Sunday, February 25, 2018


I have been thinking that old age should all be about enjoyment; at least that was what I was thinking on my walk today.  If we lived in a place where there lots of activities would we be happier? 

To be honest many things I used to enjoy doing I do not feel the same about.

Oprah says turn your wounds into wisdom.  Happiness is about making others happy.

  Surround yourself with positive people.

I have to believe my life has value no matter where I am.

If I enjoy trying to find truth by asking questions and reading about the experiences of others and finding wisdom to create a vision that gives my life wisdom and inner strength.

There will be enjoyment when I see the purpose and meaning in my relationships I have now and in the future ones I will enjoy.


Sandra said...

I enjoyed my day Sunday reading by the sunny window in the kitchen, then by the fire later, then making supper and watching my decorating shows that had taped.

Lots of things for you and dad to consider the pros and cons of before making a decision. In the end it will have to be what you guys think makes the most sense for you. I personally would love to have one of those suites that looks into the courtyard. Being able to sit out there in morning with my coffee in the summer would be nice. You and dad are very fortunate you can afford something so nice and have all of these options.

Peanut is not doing well, not eating and walking very slow. So hard to know what is bothering her since she has so many issues. I feel bad leaving her with Kimberly and wish I could take her to Edmonton when we go in May.


nancy-Lou said...

Awe, poor Peanut. So sorry to hear she is not doing well. You feel so helpless when they are sick and you have done pretty much all you can do for them. How old is she now? She must be a senior.
My puppers are 10 and have been pretty healthy. Bella got an awful skin infection which turned her skin grey black and it bothered her a lot. I got some cream from the mobile vet but ended up taking in to see a vet and she did a skin biopsy and found out it was a bacterial infection...that was probably caused from a couple of nicks in the skin when she was at the groomers.
I know not to take her back there and it cost $149 at the vets.
I am mentioning this in case you go to groomers, Sandra. i wished I had put peroxide where the skin was broken on her belly.
Have you thought about driving to Edmonton and taking Peanut? Maybe the drive would be too hard on her...and the change of places. Dogs do like their own homes. Well I will add her to my prayers..feel better Peanut! Hugs to you Sandra.

The seniors home sounds so and Larry are fortunate to be able to afford such a lovely place. We will have to go into subsidized senior housing. But I am ok with that...just as long as we can have a suite on the main floor with a patio.

Beth I too notice that things I enjoyed doing are not as appealing now. I think it is all part of getting older...needing more rest and staying home more often. W
e are winding down now!

Take pleasure from the simple things in life and I know you do! All the little birds singing...the beautiful warm spring much to enjoy. As long as we are on this earth we have a purpose...albeit, perhaps different from what we would like, but we are needed here.

I was glad to hear that Ken arrived back home. My goodness that is a loog flight. 20 hours! i think I would go stir crazy!

Love to all,

beth bennett said...

YES I know we are very fortunate
and I want to make our lives as enjoyable as I can
while we can.

Love mom