Saturday, March 21, 2020


Good to remember the good times.

I did not sleep well thinking about the grief Brian and the family will be going through.

I also remember the happy memories of years past.

I remembered when we first met Traudl and how much I liked her,  She had a great sense of humor.  We went out to Cultus lake with them.

When they lived in Newton we spent Christmas day with each other.  They were there with my mom and dad the year the neighbor had to cook the turkey.  Everyone were good sports.

Life as the wife of a mountie was not easy.   One place their home was attached to the jail.  Rough characters could be heard cursing and swearing next door through the thin walls.

When we travelled back and forth to Calgary we would drive out to Invermere to have a visit. 
We even flew there one year with Kenny but he took the bus home.  Now he is a great flyer!

Now in the last about fifteen years or more we keep in touch with long phone calls in which he would tell me how she was doing.  Her mind started going and Brian had a tough job looking after her.  He did this until she ended up in hospital.  The boys were able to come up and say good-bye.

Life brings with it sadness but God gives us the courage and strength to carry on.

Yesterday I went to the early morning shopping time for the golden oldies.  It was quiet.

Today Kim and Hamlet are picking up some groceries for us.

We are doing work in our yard and are thankful for sunny days.

Dad and I are learning to cook together.  I need help.

In the paper to day the death toll in Italy rises to 627 in just one day.

Our lives are not going to be the same.  Thankful for good memories!


Steady-as-rain said...

A sad time.

I remember Aunt Traudle had a strong laugh.



Sandra said...

At least it has been sunny, makes any day a little better.

I think the poop is about to hit the fan at my work and it is going to get very busy.

On Friday 3 people have said they would not come in because they have been near someone who might have been near someone who might have the virus.

If panic sets in our work could very quickly grind to a halt.


beth bennett said...

Rick, that is a good thing to remember. Me too.

Sandra Panic does not help any situation.
I hope they find calmness in this time of worry.
Day by day.

Take care.

Love mom