Wednesday, March 25, 2020


                                              Good to see new life.

                       "Very difficult weeks ahead for B.C."  -the Vancouver Sun

My neuliar appointments were cancelled.  Very disappointing.

There seems to be no actual time frame but it was good we started testing early.

I feel guilty not paying for our food.  Maybe if I make a list and it is picked up dad and I can drive and pick it up and pay for it.

Or I can go at 7 in the morning.

I realize this is a horrible frightening virus that can kill.  We want to do our part to prevent it spreading.  We miss sitting and talking with others.

I am open to new ideas.

I am realizing that even as I read the Bible there are new ideas forming about a God of love and compassion.  Evan in the story about Noah and the flood.  Noah built the boat and invited others to share this space.  God had a plan to save and people had a choice.

The flood story is told in many countries but only the Bible has a different ending with a rainbow and a promise.


Sandra said...

Randy's appointment with Dr Notle is going to be over the phone on Friday. The office called Randy and told him that was his only option.

I will pick up groceries for you tomorrow and you can pay me if you like.

I will call for the list.


beth bennett said...

Hi, I am not surprised about the appointment by phone,

You cannot keep a distance at the office.

I do not have much I need.


Love mom

Ken Bennett said...

I will be forced to take leave from 12apr i think. Melina is stood down without pay until 31may. Hobey is working from home . Brittany i think is going to take some leave . I believe the the city will go into total lock down soon. The airport will probably close down in a week. I feel that if we isolate the sooner the virus will slow. It is so important that you guys isolate . Our dr is taking appointments over the phone now as well.

beth bennett said...

Thanks for the updates Ken.
Very difficult for you all.

We are staying home.
Sandra and Randy are shopping for us to-morrow.

Weare in lock down here.

Stay healthy.

Love mom