Sunday, March 15, 2020


I think that human nature is not naturally holy.
Seeing the beauty in nature and in each other.
Seeing the good gifts that flow from the goodness of God.
Words of healing comfort that free the soul.

Yes we are not naturally thankful,
 caring and kind
generous and honest
loving and forgiving.

Seeing the good in others
listening and willing to learn.
Hopeful instead of fearful.
Good news instead of doom and gloom.

Right now we are seeing the worst of the human nature which is greedy and demanding,
fearful and ugly and unhappy and selfish.  People stocking up on iems they are afraid there will not be enough of.

Holiness is trusting there will be enough for all as we share our abundance with the poor and needy.

Holiness is discovering the sacred in our midst.

Life is sacred.

Respect the belief of others.

Believe in yourself.

Yes we will go to church today.  
We hope we will hear a message that is good news
but also one that challenges us be that good news
in the ordinary stress of life.

To discover the holy in the Scriptures.

Learning to live with faith not fear and worry.

Learning to use less toilet paper!  !


Shandel said...

It's really just wild and over whelming. I think of those who can not afford to buy bulk and how sad it is not to just get the necessities. I am glad to hear of some stores putting limits on things so that there is more to go around.

beth bennett said...

Yes I agree Shandel.

Love grama

Sandra said...

So did you go to church? Did you sit far from other people?

I would have thought Church services would have been canceled.

Working from home today. Just have a sore throat but it makes people uncomfortable to be around people who are sick.


beth bennett said...

Yes sANDRA I went to church.

It was pretty empty.

I sat in the back row by myself.

Sore throat, that is not good.

Good you can stay home.

Love mom