Thursday, February 15, 2018


Kim and her good friend Madison dropped by to pick up the stuff that Kim left here when she moved out.  Then they are going to enjoy the hot tub at Kim's place.  Sounds like fun!

My goal is to get ready for Ken and then off to the doctor's office.  First we will stop and buy some new runners for me as mine have holes in the bottom.  Not good for rainy or snowy days.

We expected to be going to the office not the Patterson Clinic, which I guess was my mistake.  We arrived after buying the shoes to find a note on the door which said closed for lunch.  Our appointment was for 12:45. 

We stood outside in the hallway after knocking on the door.  When the receptionist opens the door we discover we are in the wrong place.  It was over at Patterson.  The plan was to have lunch after our appointment.  I was getting very hungry and so was dad.

He was able to grab a subway sandwich while I hunted down a bathroom.  I found it but the door was locked.  I do not know why.

We drive over to the clinic where I was sent to get another x-ray.  A long wait like we had with Sandra and Randy. 

The doctor looked at the x-ray which did not look like anything to us.  The break has not gotten worse but neither has it healed.  I can go back in 6 weeks for another x-ray if I am still having pain.
Going up and down stairs is difficult because I cannot put total weight on the sore leg.

We ended up being there four hours so the day was dragging on.  We had planned on eating out and shopping at the grocery store on the way home.  Too tired to do either one.

Waiting for Sandra to arrive with Ken after his very long journey.

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