Saturday, March 14, 2020


                                                  It is cold, 0 degrees, and windy.

Dad went to the eye-doctor expecting to get the surgery on his bottom eye-lid but it was just an examine and the surgery will be on April 30,  He will have to cancel his appointment with his skin doctor as his appointment was booked for the same day.  He was hoping to get it done and over with.

Kim may have been in contact with a person with the coronavirus so canceled our supper date last night.  In stead she picked up some groceries for us and had Carol drop them off.  We now have lots to eat.  Panteli also stopped off on his way home.

Her trip has been canceled to the States as has been Theresa and Mikie's holiday away.  Ben soccer has been canceled for 30 days.

A disappointing time for many.

We have an appointment for Spenser at the Vets. to check his ears again.

Dad and I will not be going out and about for awhile as older people are more vulnerable.

I am pleased to hear Sandra has the option  of working from home next week.

Craig and Leah and children are fine.  There day care will be open on Wed. next wee

As a family we will continue to encourage and support one another.

We all feel a little vulnerable at this time'

My faith continues to strengthen me at this time.


Sandra said...

Good thing we can all in and find out the latest.

3 more weeks of school for me, so I will just be finishing and Shandel will just be starting!

No close calls for Randy or I with anyone yet that we know of, and so far we have not run out of food.


beth bennett said...

Good news. Sandra.

Shandel said...

It is annoying when things get pushed to a later date after you have prepared yourself to just get it over with. And I'm so glad you guys have lots of helpers to keep you content and safe during this time. Hopefully Kim doesnt have it even though she came in contact. Better safe then not. We have extreme cold here today. -30 with windchill. Hoping it's the last of it and we can warm up to spring soon. Cameron and I got a lot of cleaning done at home and took a bunch of recycling and donations in.