Thursday, February 8, 2018


I have experienced painful times in the past but I find the most painful things are the concern for the pain family members are going through.  Sandra, Rick and Mary and maybe others.  The doctor is now concerned about Rick's liver so that means more blood tests and another Scan.  Praying for answers so whatever the cause of his sickness it can be dealt with.

Early morning cold and dull after a sleepless night where I was dreaming of searching for answers and for lost articles.  Pain is a struggle to find answers to our many questions.  We cannot escape the pain and worry about our family which is worse than any we have experienced.  We are encouraged to deal with pain in healthy ways to the best of our ability.  We can try to seek good advice.

One of the thins about growing old is the reality that there is much n life we cannot control.  I pray but my heart still feels the burden of worry.  Frailty and weakness have to be excepted at our age.

None of us can predict what is around the corner but change is inevitable.  We continue to hope for courage and renewed strength and hope.

We are all fragile beings and we face difficult and painful experiences at every age. There are people who love and care for us encouraging us to take each day as a gift.

This is a moment you have been givesn
this is the life you have been called to live."  Kelly Kapic

Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has worry of its own."   Jesus Mt. 6:34

I believe the Scripture has wisdom to help us especially in painful times.


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, tomorrow has worries of its own.

That was very nice of Leah to drop off some Shepard's Pie.

I see the kidney stone doctor today and he is supposed to tell me what to do and eat over the coming years to keep from having a second kidney stone.

Now I am mainly waiting for the new scans/tests to be scheduled. Feeling weak but the puffers cut down on the wheezing and coughing.



nancy-Lou said...

I am so sorry to hear that Rick is feeling so badly. It has been a tough go for him the last few months. glad to hear that he is having more tests and hopefully they can make him "right as rain"...steady too! I am sure it is a worry for you and Larry, doesn't matter how old our 'kids' are...we still worry about them. I do the same darned thing! I keep Rick and you both in my prayers.

My cousin in Red Deer is out of ICU and off the respirator. He was on it for about 6 days with double bacterial pneumonia...he had the bad flu first. So thankfully he is doing better, but he was in critical condition for quite a while. Age 27. Young and healthy young man...hard to believe it could hit him like that.

We too, have been having worries and I don't think they are going to end anytime soon. My income tax was done wrong last year and I just received word that I had to pay back $3,460. I was in total shock. I called them and they said the woman who worked was recommended by Revenue Canada to do senior's income tax, put in a number stating that I had paid income tax last year and I hadn't. My only income was old age pension and GIS.
It was a mistake on her part. When I talked to her she said she didn't have insurance to cover I am on the hook.

But the good news is I have planned a series of one day a month to help to pay it back. I just hope I feel ok to teach them. they are tiring and the Poly Myalgia Rheumatica is painful. Hoping for the best!

It is supper to get it on the table..have a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy What dreadful news.

I do not understand why you have to pay for her mistake.

You know what pain is with your Poly Myalgia Rheumatica.

Thank you for your prayers.

Rick I hope the diet is not too tough.

I have been usung a puffer the last few days as
I hae a nasty cough. Just when I thought I had escaped the cough.

Love mom

beth bennett said...

Larry thinks the mistake just has to be admitted.

Can some one give you advice?

Love Beth

nancy-Lou said...

The lady who did my income tax wants to see the tax form to see where she made the mistake. so I will take it into her. She doesn't have insurance as she is a volunteer tax preparer. She didn't offer to pay for it.

She also have me an address for revenue canada tax payer relief so I will see if anything can be done. But after talking to revenue Canada they said I have to pay it because I received it and wasn't supposed to get it. The money was all spent as soon as we received it..paying house taxes and things for Carl. So I guess it is my responsibility to pay it back.
It looks like I will have to pay it back monthly. So planning some watercolour classes for winter and spring.

the title to your blog says it all...painful. I am sorry to hear that your family is having troubles too..I sure hope that everything works out for Mary and the children. Is she coming back to Vancouver? I will add them to my list of prayers..which is growing longer all the time! May they have strength and courage to make the changes necessary.

Love, Nancy