Wednesday, February 7, 2018


My prayer is to return to the park and to even go further walking bigger steps than before

I have been through times of struggle, as we all have, and I continue to find comfort in prayer.

There lives within each one of us a spirit of holiness that waits to be discovered.

"The Spirit helps us in our weaknesses
for we do not know how to pray as we should
but the Spirit intercedes with groaning too deep for words
and He who searches the hearts  knows what the mind of the Spirit is
because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God."

Sometimes I do not know what to pray for or what I really need.
My prayers seemed to be answered with silence which can be disheartening.
Maybe I need to be more honest and open.

This prayer has helped me.

"In the darkness You are our Light

In the storm You are our Anchor

In time of violence You are our Peace

In times of weakness You are our Strength

In our grief You are our Comfort

In our despair You are our hope

You set us free with Your forgiveness, grace and mercy!

Your Love fills our hearts and heals our souls and bodies."

I need to keep listening and to keep waiting and trusting.

I pray for all my family with all my heart and all the wisdom of the Spirit.

Answers may come silently. unexpectedly.


nancy-Lou said...

Prayer...I think the thing about prayer is, we often don't get the answers we expect to get. God sees things differently than we do and sometimes there are lessons for us to learn that we may not like. That is my take on it! I may be wrong or you may think otherwise, which is ok with me!

Isn't that nice to see Leah and the children come over often to visit and to bring you some shepherds pie as well. You are blessed. I wish we had a baby in the family to love. But I don't think that is going to happen for a long time. I do love babies. Such sweet photos of Leah and Larry with the children. Leah looks so lovely.

Some of our days can be rather dull as well. I guess that is what happens to seniors in the wintertime, when we become rather shut in. I am a homebody and really don't mind that at all.

I wish you a good sleep, Beth,
Love, nancy

beth bennett said...

I totally agree with you Nancy.

Love Beth