Friday, March 13, 2020


Thankful for signs of spring.

Thankful for a phone call from Ken.  I hope they are able to keep healthy at this time.

Dad is off to see the eye surgeon this morning.  I am so thankful it is paid for.  His lower eye lid droops.  

It was great to see a young senator in the states confront a health specialist  about proving testing free.  She kept questioning him until he agreed.  There are going to be a lot of people unemployed and suffering during this time of closing our gatherings and travellings.

Theresa and Mikie had a trip all planned with a trip to the States they probably have to cancel.

Kim was also planning to fly to join her husband in California during spring break.  To come back to Canada they say you will have to self quarentine for l4 days.

Kim has invited us for supper to.night so well will hear the news.

"Accept the things fate hands you
and accept the people fate brings to help you and guide you
but do so with all your heart."  Marcus Aurelius.

Life is full of uncertainty.

We all still have lots to be thankful for.


Shandel said...

This weekend I have two classes to teach tomorrow and sunday off! So grateful. We are going to start hunting for some office casual wear I will need for school. Going to start at Value Village for best price. Hoping to stay local and support the shops out here. I also hope I can get my online shopping app for superstore to work and pick up groceries rather then braving the craziness in store. I drove by this am 45mins after they opened and it was packed.

beth bennett said...

Very Wise Shandel,

Kim is going to do some shopping for us.

Grandpa will be having eye surgery on his bottom lid April 30.

We have been given orders to stay home!

Spenser still needs his walks and I do too.

Love Gramma

Shandel said...
