Monday, March 23, 2020


I took a picture of our supper last night which I thought was impressive but it does not look that great.
I will stick to taking pictures of flowers.

Every morning the news seems worse.  Looking back over my life I remember the worst stories turned into the funniest stories. Like our first camping trip driving to Saskatoon with two small children.  We did not know about the areas for camping.  We stopped when we were hungry and tired and climbed or a fence to camp.  It was starting to rain.  The sleeping bags on top of the car got wet, but somehow we got a little fire going.  Trying to dry them out dad burnt his hand trying to pull them out when it looked like they may catch on fire.

Our adventure was turning into a disaster but it later became a funny story.

Our on neighbor came over to get our support over the neighbor feeding the crows.  Why are they doing it because they have kind hearts and love animals.  They say it is to stop them digging up their lawn.  Yes they have a perfect lawn.  

Dad and I smile at each other knowingly.

Both neighbors have offered to go to the store for us.

We talked to Tasha on the phone and she tells her stories of being a bus driver with a great sense of humor.  We end up laughing with her.

This morning I see people getting on the bus from the rear door.

I am tempted to go to the store for one tin of tomatoe  paste.  My frig. is full but as usual the one thing you need is missing.

Todd our neighbor came over yesterday to see if we needed anything but I say no we had more than enough.

I will wait till I need a few more things before I ask Randy who goes to the store regularly.

I meet my walking friend Joanne who asks if we did anything.  I mention the tomatoe paste and it is on my door step when I arrive home.

I have never had so many free groceries.  Ha Ha

"We need to keep a sense of humor and draw strength from each other."
The Vancouveer Sun.


Sandra said...

The crows will only rip up the lawns of people with the grubs, you fight the grubs by keeping your grass watered and applying nematodes twice a summer.

Just tell the crow hating people that next time.

You need to say to your self, would I die for a can of tomato paste? Because you could. Everyone is giving up a lot right now, and it may seem silly to let someone go to the store for you when you are more than capable. But is it silly for all the healthy people who have giving up school and work and all the activities.

Better to get creative and make due. Randy has not been able to get us any eggs for a while so I used Mayo instead in my muffins today.


beth bennett said...

No I will not go to the store.

I will have to learn from you to be creative.

Could to see you on skype.

Sorry things did not work out for Mary.

Love mom

Shandel said...

Sandy! Replacements for eggs are bananas too and flaxseed egg. Flaxmeal mixed with water or chia seed mixed with water
Lots of options for no eggs. 👍