Monday, March 30, 2020


Social distancing does not mean emotional distancing.  

It seems strange when Carol and Kim drop off our groceries to stand outside keeping a big distance from each other,  We did the same when we had driven to Sandra and Randy's to pick up groceries.

The good thing is that it does not mean emotional distancing. even though there are no hugs,
One can feel the love even when you do not touch each other.  We do appreciate all the shopping others are doing for us.  It is always a surprise to look and see what is in the parcels.

Phone calls from family means everything now as we try to keep in touch.  Yesterday Theresa phoned and so did Ken.  Mathew has had a very nasty cough but is better now.  We are suspicious of every sore throat and cold.  

When I read about the story of Jesus reaching out to the lepers, the social outcasts of his day, I can appreciate their feelings of separation so much more now.

With education we understand how to avoid germs that we cannot see but they can be on anything we may touch.

It is a strange time.

Dad is feeling miserable with a runny nose and sore throat.


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, physical isolation doesn't need to mean social isolation these days.

Sorry to hear Dad has a cold. As you probably know, the really worrying symptoms are a fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Runny nose and all that less likely to indicate covid19.

I'm okay. I am making brown sugar and cinnamon toast for myself these days. Reminds me of years back.



Sandra said...

wow, someone really did the heart thing well!

I went to work today, very quiet.

Well, I hope dad feels better soon.


beth bennett said...

Thanks Guys.

Dad's cold is better but he has a sore in his mouth.

this too will get better. Soon I hope.

Stay well.

Love mom

Shandel said...

We will try and call this weekend. Be nice to chat a bit.