer and her eyes pop open and she recognizes me.  Larry comes and stands by me and she smiles hello to him too.  Right away she insists she wants to get up but we think she needs help but not Jean she pulls herself up and swings her feet over the side of the bed and hops down.  A bell starts ringing and two nurses rush in.

They settle her in her chair and offer to bring her tea and she asks for a cookie too.  It comes but it is very small.

We share some of the happy moments we have had at Colebrook.  She has a wonderful sense of humor and we hear stories we have not heard before.  The time passes quickly and we feel sad as we hug her good-bye.  We hate to leave her alone and looking so vulnerable.

We all go through difficult times and it is important to share our burdens and feel the love and support of others.

A sunny day for my walk with Spenser!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Each season of life has a rhythm of it's own.
Old age also has a slower rhythm.

I am thankful for a good night's rest.

After reading words of wisdom I start the day with prayer.  After breakfast Spenser and I go for a walk.  He sets the pace.  For him the world is full of smells each one waiting to be snift.

We walk by the coffee shop where people are hurrying in and out with their first morning coffee.

The vegetable market is opening up and colourful  fruits and vegetables are on display.

Even the Safeway store has spring flowers out on display.

The rhythm of the last two days has slowed down.  I walk and then I rest and later in the day I will go shopping.  Every recipe seems to need new ingredients.  I have to sneak out without Spenser.

.Dad is busy trying to find information on his computer.

I focus on the needs of the day.  Yesterday a bowl was broken and some spills happened but that is soon cleaned up.

Scripture reminds us to take every thought captive by appreciating all we have been given.
2 Corinthians 10:5

Yes the rhythm of life has changed but it is still good to be alive and well!

Sunday, March 1, 2020


Sunday was a quiet and restful day for us after our busy Sat.
Tavia cuts the birthday cake for Oliver.
They have a bright sunny kitchen.
enjoys eating it.

It was a long drive for us out to Langley to a new area that is being built up.  We enjoyed the day visiting with Tavia and Shawn and with Cathy and Glen and also with Ava and Jeff.  We have known this family for a long time and watched these children grow up and have children of their own.

                                                                       Dad and Glenn.

We had time for a nap before Sandra picked us up 
to drive us to the pool party for Carol.  The hot tub was a big hit.

We went into the club house area where kim and Hamlet and Panteli hosted supper.
Morgan came and joined us too.

Theresa came late as she had been at a funeral.

I know the pictures are not too good but I do the best I can.

It was good fun to be together in a smaller space.

Happy Birthday Carol!