Saturday, February 17, 2018


Dreaming of a new home in White Rock if they win the lottery.  No ocean view that I can see so I will not buy a ticket.

A good outing for Ken to see and inspect a home of the future.

One of those days which started out with heavy rain and then a burst of sunshine.  The funny thing that happened was even when the sun came out there was  burts of rain showers in one corner of our yard.

The rain washes most of the snow away but it is still very cold.

I plan to attend church if possible before attending dinner at Sandra and Randy's.  Turkey is a real treat for us all but especially for Ken.

Lent is a new time of dreaming when we face change as being a time of sacrifice and self-emptying.

Jesus reveals a God not of lightning bolts but one of towel and basin.

Jesus is helping us to understand the deeper meaning of the word God.

This is taking us to a place where we acknowledge the failure of religion to capture this truth.

Dreaming of a time when violence can be replaced with peace and mercy towards all.


Sandra said...

Well, looking outside this morning turkey was a perfect choice for today.

Maybe I should drag out the Christmas tree. : )


nancy-Lou said...

Dreamers! Well I am dreaming of spring! I hope we have an early one as this winter has been COLD. Not much snow, but cold, especially the night temperatures. Most have been well below -20.
Happy Birthday to Larry! I wish you a wonderful day with your family and I am sure you will enjoy the turkey supper.

It amazes me how the plants in your garden can survive the frost and snow...but they soldier on with green shoots don't they? it kind of reminds me of life....we can go through adversity but our desire to survive is there.

I see you have been looking at new Ken thinking of moving his family to Vancouver? That would be a big move! it is fun to look at new houses. I haven't done that in a long time.

Life has been slow, mainly staying home and watching the Olympics. Soon the curling game between Canada and Switzerland will be on the telly. it is a replay as most of the games are played during out night time when we are sleeping. So they have replays during the day. I find it hard to find out what times things are on...they are scattered all over the tv guide...tsn, sports net and CBC.

Bella and Max are waiting to go for a walk, but I will do that after the curling. it will be warmer then. The wind chill is -38...too cold for even me!

Have a wonderful day and supper..


beth bennett said...

Nancy the homethey were looking at was a prize home.

No one wants to live in it.

Ken will not move.

We are having lively discussions with him here.

A great day.

Love beth

Shandel said...

Happy birthday to Grandpa! Sending you lots of happy love and good wishes.
Enjoy your dinner and visiting with family.