Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Dad, is still the romantic man I married, buying me these beautiful roses. 
Love is in he air!

Valentine's day is a special day for remembering the love that has kept us together..We each have strong opinions but it is important to remember to respect the opinion of the other.

If you love some one you will always forgive their mistakes.
We have both made a few.  I believe our love can even grow stronger
in the future.

We are entering the time of Lent in the Christian year.  Every season wakens a new opportunity to grow in our love for God and for others.  Lent a time to love with courage and honesty knowing that our hearts can be sensitive and at times we feel vulnerable.

Valentine's day can be an opportunity to express love in creative ways of kindness and thoughtfulness.

Friends at the church have been so very kind showing their love to both dad and I.


Carol said...

Beautiful flowers!

Steady-as-rain said...

Valentines Day can be something special.



nancy-Lou said...

Those roses are such a beautiful colour...apricot. Well done, Larry. It is so nice to hear you still buy your sweet wife flowers after all these years. I bet they will last a long time.

Yes we too, disagree at times, but we always seem to work things out!

I bet you are excited to Ken's arriving. Good times ahead!

It is cold here...but the Ravens, Owls and coyotes think it is spring as they are all in an amorous mood. The Ravens had a very noisy conference yesterday...there was a lot of croaking going on which made me think they were fighting over lady raven. There young are born early in March as are the owls. it seems so cold, but somehow the babies survive.

It was too cold to take the dogs for a walk, although they thought otherwise and begged. I would bundle up and take them out and we wouldn't even get to the end of the driveway and they would be hopping on their paws and looking back at the house. the high today was -23. With a stiff wind.

Which reminds me I had better go out and feed the birds so they can stock up before the long night.

Love to all,

beth bennett said...

Our crows are acting up too!

Love bett