Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Happy Birthday to Carol.  I am happy she enjoyed a swim and a movie with Panteli.  We talked in the evening and she has lots of exciting plans to look forward to.

Dad has promised Carol to phone the Stem Cell Clinic to-morrow.  The fireplace man needs to be phoned back too. 

I talked about getting rid of our chesterfield in the T.V. room and also the bed in Ken's room but plans have changed.  One thing I know we are not good at making decisions.

Anneta came this morning to walk with me.  She did not bring her dog, Lucy.  She is very concerned about walking with me and she is a very kind-hearted lady.  Her husband passed away just before Christmas and she needs a friend to talk with, so I think we will be a help to one another.

Dad took 4 bags of stuff to the thrift store so I am thinking about what we may or may not need in the future.  I need to part with some stuff there will be no room for.  And like they say you cannot take it with you!.

Rick has an appointment on Friday with the Cardiologist and I hope they can help him to feel better.  His exhaustion and heaviness in the chest has gone on too long.

I have to keep believing that there will be more special days, better days ahead for us all.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Had Haiti for the day today.  She looks out on our back yard but no squirrels.  I took her for a walk around the block and maybe next time we will go to the park.  It was kind of Kim to bring her over as she is busy helping with a play at school and to-morrow she goes to North Van. to be in a White Spot Commercial.  She looked very tired when she picked up Haiti to-night. 

I am wanting to get back to normal and so this was a start.  Dad and I did some grocery shopping and as usual I forgot a few things.  We both tire out quickly.  Dad especially is not doing so well.  I still have a nasty cough so will not join my study group at the church to-morrow.

I also want to get back visiting at the Home.

Our group starts out by looking at a passage of scripture but what we end up doing is discussing every area of our lives.  We learn from the experiences we share and share our joys and sorrows.
We believe in different ways but we are sharing what we call our journey of faith together.

Yes, we are a normal group, that enjoy this special time together.

Monday, February 26, 2018


 I do not know what to believe about a lot of things.

I do know that what we believe does affect or should affect our actions.  Traditional theology has become less important to me atthis time. You can't believe just because some one else may want you to do.  A hard lesson for me to learn as I was hopeful that my faith would live on in my family.

I do need to learn more about ancient biblical writings, not only what is in the Bible but what other scholars have written about those times and the culture.  Certainly the disciples of Jesus knew their mission after his death was to convert people.
Our library is full of stories and so is the Bible.

Sunday, February 25, 2018


I have been thinking that old age should all be about enjoyment; at least that was what I was thinking on my walk today.  If we lived in a place where there lots of activities would we be happier? 

To be honest many things I used to enjoy doing I do not feel the same about.

Oprah says turn your wounds into wisdom.  Happiness is about making others happy.

  Surround yourself with positive people.

I have to believe my life has value no matter where I am.

If I enjoy trying to find truth by asking questions and reading about the experiences of others and finding wisdom to create a vision that gives my life wisdom and inner strength.

There will be enjoyment when I see the purpose and meaning in my relationships I have now and in the future ones I will enjoy.


The lingering snow will be here for awhile as it was piled up so deep.  Hard on the poor branches.
The rain came in the night and the Sat. morning paper came today.
Ken's presence sill seems to linger here as I think I hear foot steps or see him coming in the door.

I will not go to church today because I have a nasty cough and do not appreciate others sharing their germs around.

I still have some lingering pain if I walk too far and at the end of the day but I am doing so much better!  Going up stairs is a bit painful but I am doing better!

I will do some serious reading on the life of Jesus this morning from several books I picked up at the library.

I will also make chocolate chip cookies if I have chocolate chips.  I have to keep up with Carol in he Caymans.  Thanks for the cheerful phone call Carol and Panteli!

Saving Religion from "The Great Spiritual Migration"  :"From a religion organized for self-preservation and privilege
to a religion organized for the common good of all."

Jesus walked mong the ordinary men and women and children of his day teaching and healing.  His message was one built on tradition and Jewish expections.

"A man of great compassion, an internal movement of pity, which led to action of healing the blind and the lame, comforting the widow, freeing the possessed."
"How Jesus Became God"  by Bart Ehrman
Our neighbors clean our driveway again and again after each snow fall!

                                               LOTS TO BE THANKFUL FOR!

Saturday, February 24, 2018


Thanks for the visit Ken!

We sure appreciate you!

A long and grueling trip here and back again but the drive over rough snowy roads went well.

There were some stressful times but mostly happy memories.  Not an easy time for you.  Some difficult questions needed asking.

Thankfully we share the same values, of home and family, and even our differences can bring us closer o understanding each other.  Ken,we think your family all six of them are great!

Your visit played an important role in our lives especially helping me heal!

Thank you for cooking breakfast, and doing our shopping, and taking out the garbage and visiting the Care Homes with us.  This was a great support for us.  Thanks for cheering on the athletes and hockey players with us.  Much more fun with you here.

We are blessed to have you as a son!  We love you lots!

Life continues o be a learning experience for us all.

Friday, February 23, 2018


The snow is getting heavier and thicker.
No one is at the park today but we met Lucy and Anetta on our way home.  Lucy is the dog.   Anetta will walk with me when Ken leaves.  We are not sure about getting to the airport for 8 in the morning in the snow etc.but that is the plan.   It is just as well Hamlet did not come this week-end.

We decided not to drive to Sandra's which was very disappointing for everyone.

Thursday, February 22, 2018


Ken and I had a short walk in the snow being careful of each step.  Not ideal conditions for walking

Drove into Tssawassen  to look at another home.  The sunshine is up lifting.  More snow to-morrow morning.  The road was good accept going across lanes where there were ruts..

Ken signs us in,

A very cheerful place.  Lots of windows and balconies for every room.  Lot of old folks having lunch.
The usual library, movie room, exercises room and little coffee corners and lots of entertainment going on.

Right now we are just looking and putting in our names.  Very expensive.  We love our home and neighborhood but if our health goes down the decision may have to be faced.

Ken and I had a long nap when we got home.  He is needing his breathing machine.  I have asthma now and am coughing a lot. Very tiring.

Ideally we would live in a peaceful country and be  protected from thieves and violence. 
The young people are marching in the States and never again is a good slogan.

Our world is becoming more global which makes us more aware of all the hardship others are facing.

My church is full of good hearted people who have fought for good causes in the past.

We do not know our future of our country or our churches.
Ideally they have been a help to many poor and lost souls.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


The day always seems calmer when the snow is falling and there are no long drives on freeways.

Tension and stress play a role in all our lives.  Our opinions are based on what we think may be helpful.  There is a time to discuss how we feel but times to just let things rest. 

Ken went out shopping but was unable to find the things his son wanted.  It is hard to find just what we want sometimes. 

Dad tried to download my camera but he was not successful. 

I was watching the birds swooping out of our trees to eat the bird food.  The big crows came first as a family and then a woodpecker so brightly coloured came next.  Then the little birds took their turns.  There was plenty for them all.

They calmly took their turns.

I feel like I am getting a cold which I have fought off the germs that were all around me.

I built my faith on the facts that I was taught but now I can see the errors in a lot I believed which could have caused a theological meltdown except that my views have calmly changed over the year.

My faith is not built on a literal collection that is like a science or a history but on a search for the meaning that lies beyond human wisdom deeper than we know.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


We drove out to Chilliwack today.  An amazing beautiful day when the mountains were breath taking.

Again I took the wrong camera so I have no pictures.  Ken has some ideas.

This is from last Friday when Ken arrived I believe.

I came home all excited with my fantastic pictures but I cannot download them.

Our Canadian girls just failed in their attempt to get a medal in curling.  So disappointing for them.

We looked at a Seniors home in Chilliwack very near to where Theresa lives.  It was an older place but when you move into your apartment they update with all new cupboards etc.  I think I like the one in Langley the best but we will see what comes available and how we are doing at that time.

It would be great if dad could get his pain under control and it would change both of our lives.

Enjoying our visit with Ken.

Monday, February 19, 2018


We gathered around the table at Sandra and Randy's with our tummies full of good food to share some readings from dad's written stories. 
After Ben read one story there was a lively discussion.  Dad is a great story teller with his tails of adventures whether written down or retold.
A birthday is a good day to celebrate the past and hear about the future adventures of all the family.

We all contribute to the lives of others with our talents and unique personalities.

Today we drove out to Langley through the fields white with snow and the mountains coming closer and closer with clearness and majesty.

We went to look at the Seniors Home in Langley with Sandra and Ken.  A very impressive place that if we were to find the right room, with a door to the outside patio we could see ourselves making a home there.  Our names are on a list and we will see how the future unfolds.

Now there are many books being written that have faced up to the tragic mistakes of the past.

"It appears that religions, all religions, and perhaps even humanity itself, will not survive if we stay within tribal beliefs that only ours is the true religion."  Brain McLaren.

Hopefully we have learned from our pasts and are prepared to face a new future.

Sunday, February 18, 2018


A snowy pond

A snowyi yard
Snow qne turkey and chocolates from Ken make it seem like Christmas

Happy Birthday Dad!

Lots of fun, games and stories.
Camera is broken!

Saturday, February 17, 2018


Dreaming of a new home in White Rock if they win the lottery.  No ocean view that I can see so I will not buy a ticket.

A good outing for Ken to see and inspect a home of the future.

One of those days which started out with heavy rain and then a burst of sunshine.  The funny thing that happened was even when the sun came out there was  burts of rain showers in one corner of our yard.

The rain washes most of the snow away but it is still very cold.

I plan to attend church if possible before attending dinner at Sandra and Randy's.  Turkey is a real treat for us all but especially for Ken.

Lent is a new time of dreaming when we face change as being a time of sacrifice and self-emptying.

Jesus reveals a God not of lightning bolts but one of towel and basin.

Jesus is helping us to understand the deeper meaning of the word God.

This is taking us to a place where we acknowledge the failure of religion to capture this truth.

Dreaming of a time when violence can be replaced with peace and mercy towards all.

Friday, February 16, 2018


Gone are the days when we used to leave our door unlocked.  Usually because we could not find a .key we would end up the ones being locked out,  Today Sandra and Ken and I found ourselves locked out because the battery on the opener stopped working, 

It was cold and we had just been for a walk down to where my accident had occurred,.  It seems like ages ago to me and I am so thankful I did not hurt myself worse.

We looked in all the windows and everything was locked up tight.  Dad was in Langley getting his up graded pass to travel to the States.  We had no money as our wallets and purses where locked inside.  We headed to the White Spot to at least get warm.  Ken had made us a bit breakfast a big breakfast so we were not hungry but Sandra had come to late to enjoy the feast.

We sat and talked in the restaurant until dad arrived to pay the bill.

Yesterday we were locked out from the doctor's office.  We had arrived early too.
I read about  some of the sinful things done in the past by justify their white supremacy and the exploration of others.  Unlocking these horrible truths are heartbreaking but when we admit the truth we may be open to change.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Kim and her good friend Madison dropped by to pick up the stuff that Kim left here when she moved out.  Then they are going to enjoy the hot tub at Kim's place.  Sounds like fun!

My goal is to get ready for Ken and then off to the doctor's office.  First we will stop and buy some new runners for me as mine have holes in the bottom.  Not good for rainy or snowy days.

We expected to be going to the office not the Patterson Clinic, which I guess was my mistake.  We arrived after buying the shoes to find a note on the door which said closed for lunch.  Our appointment was for 12:45. 

We stood outside in the hallway after knocking on the door.  When the receptionist opens the door we discover we are in the wrong place.  It was over at Patterson.  The plan was to have lunch after our appointment.  I was getting very hungry and so was dad.

He was able to grab a subway sandwich while I hunted down a bathroom.  I found it but the door was locked.  I do not know why.

We drive over to the clinic where I was sent to get another x-ray.  A long wait like we had with Sandra and Randy. 

The doctor looked at the x-ray which did not look like anything to us.  The break has not gotten worse but neither has it healed.  I can go back in 6 weeks for another x-ray if I am still having pain.
Going up and down stairs is difficult because I cannot put total weight on the sore leg.

We ended up being there four hours so the day was dragging on.  We had planned on eating out and shopping at the grocery store on the way home.  Too tired to do either one.

Waiting for Sandra to arrive with Ken after his very long journey.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Dad, is still the romantic man I married, buying me these beautiful roses. 
Love is in he air!

Valentine's day is a special day for remembering the love that has kept us together..We each have strong opinions but it is important to remember to respect the opinion of the other.

If you love some one you will always forgive their mistakes.
We have both made a few.  I believe our love can even grow stronger
in the future.

We are entering the time of Lent in the Christian year.  Every season wakens a new opportunity to grow in our love for God and for others.  Lent a time to love with courage and honesty knowing that our hearts can be sensitive and at times we feel vulnerable.

Valentine's day can be an opportunity to express love in creative ways of kindness and thoughtfulness.

Friends at the church have been so very kind showing their love to both dad and I.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


The highlight of the day for me was holding tiny Astrid.  She is so precious.  We enjoyed a visit with Craig and Leah so the afternoon went by very quickly.  Ophelia will be busy making out valentines to share with her friends at day care.  I hope it is another fun day for her.  We missed her coming for a visit today.

Watched the Olympics after they left and saw the highlights of the day.  Canadians are doing well!

Believe it or not it is snowing as we get ready for bed.

It really felt cold enough to snow today.

Monday, February 12, 2018


The arrival of another sunny day lifts our spirits.  It is cold with ice on our little pond at the back.

We were sitting awaiting the arrival of our guests and when they did not turn up I phoned and found it was there mix up not mine.  We have rescheduled for Wed.

The good thing was that getting ready for them got us both doing things.  I vacuumed and dad washed the kitchen floor.  I baked muffins and we bought some fruit at the store.  Looking forward to something is thee best medicine. 

We are looking forward to a visit from Craig and Leah to-morrow.  A visit is good for our  spirits.

We had a long visit with Theresa on the phone she is becoming very active with her union activities.

I took the time to do a bit of work in the garden just reaching things I could from the edge.  I was amazed to see the growth of new little shoots that were hidden now coming out into the light.  I took time to welcome the stillness of the afternoon and breath in the fresh air.

We wait the arrival of Ken with great anticipation!

Sunday, February 11, 2018


A sunny day with a visit from Sandra and Randy after doing some running around.

I wake up undecided about attending church.  Not quite up to it and I feel a bit like I am just drifting along.  It is a place where I regain my spiritual strength as well as the physical because of the great community spirit.  I would like to just sit quietly in the back but I know people will want to ask me how we are doing.

I did not make the effort instead drifted through the day.'

I worked cleaning out our closet which stores fans and steamers and small heaters etc.

Tomorrow friends are coming for a visit in the afternoon.  It is good to have some one to talk with and share the ups and downs of life.

Our church is also drifting towards the time it will be closing down.  A very sad thing as I do not know if we will go some place else, but in a year or two life is going to be different I expect.

The future is always uncertain but I hope for new possibilities.

Love is the Way even for us drifters!

Saturday, February 10, 2018


Kim came over Friday night and her and I got so occupied listening to dad's tall tales I was too tired to do a blog.  I had been busy tidying up and getting ready for Tavia and Shawn to come over early Sat. morning.
Big brother Oliver telling his baby brother tall tales.  He is doing well at talking and even likes to sing. 
Tavis is a busy mom with a three week old baby.  Daddy Shawna has been home to help but goes back on Monday. 
Shawn plays hockey so maybe Ken and dad can go and watch.
After a bit of a rest dad and I went shopping to Tsawwasson to the Center Stage where we had gift certificates from Carol and Panteli.  Lots of interesting things for us to look at and we were happy with our purchases.
This was a busy day for us and I hope we continue to do more each day.

Ken phoned in his way to work and he will arrive on Thursday at 7 p.m.
We are looking forward to his visit. We will see how he sleeps on the bed before we make any changes.  There is also the smaller bed in my computer room.

The Bible is full of tall tales, which seem unbelievable but I do not think you have to believe only look for the meaning in the story.

The message that Jesus gave was all about loving one another not about having to believe all church doctrine etc.

Thursday, February 8, 2018


The sun was shining on our journey to Ladner to return our recorder.

An escape back into time where we often used to go just walking and looking around.
I even worked in the Hospital Thrift Store many many years ago.  Lots of fun!
It was an exceptional day for a drive with the blue sky and fluffy white clouds.

We drove around Ladner and stopped in a tiny coffee shop for coffee and goodies.  They even had gluten free ones.  Ladner is such a quaint town but dads feet were too sore to walk around.  I will do lots of walking with Ken when he arrives.

To-morrow we are going to go back to the store where we have gift certificates for in Tsawwassen.  We forgot to take them to-day.  It gives us an excuse to go for another drive to-morrow.  

I want to get back getting out more.
I walked to the store and back to-day.
A little step with big steps.

Many of my wants in life our simple'
Each day a new beginning.
We make ourselves happy by making others happy!


I have experienced painful times in the past but I find the most painful things are the concern for the pain family members are going through.  Sandra, Rick and Mary and maybe others.  The doctor is now concerned about Rick's liver so that means more blood tests and another Scan.  Praying for answers so whatever the cause of his sickness it can be dealt with.

Early morning cold and dull after a sleepless night where I was dreaming of searching for answers and for lost articles.  Pain is a struggle to find answers to our many questions.  We cannot escape the pain and worry about our family which is worse than any we have experienced.  We are encouraged to deal with pain in healthy ways to the best of our ability.  We can try to seek good advice.

One of the thins about growing old is the reality that there is much n life we cannot control.  I pray but my heart still feels the burden of worry.  Frailty and weakness have to be excepted at our age.

None of us can predict what is around the corner but change is inevitable.  We continue to hope for courage and renewed strength and hope.

We are all fragile beings and we face difficult and painful experiences at every age. There are people who love and care for us encouraging us to take each day as a gift.

This is a moment you have been givesn
this is the life you have been called to live."  Kelly Kapic

Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has worry of its own."   Jesus Mt. 6:34

I believe the Scripture has wisdom to help us especially in painful times.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Ophelia sees me point the camera and she possess for  the picture.  She stayed very close to mommy for her visit with us.

Grandpa takes a turn with baby Astrid. 

Another fun day with Leah dropping off some Sheppard Pie to give us a change from soup.  The soup has been wonderful but this was a nice change.  Dad had not had any lunch yet so he gave it the taste test.  He really enjoyed it.

Our day had been very quiet so we really appreciated the visit.


My prayer is to return to the park and to even go further walking bigger steps than before

I have been through times of struggle, as we all have, and I continue to find comfort in prayer.

There lives within each one of us a spirit of holiness that waits to be discovered.

"The Spirit helps us in our weaknesses
for we do not know how to pray as we should
but the Spirit intercedes with groaning too deep for words
and He who searches the hearts  knows what the mind of the Spirit is
because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God."

Sometimes I do not know what to pray for or what I really need.
My prayers seemed to be answered with silence which can be disheartening.
Maybe I need to be more honest and open.

This prayer has helped me.

"In the darkness You are our Light

In the storm You are our Anchor

In time of violence You are our Peace

In times of weakness You are our Strength

In our grief You are our Comfort

In our despair You are our hope

You set us free with Your forgiveness, grace and mercy!

Your Love fills our hearts and heals our souls and bodies."

I need to keep listening and to keep waiting and trusting.

I pray for all my family with all my heart and all the wisdom of the Spirit.

Answers may come silently. unexpectedly.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


The new shoots are growing in between the old.  I would like to do a few things outside but . . .

I am in between.  Not well enough to be well but not sick enough to be sick. 

Dad had an early appointment at the eye doctor.. Good news his eye pressure is good.

Next he went and bought a printer as the old ones seems to be on strike.

There is a meeting at the church to-morrow but I probably will not go.

I find it hard to concentrate right now.

My 5 or was it 6 weeks must be just about up. 

I agree with the Jewish Rabbi who said:   "What we are looking for meaning to guide us in the predicaments of life, to let us know who we are, where we are going, to help us be better people, so we can heal the world."

Every life has a story and hidden deep within is purpose and meaning.

Monday, February 5, 2018


Ophelia likes football.  She watched along with grandpa and Craig and Leah.

I am trying to live in the present and not worry about the future.  I know that everything will fall into place at the right time.
 Sometimes it is just as well if we do not see the future.

I walked to the Safeway and then dad picked me up after he walked around the store trying to find me.  Some thing do not change.

A strange thing happened when we were talking to the man who came to collect for the Heart and Stroke Fund.  We found out where he lives and it was his house that I fell down in front of.  His wife brought out the blanket and brought out a chair for dad to sit in.  The ambulance took about 10 or 15 minutes.

Now he is at our front door.

We are excited about Craig's future plans running for alderman in Delta.  He would make a good spokesperson for all of us.  Way to go Craig!  Our future will be in good hands.

The future of the Christian faith seems to be uncertain and yet I believe that as believers are willing to search for the deeper answers that are buried in past errors that it will become even stronger.

The Christian faith has a future!  Conversion starts with believers not unbelievers!

The foundation will continue to be rooted in Jesus Christ and in the good news that he brought.
We continue to value family and the wisdom out of which he drew from an ancient well of faith.

Sunday, February 4, 2018


Our quiet Sunday livens up with a visit from Craig and Leah and Olivia and Astrid.
I had a good opportunity to get to know Astrid, feeding her and holding her.
Ophelia knows I am taking her picture.
She is watching her big sister.

We did not go to church today because I am physically and emotionally not ready yet.
I had a quiet walk instead.
I reread some of my old Christian books trying to make up my mind to give some away.

I am hopeful that by next week I will be ready to be back into the swing of things.

I want to keep my faith alive as I continue to learn and to grow spiritually.